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Covid is spreading in West Taiwan

Byebye Penis

One million Chinese people are at risk of dying from Covid-19 during the coming winter months -- Financial Times



Alfrescian (Inf)
why her mouth so bad, laugh at the covid deaths of other countries?

She has a nerve to mention fentanyl, which is produced by China and then exported/smuggled to the USA. Declaring war without firing a single bullet. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Several medical papers that i shared earlier, revealed that vaccination gives negative protection after three months, meaning that the vaccinated are more likely to be infected.

Then the vaxtards have to go for their regular 'top-ups' or 'software updates'. Even if no actual protection exists, they feel good psychologically for doing something to protect themselves and their loved ones. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Any daft Sinkies interested in this Tiong-invented mask? It protects you from Big Bad Covid and allows you to eat without removing your mask.


Byebye Penis

initially, i thought it was delta-variant creating havoc in China, since china was hardly hit COVID in the last 18 months.

However during the Christmas weekend, HK's covid cases surged suddenly to about 20000 cases daily.

Given that HK was already exposed to Delta a year ago; with this new outbreak due to their proximity with China, it hints that there is a new infectious variant from China, there is a need to close borders with HK and China.
