Yucks. ...Puke..
Travelled 100km alone with old man for dinner abroad.
Karch$ng bin auditor with A1 in literature.
You bastard coward liar slandering me non stop calling me mistress slut. Sorry but I can't lie.
Went to polis make leeport for Internet bully.
Ah jah jer? ?? Jangan lawatan forum lah :*:
Refusal to heed polis advice, gang raped in Internet .
100km, I suspect the cheap slut is trying to get her name in his will. That's why she can deliver her chow hai all the way there to smoke him.
Semaj2357 did you lose your pants in gambling and so turned to bullying women like me? Btw what you said is not true for me.
You are bullied here because you are a retard, not because you are a woman. In cyberspace, there is gender equality because nobody know of your true gender unless they meet you outside.
You are bullied here because you are a retard, not because you are a woman. In cyberspace, there is gender equality because nobody know of your true gender unless they meet you outside.
If see this siao cheebye outside will shave her bald and kick her hard between her legs.
COWARD mudlander liar bastard post your NRIC certified by notary public and I will definitely see you outside in court. You can then prove what you said below and go to jail straight away.
knn just now at ntuc buy potong gold maoshanwang ice cream, got one siao char boh take 5 boxes and left one damaged box behind for me. pua yaosiu lah cheebai.
Your ugly nipples will be sliced off as well before all your Indian fans from facebook will zoom in and gang rape every hole of yours. Fuck till your 7 holes all bleed.