PRC Pet groomer jailed for killing ah neh's dog
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Oct 24, 2009
Pet groomer jailed <!--10 min-->
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Mr Deva Rajan and his wife, Magesh, with a photo of Junior. A post-mortem showed the dog died after it was hit on the head. -- FILE PHOTO: THE NEW PAPER
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A PET groomer - who had his hands full with a Maltese terrier taking nips at him while being shaved last month - hit the dog so hard with a pair of clippers that it died on the grooming table. A post-mortem by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) revealed that the three-year-old, 3.5kg pet named Junior had been hit on its head.
Sun Hu, a 24-year-old Chinese national, was on Friday jailed for two weeks for what he did. A district court heard that Junior's owner, Mr Deva Rajan Kamalasanan, 47, took the dog to the Strawberry Pet Shop in Corporation Road in Jurong on Sept 13. The pet shop's owner, Mr Tong Cheng Ooh, 59, suggested that the dog be completely shaved, as its fur was matted on its flank. Mr Deva Rajan, a general manager, agreed and left his pet at the shop. Half an hour later, he received a phone call telling him that Junior had died.