• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Covid19 Pandemic has definitely made people MORE FUCKING NASTY!!!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Hence you cannot control what comes to you you can't just hope to have less stressors and it happens but you can increase your joy and fun energy, it'll neutralize/nullify those stress.
Thanks for the advice.

It is just that at the moment when I have to deal to these people it is hard for me.

I just want the world to open up and swallow me.

Bad anxiety. PTSD.

On the days I know I dont have to talk to people I am more at peace.

But monday will come again......sigh.

syed putra

Yes deep inside crying.

Actually lately outside also crying liao.

My family got a simple cake for my birthday.

When singing happy birthday I was just crying and crying. Blow out candles I wish I will never see my next birthday get cancer or heart attack or accident or something fatal.
and i thought i was worse off handling threatening calls and lawsuits, partners, clients, operational problems, workers......... I didn't know patients can make you jump off the cliff.
In my case, I did not cry like @amransan. I just go to the pubs with the lads, talk cock and get up in the morning to face the cavalry charge again.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
You are correct. Perception.

However my perception is that in the medical cannabis industry they want us to prescribe the cannabis to everybody.

No ethics.

But the college is there.

Some of these unhappy patients have complained about me and asked why I wont write the rx and letters for them when the other dr would.

The nurse manager who used to be supportive of me and agreed that we have to be professional and ethical has been let go by the clinic.

I am probably next on the chopping block.

These days it doesnt pay to do the right thing.

I was already called up by the college in June asking me why I prescribed CBD to children below 18. I explained. The medical advisor is known to be anti cannabis.

She told me "I am not saying you cannot prescribe to children but if anything were to happen you would be defenceless"

She also made it clear to me that of the various situations she felt were inappropriate to prescribe to patients.

So I am following her advisory since she represents the college.

I am just wondering when the other drs in the clinic will be called up too. But maybe I will be let go before then.

I still have the Singapore training in me. Let the customer fuck you good good.

Also sam... how many of these customers did you have to talk to in a day? 50? 60?

I find it is a big difference when it is 20 vs 50.
No I did not have to deal with 50 customers a day. However the difference is that when a problem surfaced I'd have to deal with the same bunch of asshole customers for weeks on end on a daily basis till they were satisfied that I had restored quality to the levels they were perceived were acceptable.

Luckily I could deal with work issues by switching myself on and then switching off once the day was done. I'm not sure I could do the same now if I still had a job.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
@Leongsam hope you feel better today/tomorrow.

I am very thankful you have this forum still running. There are good bros here.

Yeah the exception is JW5 I think he's gone a bit looney. I have private messaged him numerous times to explain to him that chances that you and scroobal are the same person are 0.000000000001% or lower but for some reason he just won't accept my evidence or he chooses not to accept it.


You saw the chart I posted?

Actually cannabis addiction is not common. As I showed it is about same potential as Caffeine ie Coffee and those Caffeine drinks.

So not many are actually addicts.

Also even if you are addicted to cannabis it is NOT like alcohol. There is no cirrhosis of the liver. Damage organs.

Cannabis pretty safe. In fact probably safer than Caffeine even!

But, it is psychoactive. Like the chart showed LSD and Psilocybin are even less addictive and less toxic than Cannabis.

The danger is using these psychoactive drugs and driving or performing safely risky activities.

Cannabis anonymous is a bit like if there was a Coffee or Caffeine anonymous?

no sorry I missed the chart. which thread is it in?

interesting that it's safer than alcohol except for the psychoactive part. and that there's less incidence of addiction than one would normally think.

has there been research/data to show the incidence of psychosis amongst users? I mean look at snoop dogg. he's a real successful cannabis businessman who probably breathes more cannabis than oxygen but doesn't display signs of psychosis.

yes agree very much, just like medicine and alcohol, don't operate heavy machinery after consumption.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
just to interject... impending Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction might be throwing your brain chemistry out of whack. :biggrin:

the planets are making everyone feel the blues :unsure:

Could be foehn winds.


Winds of this type are called "snow-eaters" for their ability to make snow melt or sublimate rapidly. This snow-removing ability is caused not only by warmer temperatures, but also the low relative humidity of the air mass having been stripped of moisture by orographic precipitation coming over the mountain(s).
Föhn winds are notorious among mountaineers in the Alps, especially those climbing the Eiger, for whom the winds add further difficulty in ascending an already difficult peak. Furthermore, they are notorious among forest dwellers who find all their carefully hidden supplies, cooling in the river, have been washed away due to the river flow doubling in just a few hours.

