Hopefully some help for IR addicted Singaporeans:
My strongest weapon against going to the 2 IRs is my anti-PAP attitude. I've only been to the Resort Casino once when I was invited by my Australian guest. He wanted to go and offered to pay for my entrance fee. I basically went to see the place and play a little slots just as a payout comparison with Genting machines.
But I've never stepped into Sands Casino before even up till now because I refuse to let my $100 go into the PAP pockets! Its my principle that they eat too much of our money already and that drives me away SUPER strongly from both IRs. Its my best weapon( anti-PAP principle ).
In any case, I would still prefer to go to Genting but only if I get free room offers. So the quantity of times I go there is also very little. I rather go to Genting also because I get almost double my playing capacity than if I play here.
My weapon for Genting is that I play for the entertainment, not so strongly for gambling, so I find it easier to control myself and not get addicted. So if I don't go, it doesn't bother me. But I think since the local IRs is a bigger problem for most Singaporeans, they should try to adopt my mentality if they are really anti-PAP. That will help them not get into trouble.
Unlike you, I'm not anti-PAP lah. PAP is my idol. Sg w/o PAP is shit

BUT, principles are principles. I eschew 2nd class treatment bigtime. Hence, no going into local casinos.