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Chitchat Euro 2024 Punter Discussion


have watched a few matches here n there. ze french looks good, will go all ze way. :thumbsup:

england really play like shit, jude bellingham iz zidane like at madrid. wat happened? :o-o:

The dude jude is tired after a long season including winning the champions league. :unsure::frown::wink:

Ze French looks ordinary, they may lose to Belgium in the next round. :unsure::eek::biggrin:


The dude jude is tired after a long season including winning the champions league. :unsure::frown::wink:

Ze French looks ordinary, they may lose to Belgium in the next round. :unsure::eek::biggrin:

ze french iz ze only team 2 beat ralf rangnick’s austria. besides, mppabe iz at most at 50% peak form. :thumbsup:



Nothing to bet so Fun bet without secret code guidance :biggrin:

Earlier afternoon collected j k leagues until no tomorrow according to secret code and all High odds:roflmao:
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Bad New Brown

Doubt it, Southgate is their weakest link.

Mr Bellingham might get the goal of the tournament award.

The present England teams is the strongest in Europe and only France can match them.

It will be likely a France vs England Finals :biggrin:

This is best chance to win a major international trophy since 1966 World Cup and Harry Kane finally get to lift his first trophy as England skipper in his career.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The present England teams is the strongest in Europe and only France can match them.

It will be likely a France vs England Finals :biggrin:

This is best chance to win a major international trophy since 1966 World Cup and Harry Kane finally get to lift his first trophy as England skipper in his career.

To hell with Harry Kane. He should be Spursy wherever he goes. No trophy for him, not even at Bayern Munich. :cool:

Bad New Brown

To hell with Harry Kane. He should be Spursy wherever he goes. No trophy for him, not even at Bayern Munich. :cool:

Every lousy dog will also had its finest hour in their career lifespan. Nobody will be a loser forever unless he/she is damned useless.

Success that come early in life may not be good at all.