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Chitchat Euro 2024 Punter Discussion

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The big problem with England football is the toxic media. They just set up the team to fail from day one. And everyone gets on the crazy train. No sane and competent person will want the England manager job because it's pointless

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
England befitting their title of the perpetual bridesmaid.
not for lacking quality players but lacking quality mentality.
the media doesn't help, too much media attention and expectations. Slim win, they think they have the biggest cock in the world.
they wank until the players think they can beat anybody.
they had a good qualification journey but a torrid competition scrapping through with luck.


a very interesting take. ze current england squad has deep spanish roots modeled after ze 2008-2012 spanish team.