They are also associated with the rapid spread of wildfires, making some regions which experience these winds particularly fire-prone.

These winds are often associated with illnesses ranging from migraines to psychosis. The first clinical review of these effects was published by the Austrian physician, Anton Czermak in the 19th century. A study by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München found that suicide and accidents increased by 10 percent during föhn winds in Central Europe. The causation of Föhnkrankheit (English: Föhn-sickness) is yet unproven. Labeling for preparations of aspirin combined with caffeine, codeine and the like will sometimes include Föhnkrankheit amongst the indications.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Ironically, Cannabis is the best cure for depression it's not about the addiction there's no addiction for weed but more of habit and laziness and yes most important the responsibility during consumption that wacko or eccentricity behavior but it also varies individually and psilocybin cures psychosis.

Especially the Amanita muscaria also dubbed THE HOLY GRAIL Long associated with the Flesh of the God in Religious Sacraments and in13th Century Fresco from France shows the Amanita muscaria as the Fruit (of the Tree) of the “knowledge of Good and Evil”.

Adam and Eve had their eyes opened. The Gods looked down and said “Behold, they have become as one of us”. lol....... folklore, drugs, medicine or esoteric knowledge hidden to the low IQ ?

Judge for yourselves be warned if you click this link it might changed your perception of God/s and religions : /rofl.........

The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross

Last edited:


This is no different from what I did last Friday. However last week I felt on top of the moon from the moment I woke up till I settled down in bed for a good night's sleep. However today I have a feeling of impending doom, that something is not right, the life is meaningless and my routine is as boring as hell.

Same sort of day, same weather, same activities but a different mindset altogether. Why this is so I do not know. Brain chemistry?
What did you eat/drink in the preceding 24 hours both times? Different or the same?


this "right" thing by definition is subjective. Who's right? Who's wrong? It's always through someone's own personal viewpoints and therefore inherent biases. Sorry to hear about the nurse manager.
I think we did talk about this. If 50 no good why not 30? Are you pushing yourself to meet needs or to meet expectations?


2. I play MMORPG gaming with purpose to compete and collect legendary items help others in the Guild or they help you and chit chat it's an online character but it's fun and time consuming. Very easy to past time esp on weekend i play late into the mornings it's satisfying nevertheless.
*Hence i go to bed smiling and wakes up grinning well rested and looking forward to another day an adventure. That's life, to me. :P <3
which MMO leave you smiling and grinning ah? Any MMO leaves me just grinding...


Super Moderator
Staff member
no sorry I missed the chart. which thread is it in?

interesting that it's safer than alcohol except for the psychoactive part. and that there's less incidence of addiction than one would normally think.

has there been research/data to show the incidence of psychosis amongst users? I mean look at snoop dogg. he's a real successful cannabis businessman who probably breathes more cannabis than oxygen but doesn't display signs of psychosis.

yes agree very much, just like medicine and alcohol, don't operate heavy machinery after consumption.

Screenshot_20201209-195922_Google PDF Viewer.jpg


It wont go away as long as I still working as doctor.

I was happiest when I was not a doctor for the 2.5 years in Canada 2010 to 2013.

But for money I sold my soul and mental peace to go back to this shit job. All my own doing.

I think I am going to add in "self esteem" into my armchair diagnosis of "mid life crisis"

It seems you are drained, and the root cause you allude to in this thread is "working or dealing with others"

I had an interesting chat with an American colleague yesterday, I am fascinated with what is happening in the United States so he basically said Americans have changed drastically last ten, fifteen years.

He said "Its their way or the highway" (I dont know what this means)

But he did say you cannot tell them what to do, they are always right. He said "for example, if an American Worker gets fired, and he disagrees, they now are liable to get a machine gun, come back and kill everyone who disagreed with him, even if he deserved to be retrenched". I am surprised by this.

So maybe you are onto something. Maybe it is more difficult to deal with people these days, no one trusts anything it seems.

