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Covid19 Pandemic has definitely made people MORE FUCKING NASTY!!!!


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Staff member
Wish I was practicing in the 1960s.

Dr tell patient do. Patient do.

Patient dont follow dr scold patient.

Paternalistic medicine. It is for your good. If not for your good then you bring it up and we see if it is not for your good.

Instead now every patient is correct and gets to choose except if they choose something not fo their good then dr you have to decide if you still do or not and if not for their good and something goes wrong then YOU the doctor are responsible!

Byebye Penis

Was looking through my family photos during weekend. My kids were so cute when they were young but I didn't realize that.

Dr Nayr69sg, stop thinking about your patients and don't miss out the beautiful things around you everyday.


Was looking through my family photos during weekend. My kids were so cute when they were young but I didn't realize that.

Dr Nayr69sg, stop thinking about your patients and don't miss out the beautiful things around you everyday.

shooo tiong shooo go back to china shooo!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Was looking through my family photos during weekend. My kids were so cute when they were young but I didn't realize that.

Dr Nayr69sg, stop thinking about your patients and don't miss out the beautiful things around you everyday.
Good advice.

Thanks bro!


Was a overall good day!

Had 2 patients.

One complain that medical cannabis too expensive. Buy from store cheaper. So no more want rx. So I said sure.

Another one complain why must follow up every 3 months. I said it is the rules for drs writing rx. If he want can cancel rx no need rx to buy from store and is cheaper. Patient says no it is cheaper through rx. I told him that's not what most patients tell me actually. He says they are wrong. Oh well. I told him sorry I got to follow the rules otherwise if audited then not just him but all my patients will have to find another dr to write rx for them. Anyway he say will continue with 3 monthly follow ups.

Ok lor....
Bravo! I love seeing your confidence, after all, You are the Doctor and you are acting within the guidelines set by the medical board. Do not let them make you question your judgment when you are abiding by the system. They pay to see you, not the other way round. Not happy, they can take their money elsewhere to an unscrupulous doctor who can be toyed around.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Bravo! I love seeing your confidence, after all, You are the Doctor and you are acting within the guidelines set by the medical board. Do not let them make you question your judgment when you are abiding by the system. They pay to see you, not the other way round. Not happy, they can take their money elsewhere to an unscrupulous doctor who can be toyed around.

The problem is there are doctors that work with the same clinic I work at who will give them what they want.

There are doctors that will not follow the rules.

I had a senior doctor tell me before.......

If you make your patients happy , even if you do the wrong thing is ok. Cos they won't complain. No complaint means you have no problem.

If you make your patients unhappy, even if you do the right thing you still got to answer to the complaint.

I can whistle blow but then the clinic will know it is me.

Anyway I think my days are numbered. They will get rid of me soon.

It no longer pays to do the right thing these days.


The problem is there are doctors that work with the same clinic I work at who will give them what they want.

There are doctors that will not follow the rules.

I had a senior doctor tell me before.......

If you make your patients happy , even if you do the wrong thing is ok. Cos they won't complain. No complaint means you have no problem.

If you make your patients unhappy, even if you do the right thing you still got to answer to the complaint.

I can whistle blow but then the clinic will know it is me.

Anyway I think my days are numbered. They will get rid of me soon.

It no longer pays to do the right thing these days.

bro ever consider changing clinic to work bro.


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Staff member
Some patients very stubborn.

How would you score your pain on a scale of 1 - 10? 1 is no pain well controlled 10 is extreme pain.

"I have been having quite a bit of pain but if varies from good days and bad day"

Ok so how would you score your pain on a good day and a bad day?

"When it is a bad day the pain is pretty bad and it affect me I have trouble walking. good days I can run"

Are you able to put a number to it?

"On a good day I can be pretty good and be quite relaxed although it is still a bit troubling and I may not be able to sleep well on a bad day I can still go to work and go the gym but my pain makes me feel unwell"


Ok nevermind just dont put score or number lah.....(simple thing right? most people just say 5-6/10 or 2-3/10 of 8/10 or some number)

Next question

How many hours of sleep are you getting on average?

"Oh my sleep is pretty disjointed and out of whack. I can go to bed then wake up many times and some night I sleep throughout the night"

So on average how many hours of sleep are you getting a night? You can give me a range if you want.

"Oh I can get quite a bit of sleep but some nights I just cant get enough"

Ok what time do you go to bed?

"Oh sometimes it is pretty late at night and on other nights it is quite early"




Old Fart
Some patients very stubborn.

How would you score your pain on a scale of 1 - 10? 1 is no pain well controlled 10 is extreme pain.

"I have been having quite a bit of pain but if varies from good days and bad day"

Ok so how would you score your pain on a good day and a bad day?

"When it is a bad day the pain is pretty bad and it affect me I have trouble walking. good days I can run"

Are you able to put a number to it?

"On a good day I can be pretty good and be quite relaxed although it is still a bit troubling and I may not be able to sleep well on a bad day I can still go to work and go the gym but my pain makes me feel unwell"


Ok nevermind just dont put score or number lah.....(simple thing right? most people just say 5-6/10 or 2-3/10 of 8/10 or some number)

Next question

How many hours of sleep are you getting on average?

"Oh my sleep is pretty disjointed and out of whack. I can go to bed then wake up many times and some night I sleep throughout the night"

So on average how many hours of sleep are you getting a night? You can give me a range if you want.

"Oh I can get quite a bit of sleep but some nights I just cant get enough"

Ok what time do you go to bed?

"Oh sometimes it is pretty late at night and on other nights it is quite early"


They're not stubborn. Just dumb AF. How are you supposed to help them when they can't even quantify their pain, discomfort, sleep hours when asked??


Super Moderator
Staff member
They're not stubborn. Just dumb AF. How are you supposed to help them when they can't even quantify their pain, discomfort, sleep hours when asked??

Sorry man, you talk to enough people you realize the MAJORITY are like that.

That's why I say the key to peace and happiness is to NOT have to talk to or interact with too many people.

I think the ideal is <10 strangers or clients per day.


Super Moderator
Staff member
You know with difficult clients or colleagues or associates etc you can work on the relationship.

Be nice. Praise when it is warranted. Be helpful.

Buy the office donuts.

Buy the office coffee.

Give out thank you cards or appreciation cards (gift cards with value eg starbucks or VISA)

there are ways.

But with patients........this cannot that cannot not appropriate must maintain boundaries .......sigh...... Also I have 10 minutes each time then next.

Really like prostitute lor.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I can understand why patients get pissed with their doctors.

Dr dont explain dont talk dont care.

But hey the system is made in such a way. Volume.

What to do?

People can say aiyah cut their pay...well it makes things WORSE!

Pay more? Nobody wants to pay.

Which is why I think we should dissolve the whole system. Only have super rich people be doctor.

To qualify to train as doctor you must have net worth at least $20 million.

Otherwise you cannot be doctor.

And when you are doctor you earn $0. But you get to decide who you treat and who you do not treat.


Old Fart
You know with difficult clients or colleagues or associates etc you can work on the relationship.

Be nice. Praise when it is warranted. Be helpful.

Buy the office donuts.

Buy the office coffee.

Give out thank you cards or appreciation cards (gift cards with value eg starbucks or VISA)

there are ways.

But with patients........this cannot that cannot not appropriate must maintain boundaries .......sigh...... Also I have 10 minutes each time then next.

Really like prostitute lor.
It is the nature of your profession, and the playbook you are compelled to adhere to. Not much you can do except to hunker down and hang tough, while planning an exit strategy.