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Covid19 Pandemic has definitely made people MORE FUCKING NASTY!!!!


True mah? If its true, then why are you in this forum where majority of the members are Singaporeans? There are a lot of inter racial marriages here, in fact Singapore has a multi racial society since Way back when. Chinese neighbours grew up alongside Malay and Indian neighbours in harmony. It used to be so much better 20yrs ago as compared to now admittedly, but the racial harmony here is still evident. Can you imagine how the Americans/Australians/Canadians would react if they were to have nearly 59k of covid cases and 90% of the cases are non citizens? There would be a spike in crimes against the foreign group(already in UK Asians are being targeted just bcoz they are Asians - eg. Uncle Roger aka Nigel NG was recently assaulted. But not here in Singapore, yes online, we vent. But in real life, we regard everyone we meet irl as our fellow human family Irregardless of their skin colour.

I would have to take a contrarian view of this. There is "racism" in Singapore. For example, whenever I come across SME bosses who are for example, Chinese, many DO NOT want non Chinese working for them, especially the older mom and pop operations. Some are blatant on this regard. Not one, but several hundred cases of this I have witnessed. I think its common to see this openly advertised. Chinese preferred.

I have come across several issues inter racial marriage front too. I have known several women who have had to break up their relationships because their parents "did not want an Indian/Malay in the family" Some real horror stories here.

Yes, its getting better, yes the next generation will end more of this "racial prejudice". Yes, the government openly says we have a multicultural society, with ads etc, but deep down, behind closed doors, people are "prejudiced".

Point is, as long as one racial group, in this example, Chinese, does not want another group anywhere near their families or businesses, I would have to say there is "racism" in Singapore.

I wish it were not true, but it is. My humble opinion.


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Staff member
the problem here is the blurred line between recreational and medical use.

it's under the guise of medical use that many recreational users are hiding under. they are trying to justify their recreational use by claiming medical benefits, though I'm sure some of them are genuine.

this pretense can stop when people accept that cannabis use is akin to drinking alcohol. people just do it to relax, get high and forget their problems.

this "nonsense" with medical cannabis is a great marketing gimmick to get mainstream society to accept the widespread use of cannabis.

I'm sure there are genuine uses for cannabis in certain fields of psychiatric medicine, like treating PTSD patients or mild cases of depression. But by and large the real money is to be made in recreational use.

Looking back into the history of the criminalization of cannabis use, it was (ironically) largely funded by the alcohol companies who today are promoting cannabis.

it's just money man.

I can tell who are the ones using the pretense.

It is when I suggest CBD as the better option as it does not make you high and they go oh no I need THC.

True patients wanting medical cannabis usually say they DO NOT want THC. They do not want anything that makes them high.

Cannabis is legal in Canada meaning you can just walk to the cannabis store and buy high THC product that make you high just like the liquor store for whiskey and vodka.

So when someone says no I need high THC red flags go up.

There is usually a secondary reason why they want a prescription for specifically high THC.

Eg they are on parole and are not allowed to use any psychoactive drugs and can only use drugs if they have an a rx so they can use pot to get high on the pretense it is for medical use.

Eg they are in drug rehab and need an rx to use pot to get high at the facility on the pretense it is for medical use.

Eg they got tested positive for THC on a drug test at work and got in trouble and are hoping that having an rx would get them out of trouble. Reality is it does not. And no letter would change that either as it is up to the employer to decide on safety requirements and drugs.

There are other situations people want an rx

Eg they want to grow their own pot at home more than the 4 plants allowed to everyone. I think growing 10 to 20 plants seems quite reasonable. But anything more than 50 is where I draw the line. Other doctors are fine with 200.

Eg they want insurance to cover the cost of their cannabis. Insurance only covers for a few conditions. Cancer related pain, chemotherapy nausea and vomiting, neuropathic pain, and multiple sclerosis. People get upset when they get turned down and the insurance companies are very clever they say it is because your doctor didnt file the form up correctly. So the patient comes back and kpkb. Under the diagnosis section there is a "others" option besides those conditions mentioned that are covered. There is an additional clause asking doctor to provide evidence that medical cannabis is used to treat said particular condition the patient has. Truth is there is no such evidence. So all playing games here and there.

Many people are told and sold that cannabis is a miracle drug.

It is not. I have learned to say this early on during the first visit. Let them know it doea not work for everyone just like any medicine. Have had previous bad experiences patients said everyone kept saying cannabis will help but when it did not they get really angry and said we misled them.

