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Chitchat Euro 2024 Punter Discussion


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tur 0 Por 3 56min.
Never see CR7 so unselfish before, 1 to 1 with GK but he chooses to pass it to Fernandes to tap in open goal.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hope Turkey gets eliminated, sick of their fans jeering whenever the opponent touches the ball. It happens in the Champions League too.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Hope Turkey gets eliminated, sick of their fans jeering whenever the opponent touches the ball. It happens in the Champions League too.
The coach should be shot. Put a goalie who has only played a couple of premier league matches. No one from Turkish league ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
By the way, fuck this guy for demanding that Turkey's official name got changed to Tur-kee-yay. :rolleyes:


Bad New Brown

ok. think Croatia is going out.

This time Croatia very likely to lose and no miracle will happen like in World Cup 2018 (silver medals) and World Cup 2022 (bronze medals).

The Croatia players are too old and slow in running to the defense especially towards the end of the injury times while Italy missed out the last two WC plus the Italians are the defending champions so die die must win Croatia to qualify.

Italy will not play for draw :speechless:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Italy vs Croatia highlights.

At around 9:51 you can see the glorious angmoh Italian tuakee sausage.

The euphoria of victory can also make a man get hard, it need not necessarily involve sexual arousal.
