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Englishman John Bowring said superior and predominant Hokkien blood elevated the Pinoys!


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Malicious big bully do you understand English? A virgin never have sex never a slut whore mistress but viciously bullied by proud chinese traitor dog ganging up with filthy Indians.
Your hymen not self healing type meh?


Your hymen not self healing type meh?
Unlike you my hymen can pass court and science scrutiny and that’s why I have no fear to speak the truth of LJ Mccully kt latha and you ccb Malaysian dogs evil and disgusting acts insulting a virgin a slut whore mistress.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Unlike you my hymen can pass court and science scrutiny and that’s why I have no fear to speak the truth of LJ Mccully kt latha and you ccb Malaysian dogs evil and disgusting acts insulting a virgin a slut whore mistress.
You sexpect the Judge to look and examine your Hymen? Siao boh!?! Lol :biggrin:


Unlike you my hymen can pass court and science scrutiny and that’s why I have no fear to speak the truth of LJ Mccully kt latha and you ccb Malaysian dogs evil and disgusting acts insulting a virgin a slut whore mistress.
Read rape news also know science can tell whether a victim is virgin. I have no fear the truth can be proven.