On the flip side some patients who are strong believers in cannabis get upset when I say it does not work for everyone. They say it does work for everyone. Sure lah smoke until get high everything seems better.
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Opium better...

I can tell who are the ones using the pretense.

It is when I suggest CBD as the better option as it does not make you high and they go oh no I need THC.

True patients wanting medical cannabis usually say they DO NOT want THC. They do not want anything that makes them high.

Cannabis is legal in Canada meaning you can just walk to the cannabis store and buy high THC product that make you high just like the liquor store for whiskey and vodka.

So when someone says no I need high THC red flags go up.

There is usually a secondary reason why they want a prescription for specifically high THC.

Eg they are on parole and need a rx so they can use pot to get high on the pretense it is for medical use.

Eg they are in drug rehab and need an rx to use pot to get high at the facility on the pretense it is for medical use.

Eg they got tested positive for THC on a drug test at work and got in trouble and are hoping that having an rx would get them out of trouble. Reality is it does not. And no letter would change that either as it is up to the employer to decide on safety requirements and drugs.

There are other situations people want an rx

Eg they want to grow their own pot at home more than the 4 plants allowed to everyone. I think growing 10 to 20 plants seems quite reasonable. But anything more than 50 is where I draw the line. Other doctors are fine with 200.

Eg they want insurance to cover the cost of their cannabis. Insurance only covers for a few conditions. Cancer related pain, chemotherapy nausea and vomiting, neuropathic pain, and multiple sclerosis. People get upset when they get turned down and the insurance companies are very clever they say it is because your doctor didnt file the form up correctly. So the patient comes back and kpkb. Under the diagnosis section there is a "others" option besides those conditions mentioned that are covered. There is an additional clause asking doctor to provide evidence that medical cannabis is used to treat said particular condition the patient has. Truth is there is no such evidence. So all playing games here and there.

Many people are told and sold that cannabis is a miracle drug.

It is not. I have learned to say this early on during the first visit. Let them know it doea not work for everyone just like any medicine. Have had previous bad experiences patients said everyone kept saying cannabis will help but when it did not they get really angry and said we misled them.

On the flip side some patients who are strong believers in cannabis get upset when I say it does not work for everyone. They say it does work for everyone. Sure lah smoke until get high everything seems better.


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Staff member
THC is a biphasic drug.

At smaller doses it makes people relax and sleepy especially for indica strains.

As you increase the dose it might make you more relaxed and sleepy but at some level it will do the opposite. Make you more edgy more anxious and eventually panic attack and psychosis.

To get high people smoke hard and fast high THC to get past that initially low dose effect.

Sometimes people will mingle with pot smokers and say they dont want to smoke the pot. These people passively smoke small doses of the THC in the ambient air 2nd hand. They get sleepy and fall asleep on the couch.

So if you ask me medical cannabis is really only 3 types.


Low dose THC less than 10mg per dose

And combination CBD and THC.

None of these formulations cause highs. The ones with THC could make you sleepy. Which is useful if you are treating insomnia.

This is why whenever someone says I NEED high THC....I liken it to someone saying I NEED 20 cups of coffee. Or I NEED hard liquor. Or I NEED high dose morphine.

The problem is not all cannabis drs agree with me. And the patients will always be able to find those doctors who would validate their use of high THC for medical use.

Well I guess it is the same as those doctors who prescribed percocet and fentanyl until their patients became addicts.


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Opium better...
Actually there are such clinics too.

You can do a course in chronic pain management. Then gives you licence to prescribe opioids. Methadone. Suboxone. And all the other opioids. Carte Blanche.

I actually have that licence. But I dont want to work there.


Actually there are such clinics too.

You can do a course in chronic pain management. Then gives you licence to prescribe opioids. Methadone. Suboxone. And all the other opioids. Carte Blanche.

I actually have that licence. But I dont want to work there.

Dont forget the opioid "Oxycontin, or Oxycodone" this 1 drug has created much controversy, very famous for addictive properties.


I can tell who are the ones using the pretense.

It is when I suggest CBD as the better option as it does not make you high and they go oh no I need THC.

True patients wanting medical cannabis usually say they DO NOT want THC. They do not want anything that makes them high.

Cannabis is legal in Canada meaning you can just walk to the cannabis store and buy high THC product that make you high just like the liquor store for whiskey and vodka.

So when someone says no I need high THC red flags go up.

There is usually a secondary reason why they want a prescription for specifically high THC.

