Or for others, Darwin's hands.
erm... in Darwin's hand? please, that old man is long dead and may he rest in peace.
Darwin's idea merely suggested that organisms are put through selection pressure and may flourish or perish depending on the surrounding conditions.
simply put, one group of locust, the ones which camouflages itself best to avoid predation and being able to reproduce quickly would flourish, whilst the yellow ones are quickly spotted by predators, perhaps doesn't reproduce quickly enough to replace their population, would perish.
that kind of natural selection presents itself as a pressure, favoring the green colored locust, supposing the area get hits by drought, the yellow locust might have a higher chance of survival.
so much for the locusts, Darwin made use of the Galapagos Finches to describe this observation. it was from here, that we deduce that if the Finches came from a single pair of parents initially, the selection pressure would result in slight deviation in terms of the appearance of the Finches' beak, pretty much due to the type of food that is available, which was the case in those small island groups in Galapagos.
yes, birds can fly... and i'm pretty sure Darwin haven't come across genotyping back in those days... a run on the DNA samples of those Finches could probably tell us how related those Finches are to one another.
drawing that to human population, pray tell that back in 5000BC it was highly possible for a Caucasian to marry an Asian. look at the conditions now, besides that social stigma, if the male found the female sexually attractive enough and vice versa, the humping goes.