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[COVID-19 Virus] The Sinkies are fucked Thread.

Byebye Penis

As my uncle already said in the beginning covid death rate was masked out by pap by using majority of the young bangla workers to get a gold standard .

Last year actually some seniors dead, classified as chest infection - not covid.
This year, money more important. Maybe GST can also increase. People can go die.


Yearning for a 'normal' life: A 32-year-old recovered Covid-19 patient's story, Singapore News
Covid-19 was just something Cindy Chian had heard of on the news, and from friends of friends.
Never did this 32-year-old Singaporean think that she would test positive one day.
More from AsiaOneRead the condensed version of this story, and other top stories with NewsLite.
And Chian wasn't alone — more than half of her household of 11 people tested positive too.
Uncertainties — what to do, where to go and who to inform — loomed the day she got her test results at National University Hospital (NUH). Two days later, on Sept 17, she was admitted to a community care facility at Mount Alvernia Hospital (MAH) and stayed for six days
Till today, the recovered Covid-19 patient is still uncertain on how to return to 'normal' life.
Prior to getting infected, Chian was a typical active millennial who went for spin sessions twice a week, enjoyed the occasional Barry's Bootcamp HIIT classes, and met a close group of friends on the regular outside of her work in audit.

'No one knows when it will be cleared'​

A screenshot of Chian's TraceTogether app. PHOTO: Cindy Chian
Four days after she was discharged from hospital, she texted her friends: "Will you all be afraid to meet me next week?
"I won't be mad even if you say yes."
Deep down she was scared too, Chian told AsiaOne. Under the test status on her TraceTogether app, it still states that she is "not cleared".
"It's very stressful because I'm also worried that I'm a risk to people around me. I need to do a lot of research to make sure I'm really safe to go out."
"For those of us who are recovered, it (the test status) will still show as 'not cleared'," Chian said.
She added that she's still considered Covid-19 positive, just not infectious anymore with her last test showing a CT (cycle threshold) value of 29.
With a high CT value of near 30, it suggests that the infection is not recent and highly likely to be past the period when someone is infectious.
"No one knows when it will be cleared," she said.
It's a question that even the over 12,000-member Telegram group, SG Quarantine Order Support Group, can't answer either.
Nevertheless, Chian said that she participates in the support group's conversation regularly hoping she can share her experiences with those with uncertainties.

How long before a negative test result?​

"When I first contracted Covid-19, I was really clueless. I called MOH (Ministry of Health) but no one answered. No one in my family knew what to do.
"The support group is really an avenue where people can at least get some help," shared Chian, who became the guardian of her 16-year-old nephew who also tested positive for Covid-19 the same time as her.
Chian and her nephew shared a room at NUH. PHOTO: Cindy Chian
While this nephew has returned to school with a doctor's Covid-19 screening memo that he got after being discharged, her other younger nephew is still stuck at home.
The 13-year-old schoolboy, who was placed on home recovery after testing positive on Sept 17, has been "rejected" from going back to school despite feeling well on day 10.
"His school had requested for a negative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test before he could return.
"But the issue is he will be positive till god knows when. Even those in the Telegram group don't know how long it would take for a test result to be negative," Chian said.
Based on the Covid-19 screening memo that Chian showed AsiaOne, recovered Covid-19 patients are "exempted from asymptomatic screening of Covid-19, including ARTs (antigen rapid tests), PETs (pre-event tests), and PCR tests, for 270 days from the beginning of their infection".
The Covid-19 screening memo from NUH's Senior Consultant Infectious Disease Physician. PHOTO: Cindy Chian
"We've requested for it (Covid-19 screening memo) from MOH for my younger nephew but we've yet to receive a response," Chian said.
According to MOH's FAQ on home recovery: "No discharge memo is needed. If you are feeling well, you are discharged on day 10 of illness. There is no need for further PCR tests as vaccinated individuals are extremely unlikely to be infectious by this time."
AsiaOne has contacted MOH for comments.

Staying cautious​

Even with a Covid-19 screening memo and a test showing that she is no longer infectious, Chian remains cautious while going about her everyday activities.
She stayed home for another four days after being discharged from MAH before heading out once to run some errands — alone.
So far, Chian has faced no issues about her test status on the TraceTogether app at restaurants or workout studios except for an email from Barry's Bootcamp, when she checked her eligibility for their workout classes.
They replied: "Would you be able to provide us with a document stating that you have been cleared and discharged, and deemed to have fully recovered so we can advise further from there?"
Chian told us that she would try using her screening memo if she was going to a fitness class, but she understands that "some people from the Telegram group have been turned down by some restaurants after showing their uncleared test statuses".
Chian — like many of the over 12,180 members in SG Quarantine Order Support Group — yearns for a "normal" life back: "I'm not trying to be difficult to MOH, but I just need answers."
[email protected]


Geylang Bahru Food Centre To Close For Disinfection After At Least 10 Cases Detected

As Covid-19 continues to spread through our community, some markets and hawker centres have had to close as cases emerge there.
Starting this Saturday (2 Oct), Geylang Bahru Market & Food Centre will close for 3 days to allow for disinfecting works.