Eg they are on parole and are not allowed to use any psychoactive drugs and can only use drugs if they have an a rx so they can use pot to get high on the pretense it is for medical use.

Eg they are in drug rehab and need an rx to use pot to get high at the facility on the pretense it is for medical use.

Eg they got tested positive for THC on a drug test at work and got in trouble and are hoping that having an rx would get them out of trouble. Reality is it does not. And no letter would change that either as it is up to the employer to decide on safety requirements and drugs.

There are other situations people want an rx

Eg they want to grow their own pot at home more than the 4 plants allowed to everyone. I think growing 10 to 20 plants seems quite reasonable. But anything more than 50 is where I draw the line. Other doctors are fine with 200.

Eg they want insurance to cover the cost of their cannabis. Insurance only covers for a few conditions. Cancer related pain, chemotherapy nausea and vomiting, neuropathic pain, and multiple sclerosis. People get upset when they get turned down and the insurance companies are very clever they say it is because your doctor didnt file the form up correctly. So the patient comes back and kpkb. Under the diagnosis section there is a "others" option besides those conditions mentioned that are covered. There is an additional clause asking doctor to provide evidence that medical cannabis is used to treat said particular condition the patient has. Truth is there is no such evidence. So all playing games here and there.

Many people are told and sold that cannabis is a miracle drug.

It is not. I have learned to say this early on during the first visit. Let them know it doea not work for everyone just like any medicine. Have had previous bad experiences patients said everyone kept saying cannabis will help but when it did not they get really angry and said we misled them.

On the flip side some patients who are strong believers in cannabis get upset when I say it does not work for everyone. They say it does work for everyone. Sure lah smoke until get high everything seems better.

very enlightening post! thank u.

so it seems there are patients trying to get an Rx to game the system.

actually if they view cannabis with the same lens as alcohol, a lot of these issues will go away. and similar treatments and remedies for alcoholism can also be applied to chronic users of cannabis. just as there is an alcoholic anonymous, there should be a cannabis anonymous.

maybe got new business opportunity there for u, to cure the addicts.


Super Moderator
Staff member
very enlightening post! thank u.

so it seems there are patients trying to get an Rx to game the system.

actually if they view cannabis with the same lens as alcohol, a lot of these issues will go away. and similar treatments and remedies for alcoholism can also be applied to chronic users of cannabis. just as there is an alcoholic anonymous, there should be a cannabis anonymous.

maybe got new business opportunity there for u, to cure the addicts.

You saw the chart I posted?

Actually cannabis addiction is not common. As I showed it is about same potential as Caffeine ie Coffee and those Caffeine drinks.

So not many are actually addicts.

Also even if you are addicted to cannabis it is NOT like alcohol. There is no cirrhosis of the liver. Damage organs.

Cannabis pretty safe. In fact probably safer than Caffeine even!

But, it is psychoactive. Like the chart showed LSD and Psilocybin are even less addictive and less toxic than Cannabis.

The danger is using these psychoactive drugs and driving or performing safety risky activities.

Cannabis anonymous is a bit like if there was a Coffee or Caffeine anonymous?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Dont forget the opioid "Oxycontin, or Oxycodone" this 1 drug has created much controversy, very famous for addictive properties.

Yup. It is a component or Percocet. Which is combination of Oxycodone and Acetaminophen (Panadol). It was marketed to physicians as low risk of addiction.

The majority of opioid drug addicts actually became addicts because of the opioid prescriptions they were given by their DOCTOR!

It is shocking in North America the way the doctors are actually taught how to address pain and manage pain.

Basically NO PATIENT should ever be in pain. If a patient is in pain you must give the painkillers to the point there is NO PAIN.

Pain = suffering and no patient should suffer.

This is not how I was trained in Singapore obviously.

But I had to give the correct answers for exams and say the correct phrases during residency.

When I finished residency I did not practice what they taught. I think it is bad practice. And now the messaging has changed.

You will be surprised what they prescribe Percocet (Oxycodone) for. Toothache. Sprained ankle. Muscle aches. You go to the ER after a fall off your bike. Need maybe 1-2 stitches. Percocet here you go to take at home for a week.

That's how millions got addicted to opium.

The Chinese patients do not want to take this sort of medicine. We have learnt well from the Opium Wars.

But the ang mohs........they are nuts. I tried explaining to a patient why it is not in his best interest to continue taking Percocet beyond 1 week for his shoulder injury. His wife argued with me and said but my husband will be in pain!

