We miss so many opportunities in the old days when pengkias were the ones that actually did the cooking in the cookhouse. Lau cheow will remember those days when they line up with them metal trays and pengkias cooks will ladle the slop onto the various compartments of your tray.
Imagine, these pengkias, many of them were school drop outs or those that cannot study and have poor prospects, imagine during their vocation training, they could be taught how to make the traditional singapore hawker food. eg. char kway teow, chicken rice, wontan mee, etc. The SAF could have hired older hawkers as instructors and train them. They can use their training to cook better hawker style food in the cookhouse. Today, these cooks would be the ones running the stalls in the hawker centres and keeping alive the singapore food tradition. Instead we have a lot of old uncles and aunties that will retire soon and the recipe will die with them.