KNN got good news and bad news KNN悍妇大闹酒吧伤人-谎言被拆穿-难逃牢灾
Good news is signora will most probably have her sentence extended 3 folds of 12 weeks after the appeal i.e 9 months KNN
Bad news is this thread still cannot have a finale becas signora will still continue to attend court sessions from next week onwards

according to China press signora told many lies in court KNN (辩护毫无理据,完全是一派胡言) same rike Very Kind Lady KNN
Also actually signora all the while also has another case on hand

in 2015 KNN (
2015年4月11日午夜12时左右) in Goldhill plaza kicking civilians

KNN but signora didn't plead guilty on wed KNN (但她不认罪,经由审讯后日前被判罪成) but the Judge finally decided to convict and sentence her
and same time the prosecution is also appealing to triple her sentence from 12 weeks to 9 months KNN (要求法官判被告坐牢9个月) same rike
@ginfreely 死不回改 KNN and this sentence is for the 2015 kick civilian case KNN the 2016 kick polis case hasn't been sentence which means fucking slut will be in changi at least for years as kicking polis is even more serious KNN
@ginfreely lei tai

my uncle give last leeminder to you