I think the policy should be that any doctor who prescribes opioids as pain killers.....if that patient becomes addicted to opioids then it is that original prescribing physician's duty and liability to ensure that the patient gets off that addiction. That will be a huge deterrent.

Same should apply for medical cannabis. If a patient gets involved in an accident or something where high THC impairment was the cause then the physician should be responsible for the accident.


Nothing to do with Singapore.

Migrating has just made me realize that people are fucking nasty no matter where they are.

Bro I believe if your patients are not drug addict or got mental problems I am very sure the normal patients are nice and normal people.

Sadly these group drug addict and mental problems people give u a lot of pressure and trust me it really not easy to handle these group of people they can scold the doctors and some even hit the doctor and nurses and security had to be called and also police I seen it bro.

Being a doctor is a very respectable job and it also come with high risk. I believe sometimes u like to think whether u did the right thing and some how it effect u emotionally bro.
I also believe infront of your family and friends u put a happy face but deep inside u are crying. If I am wrong please tell me I am sorry in advance bro.

If I am right bro I had the same feeling when I was in Singapore. Do u know what I did to release the stress and depression in singapore ?
I lived alone and at night before I go to sleep I will cry and I mean really cry out loud I cry and cry until I can no longer cry it seem that the depression and stress and unhappiness came out of my chest I felt lighter and the next day I feel better. I will cry every week twice bro.

I hope this help bro.

Byebye Penis

Bro I believe if your patients are not drug addict or got mental problems I am very sure the normal patients are nice and normal people.

Sadly these group drug addict and mental problems people give u a lot of pressure and trust me it really not easy to handle these group of people they can scold the doctors and some even hit the doctor and nurses and security had to be called and also police I seen it bro.

Being a doctor is a very respectable job and it also come with high risk. I believe sometimes u like to think whether u did the right thing and some how it effect u emotionally bro.
I also believe infront of your family and friends u put a happy face but deep inside u are crying. If I am wrong please tell me I am sorry in advance bro.

If I am right bro I had the same feeling when I was in Singapore. Do u know what I did to release the stress and depression in singapore ?
I lived alone and at night before I go to sleep I will cry and I mean really cry out loud I cry and cry until I can no longer cry it seem that the depression and stress and unhappiness came out of my chest I felt lighter and the next day I feel better. I will cry every week twice bro.

I hope this help bro.

Crying don't solve anything but definitely can cry.
Tell yourself to stop after 30min, 60min or 90min.

Sometimes I talk to my fishes
Some people drink, some people smoke, some people cry, some take med.
That's fine. Do what you have to do, to stay alive.


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Staff member
does your little one sleep with u together with wife?
will be therapeutic
Yes she does.

But on days I work as doctor I am just too tired and worrying about the next day.

That's why have cut back on days of work. But it means just getting by no savings. Which also means have to work till die.

But I guess got life can still work is better than dead and no work.

Well if have to die have to die also lah.

Byebye Penis

Yes she does.

But on days I work as doctor I am just too tired and worrying about the next day.

That's why have cut back on days of work. But it means just getting by no savings. Which also means have to work till die.

But I guess got life can still work is better than dead and no work.

Well if have to die have to die also lah.

on the other hand, if u got 50 patients a day, your business or repute must be damn good too.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Bro I believe if your patients are not drug addict or got mental problems I am very sure the normal patients are nice and normal people.

Sadly these group drug addict and mental problems people give u a lot of pressure and trust me it really not easy to handle these group of people they can scold the doctors and some even hit the doctor and nurses and security had to be called and also police I seen it bro.

Being a doctor is a very respectable job and it also come with high risk. I believe sometimes u like to think whether u did the right thing and some how it effect u emotionally bro.
I also believe infront of your family and friends u put a happy face but deep inside u are crying. If I am wrong please tell me I am sorry in advance bro.

If I am right bro I had the same feeling when I was in Singapore. Do u know what I did to release the stress and depression in singapore ?
I lived alone and at night before I go to sleep I will cry and I mean really cry out loud I cry and cry until I can no longer cry it seem that the depression and stress and unhappiness came out of my chest I felt lighter and the next day I feel better. I will cry every week twice bro.

I hope this help bro.

Yes deep inside crying.

Actually lately outside also crying liao.

My family got a simple cake for my birthday.

When singing happy birthday I was just crying and crying. Blow out candles I wish I will never see my next birthday get cancer or heart attack or accident or something fatal.