This comes after at least 10 cases surfaced at the market and hawker centre.

Geylang Bahru Market & Food Centre to close for disinfection​

According to Lianhe Zaobao, at least 10 stall owners and assistants have tested positive for Covid-19 thus far.


When reporters from the Chinese newspaper visited the premises, at least 30 hawker stalls and 5 market stalls were closed respectively.

As such, the closure will extend to the entire premise from 2-4 Oct for disinfection. Stalls will likely reopen on 5 Oct.

This will be the 2nd time the market has closed over the past 3 weeks as it had reportedly undergone cleaning on 13-14 Sep.

NEA officials apparently told Lianhe Zaobao that the slight delay in the closure is to allow hawkers to prepare for closing and clear any remaining ingredients.

Closing over the weekend when the market gets more visitors will also be more effective in preventing further transmissions.

Stallholders mostly understanding of closure​

Many stallholders who spoke to Lianhe Zaobao said they were understanding of the situation.
As cases in Singapore rise sharply, many have braced themselves for closure due to an outbreak of cases.

Diners who frequent the hawker centres were similarly understanding and said there are alternative dining options around the area that they could patronise during the closure.

Hope no large cluster breaks out​

With cases on the rise, new clusters emerging isn’t as serious news as before.

Be that as it may, we hope contact tracing efforts will continue to be effective in preventing a major cluster outbreak.

We also hope the scheduled disinfection will provide assurance to stallholders and patrons that the market cum hawker centre is a safe place for all to visit.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Singapore is in one big mess now over Covid, Sinfaporeans are confused on what to do if kena COvid, with no proper guidance form MOH.​

Bam25th :​

Well, one of my household member is covid positive 9 days ago and is currently on home recovery.

So far, no one has come to my house to do swab test on him yet. Today is the 9th day. To my horror, when I check MOH website, the guideline is:
“ 9) When can I be discharged from Home Recovery?

If you are feeling well, you are discharged on Day 10. You do not need to wait for a discharge. There is no need for further PCR tests as vaccinated individuals are very unlikely to be infectious by this time.”

Omg means tomorrow he can be discharged and walk free, without doing any PCR or ART test?!?!

Worst of all, he is still having coughs!!!
If the authorities don’t want to do come to my house to do swab test, what can I do? I couldn’t possibly grab him and force ART on him……

They say it’s extremely unlikely for him to spread covid at 10 days, but sure or not?!?! He’s still coughing wor……

Then all covid patients etc can just walk free from the 10th day?!?! No need to test?!?!


WoXingWoShu :​

New regulations say no need 2nd PCR test and u r considered discharge.

BUT. Got one big problem. Maybe it's just me, I dunno..

On 9th day, I called the Buddy hotline to enquire. They confirm do not need 2nd PCR test and Trace Together / Healthhub will automatically be updated.

Mine showed "Half Vaccinated" and "PCR Test Positive" (from 1st PCR Test),

So, I waited. On the 12th day, my Trace Together and Healthhub status never change. So I called MOH hotline to enquire.

He said will escalate my case to relevant department and issue me a discharge memo. For 2nd PCR test, have to ask the person when he call.

For now, he says I cannot enter malls or go out.

Simi sai.

Those kena covid recently might wanna take note, esp on the status on PCR test not cleared part.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

redorangeyellow :​

Its true i was released without taking an exit PCR test. Given the official document to exempt me from pre event testing until next year as well.

If i still have covid, good luck to everyone!


Yearning for a 'normal' life: A 32-year-old recovered Covid-19 patient's story, Singapore News
Covid-19 was just something Cindy Chian had heard of on the news, and from friends of friends.
Never did this 32-year-old Singaporean think that she would test positive one day.
More from AsiaOneRead the condensed version of this story, and other top stories with NewsLite.
And Chian wasn't alone — more than half of her household of 11 people tested positive too.
Uncertainties — what to do, where to go and who to inform — loomed the day she got her test results at National University Hospital (NUH). Two days later, on Sept 17, she was admitted to a community care facility at Mount Alvernia Hospital (MAH) and stayed for six days
Till today, the recovered Covid-19 patient is still uncertain on how to return to 'normal' life.
Prior to getting infected, Chian was a typical active millennial who went for spin sessions twice a week, enjoyed the occasional Barry's Bootcamp HIIT classes, and met a close group of friends on the regular outside of her work in audit.

