They follow KL plus good for other muslim tourists.
Come to think of it, even in dubai, they serve pork in hotel restaurants.
what do you mean by even in dubai?
abu dhabi regime is as much kuffar as it gets
it has publicly recognized zionist terror regime like turkey
it has openly aligned itself with saffron terrorist hindutva regime in ceca virus like a vassal, just like bangla
iit has bombed killed invaded fellow Muslims in Yemen also sent troops to Afghanistan at its yankee masters' orders but never fought a
single kafir country
it has legalized all sorts of haram activities within its shores
it along with al saud regime helped topple popularly elected Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and replaced them with a dictatorial regime of Al Sisi, an agent of Zionist radical terrorists
for all intents and purposes, the al saud regime and MBZ are kafir.
you might as well say that zionist terrorists and yankees eat pork therefore such and such can be permitted
to kill kafir westerners, the one and only thing you need is weapons
1. no bullshit invented excuses like third world sh*thole dwelling Muslims invent about Imaan is needed, not weapons
2. no bullshit invented excuses like euro fags invent about economy or secularism is needed, not military
if 1 were not true, if Iman mattered more than weapons in killing kuffar, then what happened when kuffar fought each other? Kuffar never had Iman to begin with.
this disproves the theory mentioned in 1.
if 2 were not true, if secularism or economy is all that mattered, why Indon or ASEAN is no military or technological or geopolitical power while even poorer countries like Pakistan North Korea are much stronger so is zionist terrorst regime backed up by Yankees.
even non nulcear weapon states like iran turkey are militarily stronger than weaklings like indon or asean, though it is true iran or turkey or egypt are just medium sized countries of only 80-100 million people and boud to remain weaklings.
without population you are not going to be a powerful country
secularism, economy or other european western bs has never helped a country become stronger.
indon + asean great examples of it
europe is now on verge of being backwater that is at beck and call of yankees.
because of stupid theories like economy and secularism, small populaton are better than military might, nuclear bombs, bigger populations