When i was a single, others said that life is boring in Brunei but i beg to differ - I love the outdoor, i took the Mitsub Pajero (4 WD) into the longhouse, I used it to tow my 1st boat from my house to the sea. I went Scuba diving as often as i like with my buddies. It was a good life & met the woman that became my wife.
In Canada, it is wifey + 4 in tow. The canadian government has been very kind. When i landed as i was considered low income - every month they gave out C$1300 as i have 4 kids + they even asked if i needed a place to put the kids for daycare so that i can look for a job. This touched me very much. The education is good, kids enjoy the fact that they are visible and everybody treated them as an individual. When they are talking over the internet with their cousins. You can tell the difference in the maturity in their conversation even thought there is a 2 weeks differences in their age.
As for ourselves, we gave up a S$400K annual combined income from our jobs and the stress of our 2 businesses. We realize that the kids would be our main priority, so we should focus on passive income rather than earned income.
We captured the opportunity and started buying rental properties for our own workers that we bring in. When the cashflow from the business and rental properties exceeded our expenses. I quit my job to run my own business till date, we have 6 rental properties and wifey does not need to work anymore. Everyday, I just maintain current business contact and end of the month collect the rent. Wifey and i use the time to educate our kids on more important aspect of life like values and being responsiblites and being fun to be with.
I will be applying for my CA citizenship next month. During the last year, i have help a few fellow samster who has attained their CA PR to settle down in Edmonton. Picking them up from the airport, getting their landing docs done and extending whatever help they needed. I never even charge them a single cent - this is my contribution back to sammyboy as i received a lot of pointers in my migration planing from SG to CA. This pointers has help me to avoid a lot of potential landmine.
As for those nay sayer that called my wife a pig - i apologise that you do not have 4 kids. I wish you well, 1 day when you realized there is a different world out here and you wished tat you should have taken the other blue pill instead of the red. Email me - i will treat you with graciousness and empathy that my parent brought me up. I only hope that i can tranfer these big legacy to my kids as well.