'No one knows when it will be cleared'​

A screenshot of Chian's TraceTogether app. PHOTO: Cindy Chian
Four days after she was discharged from hospital, she texted her friends: "Will you all be afraid to meet me next week?
"I won't be mad even if you say yes."
Deep down she was scared too, Chian told AsiaOne. Under the test status on her TraceTogether app, it still states that she is "not cleared".
"It's very stressful because I'm also worried that I'm a risk to people around me. I need to do a lot of research to make sure I'm really safe to go out."
"For those of us who are recovered, it (the test status) will still show as 'not cleared'," Chian said.
She added that she's still considered Covid-19 positive, just not infectious anymore with her last test showing a CT (cycle threshold) value of 29.
With a high CT value of near 30, it suggests that the infection is not recent and highly likely to be past the period when someone is infectious.
"No one knows when it will be cleared," she said.
It's a question that even the over 12,000-member Telegram group, SG Quarantine Order Support Group, can't answer either.
Nevertheless, Chian said that she participates in the support group's conversation regularly hoping she can share her experiences with those with uncertainties.

How long before a negative test result?​

"When I first contracted Covid-19, I was really clueless. I called MOH (Ministry of Health) but no one answered. No one in my family knew what to do.
"The support group is really an avenue where people can at least get some help," shared Chian, who became the guardian of her 16-year-old nephew who also tested positive for Covid-19 the same time as her.
Chian and her nephew shared a room at NUH. PHOTO: Cindy Chian
While this nephew has returned to school with a doctor's Covid-19 screening memo that he got after being discharged, her other younger nephew is still stuck at home.
The 13-year-old schoolboy, who was placed on home recovery after testing positive on Sept 17, has been "rejected" from going back to school despite feeling well on day 10.
"His school had requested for a negative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test before he could return.
"But the issue is he will be positive till god knows when. Even those in the Telegram group don't know how long it would take for a test result to be negative," Chian said.
Based on the Covid-19 screening memo that Chian showed AsiaOne, recovered Covid-19 patients are "exempted from asymptomatic screening of Covid-19, including ARTs (antigen rapid tests), PETs (pre-event tests), and PCR tests, for 270 days from the beginning of their infection".
The Covid-19 screening memo from NUH's Senior Consultant Infectious Disease Physician. PHOTO: Cindy Chian
"We've requested for it (Covid-19 screening memo) from MOH for my younger nephew but we've yet to receive a response," Chian said.
According to MOH's FAQ on home recovery: "No discharge memo is needed. If you are feeling well, you are discharged on day 10 of illness. There is no need for further PCR tests as vaccinated individuals are extremely unlikely to be infectious by this time."
AsiaOne has contacted MOH for comments.

Staying cautious​

Even with a Covid-19 screening memo and a test showing that she is no longer infectious, Chian remains cautious while going about her everyday activities.
She stayed home for another four days after being discharged from MAH before heading out once to run some errands — alone.
So far, Chian has faced no issues about her test status on the TraceTogether app at restaurants or workout studios except for an email from Barry's Bootcamp, when she checked her eligibility for their workout classes.
They replied: "Would you be able to provide us with a document stating that you have been cleared and discharged, and deemed to have fully recovered so we can advise further from there?"
Chian told us that she would try using her screening memo if she was going to a fitness class, but she understands that "some people from the Telegram group have been turned down by some restaurants after showing their uncleared test statuses".
Chian — like many of the over 12,180 members in SG Quarantine Order Support Group — yearns for a "normal" life back: "I'm not trying to be difficult to MOH, but I just need answers."
[email protected]
Soon they will make COVID patients wear the leper's bell. :biggrin: :biggrin:



Bloody hell if moh website say can means can KNN if kiasu ownself write a leescharge memo you think they got time to check ah KNN


oh my god, Singaporeans. You still believe that PCR test is reliable to give you accurate result? say who? the govt? PCR inventor already say this is a useless test for it.



Alfrescian (Inf)
with regret your views are not aligned with the majority

if you have been keeping your ears to the ground you will know the general peasantry is fed up to the gills with restrictions.

MTF hasn’t changed course . The strategy remains the same . Vaccinate, add a third dose to protect the vulnerable, preserve hospital assets, and open up to save the economy and resume endemic (normal) state

current crop of restrictions is just for show .

but of course you are entitled to your view that it’s a deadly malignant virus. no one stopping you to hide at home with the anti vaxxers and never come out. Maybe you are a rich guy with multiple streams of passive income . Vast majority of peasants do not .

and on a global scale : https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/29/business/supply-chain-workers/index.html
They are getting increasingly uneasy especially when more elderly are falling sick, needing oxygen and dying.

If they are true to their strategy, they would not have told the seniors to stay home. It is as good as telling the seniors ," Uncle, please help. The death rate is getting a bit too high. Please stay at home. " If the virus is not deadly, why do you worry about the seniors leaving home.


They are getting increasingly uneasy especially when more elderly are falling sick, needing oxygen and dying.

If they are true to their strategy, they would not have told the seniors to stay home. It is as good as telling the seniors ," Uncle, please help. The death rate is getting a bit too high. Please stay at home. " If the virus is not deadly, why do you worry about the seniors leaving home.
The virus is deadly to seniors vaxxed or not. It is especially so for those unvaxxed with underlying illnesses.

Any endemic strategy should not include those aged 70 and above because any disease will kill them.