Thing is, I dont remember it being like that in times past. People were different. :thumbsdown:


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think I am going to add in "self esteem" into my armchair diagnosis of "mid life crisis"

It seems you are drained, and the root cause you allude to in this thread is "working or dealing with others"

I had an interesting chat with an American colleague yesterday, I am fascinated with what is happening in the United States so he basically said Americans have changed drastically last ten, fifteen years.

He said "Its their way or the highway" (I dont know what this means)

But he did say you cannot tell them what to do, they are always right. He said "for example, if an American Worker gets fired, and he disagrees, they now are liable to get a machine gun, come back and kill everyone who disagreed with him, even if he deserved to be retrenched". I am surprised by this.

So maybe you are onto something. Maybe it is more difficult to deal with people these days, no one trusts anything it seems.

Thing is, I dont remember it being like that in times past. People were different. :thumbsdown:

Yes it seems to have changed.

My realization on this accelerated during covid.

Combination of having to speak to more people over telecommunications makes it more obvious.

Canadians tend to be associated with being "passive aggressive". Perhaps another way of saying their way or the highway.

I try hard to give peopel what they want. But I also have to abide by what my professional body sets out as limits.

What do I want?

For people to be a bit more understanding and patient themselves. Not all service staff are out to make your life difficult on purpose for no reason.


Yes it seems to have changed.

My realization on this accelerated during covid.

Combination of having to speak to more people over telecommunications makes it more obvious.

Canadians tend to be associated with being "passive aggressive". Perhaps another way of saying their way or the highway.

I try hard to give peopel what they want. But I also have to abide by what my professional body sets out as limits.

What do I want?

For people to be a bit more understanding and patient themselves. Not all service staff are out to make your life difficult on purpose for no reason.

Well, maybe that is the root cause of your issues. If you are not getting what you want in life, how can? And the misinformation today makes it harder. You are fighting 2 battles.

From what I am reading, you are not alone in this. There is a grave mistrust of those in the healthcare industry currently. There are nurses who have stated that they have to watch people die in the hospital because they see and believe on the news they watch COVID is a hoax. Then the nurse watches them die.

What a world we live in. Its messed up. :eek:


Many COVID-19 patients insist ‘it’s not real’ until they die, nurse says

By Josh K. Elliott Global News
Posted November 17, 2020 11:24 am

Global News at 5:30 Toronto: Hanukkah begins amid COVID-19 pandemic

You don’t have to believe in COVID-19 for it to kill you.

Jodi Doering, an emergency room nurse in South Dakota, has watched that simple truth play out again and again over the last year, as many of her patients have denied the coronavirus‘ existence or their own diagnosis up to their dying breath.

Doering described her work as a “horror movie that never ends” on Saturday, in a Twitter thread that provoked hundreds of thousands of reactions. The nurse said she was particularly frustrated by the patients who embraced misinformation around the virus, even as it wracked their bodies and eventually killed them.
Man, 30, dies of COVID-19 after denouncing it as a 'hoax'

“The ones that stick out are those who still don’t believe the virus is real,” Doering wrote. “The ones who scream at you for magic medicine and that (U.S. president-elect) Joe Biden is going to ruin the USA.”
Click to play video 'Coronavirus: Trump says his administration won’t introduce another lockdown ‘under any circumstances’'

She added that there are plenty of patients who “have done everything right” and are “so thankful,” but it’s the deniers who really bother her.
“They tell you there must be another reason they are sick. They call you names and ask why you have to wear all that ‘stuff’ because they don’t have COVID because it’s not real,” she wrote.
Doering later added that she doesn’t believe the virus is making people “turn mean,” as one commenter suggested.
“I think the ones I am seeing are just jerks,” she tweeted.

She explained to CNN on Monday that she was simply venting during a rare night off, and had not expected her tweets to go viral.

The hardest thing to watch is that people are still looking for something else and they want a magic answer,” she told CNN. “They’re filled with anger and hatred.
“Their last dying words are, ‘This can’t be happening, it’s not real.'”

South Dakota has the second-highest infection rate in the United States, according to data compiled by the New York Times. It has averaged more than 1,423 new daily cases over the last week, and the state’s death toll sits at 644 people. That’s the second-highest death rate in the country, as South Dakota has a population of only 884,659.

South Dakota’s neighbour, North Dakota, is the only state ahead of it on daily infection and death rates.

