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East Coast Plan unveiled


HSK thanks everyone. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat

is in Manchester, United Kingdom.​

Like Singapore, Manchester is building a vibrant innovation ecosystem by bringing together government, corporates, academics, investors and talent. I had productive meetings at leading research and innovation institutes on areas such as life sciences and renewable energy. There is good potential for Singapore and Manchester to build closer linkages between our innovation ecosystems at the research, translation and commercialisation levels.
For example, the UK Biobank has data from over 500,000 participants, while Singapore is collecting data from 100,000 participants as part of our PRECISE-SG100K population health study. By working together, there is potential for us to better understand genetics and diseases, and jointly advance precision medicine together.
Thanks to everyone for your warm hospitality!



HSK completes his UK visit and heads off to Japan. :wink::whistling::tongue:

Heng Swee Keat

is in Manchester, United Kingdom.​

Completed my working visit to the UK.
Happy to have met with Secretary of State for Health Wes Streeting. We discussed our respective healthcare priorities, the importance of innovation and technology in enhancing healthcare delivery, and how we could build closer collaborations between Singapore and the UK in these areas.
I also met the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham. Andy served in the Blair and Brown Governments, and has been elected to lead Greater Manchester since 2017, where he has been working to establish Manchester as a regional innovation hub. We had a good exchange of views on how government, academia, finance, industry and talent can come together to grow vibrant and integrated innovation ecosystems. Such ecosystems form a critical foundation for economies of the future, and create good jobs and opportunities.
Heading off to Japan for the next leg of my trip now



HSK took a walk. :cool:

Heng Swee Keat

is in Tokyo, Japan.​

Konnichiwa! I’ve arrived in Tokyo for the second leg of my working trip.

Took a walk in a nearby park after a long flight.
Looking forward to exchanging views with our partners in Japan to deepen collaborations on research, innovation and enterprise in both countries.
(Photo by me)



HSK had a good discussion. :thumbsup:

Heng Swee Keat

is in Tokyo, Japan.​

Met with Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr Hayashi Yoshimasa today and congratulated him on his reappointment earlier this month.
I thanked Hayashi san for his efforts to deepen Singapore-Japan relations.
We had a good discussion on deepening and expanding the economic and innovation cooperation between our two countries, particularly in the areas of sustainability, artificial intelligence, space technologies and microelectronics. We also discussed how we could tackle our common challenges brought about by rapidly aging populations.
We also expressed our commitment to strengthen relations between our countries and look forward to commemorating the 60th anniversary of Singapore-Japan relations in 2026.
(MDDI Photo by Ngau Kai Yan)



HSK is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dr Lee Wei Ling. :frown:

Heng Swee Keat

I’m deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dr Lee Wei Ling early this morning.
I have known Wei Ling since 1997, when I was serving as the Principal Private Secretary to then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew. I was involved in several discussions with Wei Ling, including in the learning and development of children. Wei Ling had strong views and convictions, and articulated these well. As a neuroscientist, she was especially passionate about the learning and development of children.
We all learnt much from her, especially on how young children learn languages. This was particularly valuable when I was Education Minister and working on our bilingual policies.
I was delighted when Mr Lee Kuan Yew decided to set up the LKY Fund for Bilingualism, to help young students learn their mother tongues as early as possible. I consulted many experts who agreed with the views that Wei Ling articulated earlier. MOE also worked with Lianhe Zaobao, Berita Harian and Tamil Murasu to develop suitable materials for our young.
As a neurologist and the Director of the National Neuroscience Institute, she was an outstanding doctor who was devoted to caring for her patients and their families. When I had my stroke 8 years ago, I was unconscious for several days. When I regained consciousness, Wei Ling visited me at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. She spent almost an hour with my wife and me, advising us on how to recover well and to stay physically and mentally active to rebuild my neural network. We deeply appreciated her care and concern for me.
My deepest condolences to SM Lee Hsien Loong, Hsien Yang and all family members. Wei Ling will be well remembered by us, and the many patients she helped, for her professional care, and her concern for others. Our young ones have benefited from her views on learning, especially of languages.
Thank you, Wei Ling. May you rest in peace.


HSK was glad to exchange views. :coffee::barefoot::tongue:

Heng Swee Keat

Japanese banks are global leaders in infrastructure and sustainable finance, and have contributed to regional growth and development over the past few decades.
In the next bound of economic growth, Japanese banks can play an important role to mobilise capital in support of science, technology, and innovation.
Glad to exchange views with financial sector leaders on upcoming initiatives to support productivity and growth — from supporting their customers to invest in new technologies, to building new capabilities in AI and quantum computing, to setting up new venture capital arms to help innovative start-ups scale up. These efforts will help address common challenges that Asia faces, including demographic change and climate change.
As a trusted global financial centre, Singapore hopes to be a gateway for Japanese companies looking to explore new opportunities across Asia. I look forward to deepening our partnerships in sustainable finance, tech innovation, and regional connectivity with our partners from Japan.



HSK wants to learn from Japan. :cool:

Heng Swee Keat

Singapore and Japan share a long-standing partnership in research and innovation, with wide-ranging collaborations in strategic areas such as quantum, AI, semiconductor, health, and biomedical sciences.
Had good visits to research and scientific institutes in Japan, including the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), University of Tokyo, and National Centre for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG) in Aichi. I look forward to deepening cross-institutional collaborations and advancing our expertise for mutual benefit.
Like Japan, Singapore faces the challenge of an ageing population, which has broad implications for health, economics, and policy. There is much we can learn from Japan’s innovative approaches, particularly the programmes developed by NCGG to promote healthy longevity and advance dementia care.



