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Chitchat Euro 2024 Punter Discussion


I thought upset in football is regarded as an underdog beating the hot favourites :coffee:

not necessarily :biggrin:



red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
me think England will choke w/ Denmark....England always do. Draw with Denmark.
italy & spain looks interesting. Think also draw.
Slovenia -Serbia....me think Slovenia will nick it.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
haha....England play like shit...they r lucky to come out with a draw....to think man U want to hire Southgate as coach...


haha....England play like shit...they r lucky to come out with a draw....to think man U want to hire Southgate as coach...
both Hag and Southgate were defenders. their tactics are the same, fucking rudderless. play defensive when you have great attackers


Congratulations to all samsters who are huating.
I have only some usual comments.
Just look at yesterday's match between Slovakia and Serbia.
And ask yourself this question.
Why can Serbia get a corner kick goal at the last sec to make it 1-1?
The rest don't need me to explain again. :geek:
I didn't punt on this kind of major events including bpl as my secret code doesn't work for it.
However I continuing to huat till no tomorrow for other leagues like J League k league MLS etc too many screen to show:roflmao:


Congratulations to all samsters who are huating.
I have only some usual comments.
Just look at yesterday's match between Slovakia and Serbia.
And ask yourself this question.
Why can Serbia get a corner kick goal at the last sec to make it 1-1?
The rest don't need me to explain again. :geek:
I didn't punt on this kind of major events including bpl as my secret code doesn't work for it.
However I continuing to huat till no tomorrow for other leagues like J League k league MLS etc too many screen to show:roflmao:
Not say I want to exaggerate.
At those last few secs leftover moment to fulltime, even they send me, a uncle to be the defender, I would have ways to overcome a corner kick opportunity :roflmao: :rolleyes:

Bad New Brown

Congratulations to all samsters who are huating.
I have only some usual comments.
Just look at yesterday's match between Slovakia and Serbia.
And ask yourself this question.
Why can Serbia get a corner kick goal at the last sec to make it 1-1?
The rest don't need me to explain again. :geek:
I didn't punt on this kind of major events including bpl as my secret code doesn't work for it.
However I continuing to huat till no tomorrow for other leagues like J League k league MLS etc too many screen to show:roflmao:

Bro tomorrow your J-League 2pm match Machida Zelvia vs Avispa Fukuoka.

Machida just got promoted to J-League this season and they are pacesetter now :biggrin:

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
slovakia vs ukraine- looks like boring on paper. Slovakia fluke win over Belgium means they can be counted. Slovakia can win putting pressure on Belgium vs Romania which is a sure win.
poland vs austria - don't think austria has sufficient to win. likely first team to fuck off in the competition with 2nd loss.
netherlands vs france - i say france to nick it. netherlands lack the firepower and midfield credentials of France.