Doering, who lives in the small town of Woonsocket, S.D., compared the state’s death toll to the town’s population of 655 people.
“That’s every single person in our town gone,” she said. “The fact that we have this many deaths in a state this size is mindblowing to me.”
More than 246,000 Americans have died of the virus since it spread to the U.S. earlier this year.
Doering is one of a growing number of healthcare workers who have turned to social media or news outlets to share their frustrations, amid a surging second wave and a tide of misinformation about the virus.

A recent study out of Cornell University suggests that outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump may have been the world’s biggest source of misinformation around the virus.

Trump spent several months downplaying the threat, promising the virus would “disappear” and imagining false cures before coming down with it himself in October. He eventually recovered from COVID-19 after receiving the best treatments available, then urged Americans not to fear the virus.
Doering says she doesn’t care if her patients are Democrat or Republican, and she wants to “scream” when people try to politicize the virus. She just wants people to wear masks and socially distance themselves to keep cases down.
“I’m not your first line of defence, I’m your last,” she told CNN, citing a meme from social media.
“It’s frustrating.”


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, maybe that is the root cause of your issues. If you are not getting what you want in life, how can? And the misinformation today makes it harder. You are fighting 2 battles.

From what I am reading, you are not alone in this. There is a grave mistrust of those in the healthcare industry currently. There are nurses who have stated that they have to watch people die in the hospital because they see and believe on the news they watch COVID is a hoax. Then the nurse watches them die.

What a world we live in. Its messed up. :eek:


Many COVID-19 patients insist ‘it’s not real’ until they die, nurse says

By Josh K. Elliott Global News
Posted November 17, 2020 11:24 am

Global News at 5:30 Toronto: Hanukkah begins amid COVID-19 pandemic

You don’t have to believe in COVID-19 for it to kill you.

Jodi Doering, an emergency room nurse in South Dakota, has watched that simple truth play out again and again over the last year, as many of her patients have denied the coronavirus‘ existence or their own diagnosis up to their dying breath.

Doering described her work as a “horror movie that never ends” on Saturday, in a Twitter thread that provoked hundreds of thousands of reactions. The nurse said she was particularly frustrated by the patients who embraced misinformation around the virus, even as it wracked their bodies and eventually killed them.
Man, 30, dies of COVID-19 after denouncing it as a 'hoax'

“The ones that stick out are those who still don’t believe the virus is real,” Doering wrote. “The ones who scream at you for magic medicine and that (U.S. president-elect) Joe Biden is going to ruin the USA.”
Click to play video 'Coronavirus: Trump says his administration won’t introduce another lockdown ‘under any circumstances’''Coronavirus: Trump says his administration won’t introduce another lockdown ‘under any circumstances’'

She added that there are plenty of patients who “have done everything right” and are “so thankful,” but it’s the deniers who really bother her.
“They tell you there must be another reason they are sick. They call you names and ask why you have to wear all that ‘stuff’ because they don’t have COVID because it’s not real,” she wrote.
Doering later added that she doesn’t believe the virus is making people “turn mean,” as one commenter suggested.
“I think the ones I am seeing are just jerks,” she tweeted.

She explained to CNN on Monday that she was simply venting during a rare night off, and had not expected her tweets to go viral.

The hardest thing to watch is that people are still looking for something else and they want a magic answer,” she told CNN. “They’re filled with anger and hatred.
“Their last dying words are, ‘This can’t be happening, it’s not real.'”

South Dakota has the second-highest infection rate in the United States, according to data compiled by the New York Times. It has averaged more than 1,423 new daily cases over the last week, and the state’s death toll sits at 644 people. That’s the second-highest death rate in the country, as South Dakota has a population of only 884,659.

South Dakota’s neighbour, North Dakota, is the only state ahead of it on daily infection and death rates.

Doering, who lives in the small town of Woonsocket, S.D., compared the state’s death toll to the town’s population of 655 people.
“That’s every single person in our town gone,” she said. “The fact that we have this many deaths in a state this size is mindblowing to me.”
More than 246,000 Americans have died of the virus since it spread to the U.S. earlier this year.
Doering is one of a growing number of healthcare workers who have turned to social media or news outlets to share their frustrations, amid a surging second wave and a tide of misinformation about the virus.

A recent study out of Cornell University suggests that outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump may have been the world’s biggest source of misinformation around the virus.