HSK was happy to visit Aichi Prefecture to launch BLOCK71 Nagoya at STATION Ai, a Japanese startup hub located in Nagoya. :cool:

Heng Swee Keat

is in Aichi Prefecture.​

10 October at 21:05 ·
Happy to visit Aichi Prefecture to launch BLOCK71 Nagoya at STATION Ai, a Japanese startup hub located in Nagoya.
BLOCK 71 is an initiative by NUS Enterprise to build collaborative and strategic partnerships with corporates and government agencies. This latest project marks a milestone in NUS’s ongoing partnership with Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya City, and Nagoya University to support innovation and entrepreneurship.
BLOCK71 Nagoya will play a bridging role to help STATION Ai startups expand their business by connecting them with the innovation ecosystem in Singapore and Southeast Asia. At the same time, it will also serve as a base for BLOCK71 startups to expand and build new partnerships in Japan.
Also glad to meet the Governor of Aichi Prefecture, Mr Hideaki Omura. We reaffirmed the strong cooperation between Singapore and Japan, especially with Aichi Prefecture. We welcomed the launch of BLOCK71 Nagoya, and discussed possible areas for collaboration, including in start-ups and innovation.
With Aichi's strengths in manufacturing, robotics, and mobility, we look forward to more Japanese startups tapping into Singapore's strategic location, strong connectivity, and vibrant R&D ecosystem to drive innovation in the region.



HSK thanks all the NEA officers. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat

10h ·
National Environment Agency (NEA)’s ongoing efforts to fight dengue through #ProjectWolbachia has had a successful outcome at Bedok North.
Results from this two-year study, which started in July 2022, show a reduction of the Aedes mosquito population by 80% to 90%. In turn, this has greatly reduced the risk of residents getting infected with dengue by about 75%.
Building on this positive outcome, NEA will be expanding the coverage of Project Wolbachia to five more sites in different parts of Singapore – Hougang, Serangoon Central, Serangoon North, Jurong East and Jurong West. Thank you to all the NEA officers for their hard work, and to all our residents for playing your part in Singapore’s #FightAgainstDengue!
The male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes released under #ProjectWolbachia do not bite and cannot transmit disease. There is no need to worry.
Let us all remain vigilant and take steps to prevent mosquito breeding.
Read more here: https://go.gov.sg/nea3oct
May be an illustration of map and text


HSK was happy to open the 7th edition of Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP). :thumbsup:

Heng Swee Keat

The manufacturing sector globally continues to catalyse important innovations that can help transform economies to be future-ready and more resilient. As we look to the future of manufacturing, we must seek to harness technological advances and seize opportunities to address two interconnected trends – the digital revolution and the green transition.
Happy to open the 7th edition of Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP) this morning. As we invest more deeply in Industry 4.0, there is much for us to collaborate with, and learn from one another across Asia and globally. I encouraged different stakeholders – government, enterprises and academia – to build closer partnerships that advance research in manufacturing, translate scientific insights into innovative solutions, and upskill the manufacturing workforce to make the best of new technologies.
Under our #Manufacturing2030 plan, Singapore aims to increase our manufacturing value-add by 50% between 2020 and 2030. Glad to launch the Singapore Workforce Institute of Future Transformation, or SWIFT, that will better enable this. A collaboration between Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), SkillsFuture SG and the Advanced Manufacturing Training Academy, SWIFT will equip our manufacturing workers with future-ready skills for the evolving manufacturing landscape, especially in AI and sustainability.
I thank Constellar Holdings, Deutsche Messe and all other partners for bringing together some of the best minds globally to discuss how the future of manufacturing can shape a better world. Wishing all participants a fruitful and productive #ITAP2024!



HSK thanks SINDA and their partners. :smile:

Heng Swee Keat

is with Jessica Tan Soon Neo and
2 others

11h ·
We’re just two weeks away from Deepavali!
I was happy to be part of Singapore Indian Development Association's (SINDA) Project Give Heartlands — a meaningful initiative that supports the financial and social needs of Indian families.
As part of the Deepavali celebrations, beneficiaries from around 116 households received vouchers and goodie bags — a gesture of care that embodies the essence of the Festival where light prevails over darkness. It is also a reminder of our strength as a multicultural society where we come together to uplift and support one another. This is truly a community initiative that is for the community!
My thanks to SINDA and their partners, as well as the Bedok Indian Activity Executive Committee (IAEC) for bringing the festive cheer to the heartlands. I hope these contributions will bring happiness to the families as they prepare for Deepavali!



HSK is proud of Olympians and Paralympians. :thumbsup:

Heng Swee Keat

is with Eric Chua and
6 others

Our Olympians and Paralympians did us proud at the Paris 2024 Games. Minister Edwin Tong moved a motion in Parliament today to honour and celebrate their achievements.
Singapore achieved our best showing yet of two gold medals, a silver, and a bronze at the Games, and we saw our athletes, some of them debutants, competing with utmost determination and courage against the world’s finest.
This historic showing would not have been possible without the dedication of our Team Singapore athletes, their families and coaches, and the invaluable support from our National Sports Associations, Singapore National Olympic Council, Singapore National Paralympic Council, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth - MCCY, Sport Singapore, Singapore Sports School and many other partners.
Well done! May our athletes inspire all of us towards greater unity and resilience.
