The ahneh resident population numbers have steadily climbed from the previous 6% (70s & 80s) to the current 9.1%. It will climb further.
Despite these 9.1%, 26% of the 19 cabinet ministers are ahnehs.
26% of the 81 senior counsels are ahnehs. 14% of SC Judges and JCs are ahnehs.
Except for Wong Kan Seng (1988 -1994) and George Yeo (2004-2011), the rest (Rajaratnam, Dhanabalan, Jayakumar, Shanmugam and Missy Vivian) of the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Singapore since independence have all been, and are ahnehs. 27% of Singapore's embassies and high comms are headed by ahnehs.
And the list goes on, despite the ahnehs' constant bitching about "discrimination". With such numbers, they wield power and influence disproportionate to, and far in excess of their actual numbers.
The Malays will be the first to be fucked - if they are not already - once the ahneh population surpasses them and they cease to be kingmakers. If the Malays think that living with a Chinese majority is disadvantageous to them, they will realise it will be far, far worse when these ahnehs gain more power and influence and become further entrenched in this society.
The Chinese, if they continue to be split politically and are unable to, or refuse to accept Malays as their friends and political allies, will be totally fucked by these ahnehs in the future as these ahnehs become progressively bolder with their increasing numbers, power and influence.