bro Richoil,
have you personally tried Oil and Apple? If yes, can you share a bit of your experience with them. if got photos of their body even better, hahahah. at least i can make decision easier. How much is their charges for poke? i heard their charges all are not standardize especially OIL, people are saying she 'tarik harga' and charge very high price.
Hi bro Richoil,
Thank you for your info. but i think i put forward my question wrongly. What I mean trying is their extra services, HJ,BJ, and poke skills. because i have encountered few girls in Penang, not worth a penny to poke them. this cannot that cannot. what i am trying to find is girlfriend experience feeling and of course very good in bed (fucking soul).
Whahaha u got split personal disorderBro.
If the girls tarik harga then they are worthless.
Go look for the less seasoned one.
They may be better value for money.
What's the asking price from the seasoned?
Quite possible bcos of the exchange rate, they are asking for the sky.
Two maron goonies are brothers in cohort
Started to worship as God
Later realised they forgot
And finally restart to retort
To cover up they are rot
Hi bro Richoil,
Thank you for your info. but i think i put forward my question wrongly. What I mean trying is their extra services, HJ,BJ, and poke skills. because i have encountered few girls in Penang, not worth a penny to poke them. this cannot that cannot. what i am trying to find is girlfriend experience feeling and of course very good in bed (fucking soul).
bro Richoil,
have you personally tried Oil and Apple? If yes, can you share a bit of your experience with them. if got photos of their body even better, hahahah. at least i can make decision easier. How much is their charges for poke? i heard their charges all are not standardize especially OIL, people are saying she 'tarik harga' and charge very high price.
Hi bro Richoil,
Thank you for your info. but i think i put forward my question wrongly. What I mean trying is their extra services, HJ,BJ, and poke skills. because i have encountered few girls in Penang, not worth a penny to poke them. this cannot that cannot. what i am trying to find is girlfriend experience feeling and of course very good in bed (fucking soul).
bro Richoil,
have you personally tried Oil and Apple? If yes, can you share a bit of your experience with them. if got photos of their body even better, hahahah. at least i can make decision easier. How much is their charges for poke? i heard their charges all are not standardize especially OIL, people are saying she 'tarik harga' and charge very high price.
Lol. U even have time to make up poems for them.
Dun waste yr time la. They only have 3 things in their program. 1.Lose argument scold vulgarities. 2. Say you pervert n obsessed with kukujiao picture again 3. Say all the rest of the ppl who disagree with them are clones of you.
Haha. There r only 3 person in this forum to them. Maybe 2 la. Because they think you clone alot of ppl cos they r doing what they claim you are doing.
Haha. But dun argue with them anymore la. Let then rant. They must have a reason for all these. U should pity them. They are obvious loons.
No lah. Dun be mistaken that I am responding to them.
I am just entertaining all fellow Bros here including some from overseas who has pm me.
At times, there are more than 20 viewers here.
It is really fun posting those rhyme.
I didn't know I can just post those rhyme without having to pen down 1st.
Must really thank them for the inspirations.
You know why?
Most Bros here will understand what I post but I doubt those morons do.
Becos they just dun know how to respond.
Best joke is, they are worshipping that borrowed kukujiao as their God.
Believe it or not. This is just pure entertainment
And later realised and start chanting again.
Oh my inspiration is here again.
See how limited their vocab is.
Oh. I just watched the news on channelnewsasia about some post on Police and 2 was arrested.
Police are now also looking into racist posts.
One moron could be peeing in his pants now.
This forum can be easlier be Google.
FuCk your ah neh shitskin chow Chee bye.Hi bro from our neighbouring country,
I apologised on behalf of all Singaporean.
We, Singaporean are not parasites like these 2 morons who can only swears, curses, and posts broken English as well as broken chinese infiltrated with other languages and god knows what. They are such a disgrace to Singapore.
Be the force be with you this Sunday, bro.
Oh. By the way if fellow Bros here feel that I should stop those rhymes, just pm me. I will stop immediately.
But it is real fun to chain those rhymes together.
Just to entertain but not to chant or rant and make them run.
Oh no. Here I go again.
Oh. By the way if fellow Bros here feel that I should stop those rhymes, just pm me. I will stop immediately.
But it is real fun to chain those rhymes together.
Just to entertain but not to chant or rant and make them run.
Oh no. Here I go again.
Lol. I dun mind. They just kena scolded in the other thread. Think they still recovering from shock.
But they are such old forumers. ...gambling must have mess them up.
Their existence remind us that we must be more careful abt gambling. Else I could be the next ranting fools like them in a few years. Lol
Lol. I dun mind. They just kena scolded in the other thread. Think they still recovering from shock.
But they are such old forumers. ...gambling must have mess them up.
Their existence remind us that we must be more careful abt gambling. Else I could be the next ranting fools like them in a few years. Lol
Sally can u request Albert and staffs to ban this Hairless and uncircumcised Cock from their 2 ships ???
Two maron goonies are brothers in cohort
Started to worship as God
Later realised they forgot
And finally restart to retort
To cover up they are rot
Wow. There are 38 users now browsing this thread
All waiting to see whether got any more threat.