Trump spent several months downplaying the threat, promising the virus would “disappear” and imagining false cures before coming down with it himself in October. He eventually recovered from COVID-19 after receiving the best treatments available, then urged Americans not to fear the virus.
Doering says she doesn’t care if her patients are Democrat or Republican, and she wants to “scream” when people try to politicize the virus. She just wants people to wear masks and socially distance themselves to keep cases down.
“I’m not your first line of defence, I’m your last,” she told CNN, citing a meme from social media.
“It’s frustrating.”

Yes indeed.

Sometime in July I had 1 patient tell me how he is supporting all the doctors in Alberta in our dispute with the government. How it is not right that they can unilaterally rip our contracts up etc. He said he is born and bred Albertan etc. Very good.

The very next patient asked me how are you doctors doing? I said ok just that we have to work harder and see more patients .......and he added "to earn the same amount". I said yeah kind of.

And then he went on to fuck me saying we should be thankful we still have jobs etc.

So nowadays I don't talk about anything else.

During the POTUS election some patients would talk about how the support Trump how they hate Trump, how Trump is the source of their problems etc.

I just listen but say nothing to acknowledge at all.

So it is the same with the medical stuff too.

I did have patients blast me for being a doctor. Tell me that Covid19 is a hoax. She asked me do you know anyone personally who has it? I said no. She said neither does she. For a pandemic there is no one having it.

Things like that.

People are cranky.

But I am not here to do anything except what I need to keep your prescription active and renewed.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

'I can’t wait to drop dead': Elderly couple desperate to leave freezing, mouldy flat
Vicki Anderson10:20, Dec 12 2020FacebookTwitterWhats AppRedditEmailComments149

8-10 minutes

Kevin Cotton and Gillian Pool struggle to keep warm in their draughty, damp and mouldy social housing unit. (Video filmed in winter 2020)
MAKING ENDS MEET: As the sting of Covid-19 hits home, Making Ends Meet by reporter VICKI ANDERSON and visual journalist CHRIS SKELTON offers a voice to those living and working on the frontlines of poverty.
Kevin Cotton scuffs at the threadbare carpet beneath his feet in the bitterly cold social housing unit he shares with partner Gillian Pool.
The wind whistles through the curtains in their bedroom from earthquake damage a decade ago, still awaiting repairs. The back door sticks and remains locked because neither of them are strong enough to open it.
Their landlord, the Christchurch Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust (ŌCHT), is a charitable trust. It leases the Christchurch City Council's social housing portfolio and also has trust-owned housing.
Kevin Cotton and Gillian Pool live in a social unit which is bitterly cold, damp and mouldy.

Kevin Cotton and Gillian Pool live in a social unit which is bitterly cold, damp and mouldy.
It is the biggest non-governmental social housing provider in the South Island, with 2300 homes across Christchurch City and Banks Peninsula.
* What's a new social housing unit really like in 2020?
* Coronavirus: Christchurch City Council heat pump programme to restart under level 3
* Heat pumps bring warmth to freezing Christchurch council units
* Paint job ordered to fix mould in freezing council social housing unit
* Social housing trust drops tribunal appeal against overcharged tenants
* Tenants want action on damp Christchurch social housing units

Kevin Cotton says it is “degrading” living in such poor conditions.

