I hold a different point of view: that faith brings sight.
i have good faith that i will die one day, and i have good faith that i do not know what lies beyond death and i have good faith that i do not wish to say i know what lies beyond death or even using any popular beliefs to stake a claim on it. i also have good faith that i'm still ignorant and i have good faith that this ignorance at this juncture need not be ridiculed for most of us do not know what lies beyond death. for a simple reason, most of us haven't really figured what consciousness is.
i have good faith that popular beliefs need not necessarily be the way how things work, simply because history has shown that the past ignorance would often be replaced by the more logical and rational. i also have good faith that
Homo sapiens would just be a small part of this living system and it doesn't really matter if this human civilization would perpetuate since we are all under the mercy of geological temperaments.
do we even need to justify the movements of plate tectonics and celestial bodies and/or even quantum physics? this certainly adds to the faith that we, as
Homo sapiens, are still very ignorant about this universe we live in. do we need to attribute it to something supernatural for every unexplained? so who would like to attribute the sun's rising to the roosters' crows? who has faith in the
Celestial Teapot who provided you a nice cuppa this morning? who has faith in the
Invisible Pink Unicorn who provided you with food on your table for every meal?