If that's you're definition of a good govt, then I doubt very much if the PAP will ever meet your criteria.
My definition of a good govt is one that interferes as little as possible with the lives of the citizens.
In my books, a good govt is one that.
1) Is able to defend the nation from external threats.
2) Is strong in law and order and education.
3) Is decisive in its policies.
4) Rewards hard work and punishes laziness and reflects this in its tax structure.
Once this is in place, I can take care of all the other aspects of my life.
Your definition of a good govt is very low standard.
Would you say a govt that bullies its own people is good?
Would you say a political party that manipulates the laws for its own gains is a good govt??
Would you say political leaders who lee..galise laws like death duties to benefit themselves are honourable?
Would you say a govt who controls the media and denies the truth to its citizens is a good govt?
Do you believe that political leaders who place their own relatives into high positions is practising meritocracy?
Would you say that the pap doesnt interfere with Singaporeans lives?
Would you say that a political party like pap which mainipulates and jails Singapore politicians leegally is a good govt?
Would you say a govt who has two sets of laws for the same offence is exemplary?
Do you think that LHL, by passing the Abolition of Death Duties, when his mother was in a coma, was not doing it out of self interest?
Do you think that a govt which turns a blind eye to the poor and sick is a good govt?
Look at its policies, can you truly say with hand on your heart that the pap is not self serving?
I can carry on a lot more...but shall stop here
Let's turn goodness into practice and not live in a theoretical world..A govt which serves itself and neglects its citizen is not a good govt. And the pap has, over the last few years, served itself and its cronies. The good things we see in Singapore now are the result of good governance by previous PAP leaders and sacrifices by past Singaporeans. Dont credit what you see now to the present PAP leadership..They dont deserve it.
The results of the present PAP's policies will show in the future..Will Singaporeans then curse the PAP?