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Englishman John Bowring said superior and predominant Hokkien blood elevated the Pinoys!


High class and non malicious people like me have no clones unless no choice due to being banned. Unlike you low class and malicious dogs so proud using clones to do evil. Pui!
Remember ok everyone? Malice is always a trait of big bully like kt latha and her carbon copy @AhMeng.


Who want to be friend with siaolang? Not me hor. I entertain myself song song nia.
As usual malicious dogs and bitches always act blur when caught. I said PRETEND to be friends. Not want to be friends. And of course it’s big bully trait to call bullying people as entertainment.


Old Fart
See everyone? You Hakka dog has been blaming Hokkiens for everything in Philippine and then deny shamelessly. Just like you can shamelessly say loudly in the thread of filthy Indian psychopath @UltimaOnline aka @glockman clone that you have no malice towards me when you have been viciously attacking me non stop.
I never bother you, why must you bother me? Too free, too frustrated with your meaningless existence? Go and cosy up with a cucumber. It could prove to be the best lover you'll ever have.:biggrin:


I never bother you, why must you bother me? Too free, too frustrated with your meaningless existence? Go and cosy up with a cucumber. It could prove to be the best lover you'll ever have.:biggrin:
As usual you ccb Malaysian filthy Indian psychopath son of whore tell blatant lies of not bothering me when viciously attacking me with sexual insults. SO CHEAP SO FAKE SO EVIL