Kevin Cotton says it is “degrading” living in such poor conditions.
With one shaking calloused hand, Cotton gestures to the black mould which riddles their bathroom and runs a bony finger across it.
“I can’t wait to drop dead,” the 83-year-old says matter-of-factly. “I've had a gutsful. It is degrading. This place isn't fit for a young person never mind someone like me.”
Rheumy eyes shining, he places his hands atop his walking stick.
“I want to get my mind off dying, it goes into my head automatically,” he says.
“I’m sorry, but it does. I get so depressed that I think I might as well be dead... It's this place. I just want a bit of life, to enjoy what's left of my life.”
Gillian Pool struggled to keep warm in the unit as she battled breast cancer.
Pool has breast cancer.
“I struggle a bit to manage caring for her,” Cotton admits. He has heart problems, “takes five pills a day” and is on a “push button service” with St John.
Pool has a pale complexion, wears a woolly hat and hugs a hot water bottle tightly.
Her eyes fill with tears.
“It’s sad,” she says, waving a hand around her limply.
“It’s just banging shopping trolleys together in the supermarket, isn't it.”
A gaudy stuffed parrot dangles from the ceiling, beside a newly-installed heat pump in the unit the couple nicknamed “the ghetto”.
However, the couple fear a large power bill so use it sparingly.
“I had a nice little vegetable garden out there,” Cotton says, pointing to a patch of dirt out front. “Raspberries, the lot, they ripped it all up to put the heat pump in and ruined it ... no respect.”
As a young man, Cotton “knew a thing or two about upholstery and carpets”.
Using animated gestures he recalls painstakingly measuring up the Wahine ferry for new carpet in 1968.
The carpet was stored in a warehouse waiting to be installed when the Wahine sank on April 10, 1968, and 53 people lost their lives in New Zealand's worst modern maritime disaster.
“Beautiful carpet that was, not like this rubbish,” Cotton says emphatically, peering disdainfully down at the floor.
Horse racing mementos of his family’s victories and a whinnying clock jostle for space with rugby paraphernalia on the walls.
“Go the mighty Crusaders,” Cotton says wheezily, pulling on a red and black beanie.
Unopened next to his worn chair are several cans of powdered nutrition, Ensure, prescribed by his doctor to supplement his diet.
“Tastes bloody awful,” he says conspiratorially when Pool leaves the room. “You've got to make it into a milkshake to make it drinkable.”
The couple spend $40 a week on groceries.
Brussel sprouts bought at a local market fill the kitchen sink and a fetid fug of sprouts and mould permeates the air.
Cotton says he's talked to his tenant manager “repeatedly” about his concerns.
Otautahi Community Housing Trust Chief Executive Cate Kearney says regular checks are done on its units.
“I’m sick of talking to her, she's had plenty of opportunities to get it sorted.”
Cate Kearney, ŌCHT chief executive, says the homes are “regularly checked’’ and its warm and dry team do regular assessments “for draft-stopping and ventilation as part of the Healthy Homes upgrade”.
Kearney says property assessments were carried out in June 2020 with the tenant present.
“Where tenants were not at home, follow-up letters were sent to arrange another time for the assessment.
“Black mould was not specified as an issue when homes were assessed.”
Cotton disputes this.
“At our age we are vulnerable and June was the end of the level 4 Covid-19 lockdown. No-one came to see us, and we didn't get a letter from them at all,” he says.
Kevin Cotton says he would love to spend his final days living in the countryside.
Wind whistles through damaged windows
Cotton says when the council ran the units it sent a carpenter around to look at the earthquake damage and the windows.
“He said the windows would have to be completely replaced... he said he'd be back to do it, but we haven't seen him since.
“We never heard any more about it despite asking all the time,’’ he says.
“They say to keep the mould out you need to open the windows but these windows are so damaged by the earthquakes that the wind whistles through in the southerly when they're shut. You can only close them if you use a hammer.”
For people aged 80 and over, Covid-19 is just another hard time in a long list of many to navigate.
“As a generalisation, by the time someone reaches their 80s they have lived through a lot,” says Simon Templeton, chief executive of Aged Concern Christchurch. “They just get on with life.”
Dreaming of a life in the countryside
Cotton says budgeting is all about “using your swede”.
“I make ends meet no problem. $40 a week tides us through for food. Waste not, want not,” he says.
“It's how you use your food, you can make a couple of cans of tuna go for four meals if you wish, put eggs and things with it. Have everything on toast ... Anybody who can't keep a couple in food for $40 a week want their heads read.”
The couple dream of a better life together in the countryside or beside the sea.
“We shouldn't be living here at our age. Gilly and I would love to get away from this outfit and enjoy life out in the country or somewhere. Anywhere but here ... there's no future in it,” Cotton says.
Pool hugs her hot water bottle tighter.
“Peace,’’ she says softly, her eyes looking into the distance through a mould-encrusted window.
After this interview, Pool had a fall and was admitted to hospital. Cotton says Work and Income has admitted her into a care facility, and she “won’t be coming home”. The pair miss each other deeply.
“She’s my shining light,’’ Cotton says. “I talk to her at night in the dark... I go to bed at night and the wind whistles in through the broken window and I hope I don’t have to wake up. Christmas? Hopefully I will have croaked before then.”


must be tiong patients. they are fucking nasty and nasty fucking, especially the bitchy tiong men and butchy tiong women. as a nationality they are the worst scums on this planet. all should either be sent to the moon or get culled.
Wat about shitskin patients?