Gambling is an interest. From playing stocks to casino gambling.
Stocks is less risky and the returns are quite good also. Casino gambling is play within means, don't play until have to borrow or no money to feed family. Do it moderately and it will be ok.
Problem gambling affects only a small percentage of those who visit casinos. Not like 50% of those who visit casino will have this problem. If this percentage is so high, China and US would be finished by now with the country full of bankrupts from the casinos they opened in Macau and Las Vegas.
I am on a run of 5 straight loss days, but it doesn't really matter because I have been on 5 straight winning days before too. No one can win every day. Just that when we lose, don't keep going and fighting.
Bro Silverfox,
I have been reading your posting about real life gambling experiences from page one and found it to be of absolute truth. This is who i was exactly ten years ago, who is on a final university year and also an emotional gambler who keep losing money and almost ruined myself of getting a degree.
I remembered in year 2000 one of my uni mates told me, getting a degree is worth a toilet paper. How true is that I can only comment that in university we are being taught theories from text books and very little practical experience. And sometimes I just wish that this year is 2000 rather than 2010.
I said this becoz back in year 2000 I only know how to play roulette and not baccarat or blackjack. And of course I lost everything. Reading your experiences has made me realized my past mistake and how immature and naive I was that time.
If only this is year 2000 perhaps I could make correction and start making real money off casino slowly and steadily by following your advice and tips. Unfortunately I read your postings on the wrong time. Back in year 2000 forums are very limited. People only start to play sms, chat in ICQ or MIRC.
What I am trying to say here is real life experience is all that matters in life, be it love, career, marriage, and even gambling. If you ask me to choose between theories and real life experiences, I think, after 10 years getting a degree sounds no meaning to me. You cannot get all of this in real life from what you have mentioned.
I must confess your advice and tips are something priceless, that money cannot buy. For me you are an enlightened gambler who is not selfish to share your knowledge with other members of this forum. This is what I called knowledge charity. I truly learnt a lot from that and I would like to give big thanks for your dedication.
I, too, support your idea of charity giving. My birthday is coming soon. Instead of celebrating my birthday I decided to do some donation to the needy, not from the gambling profits as I have not bet in casino for 10 years and lost horribly during that time but from my hard earned money.
I feel that celebrating my birthday is not really that important and as an ordinary human I just want to help as much as I can to lessen their burden and suffering by giving donations.
It's kinda funny too u know I only login back to this forum after one year. You want to know why?
I almost want to bet roulette using the martingale system last year in online casino. Very nearly want to deposit money oredi, luckily got one spin that goes beyond 20 spins and in the end I lost all my capital while playing in the free account.
So, you are rite, martingale system is not reliable and make you lose all the money in the end. Luckily that is a free practice account. So I was saved

I got sick of this and decided to leave gambling for good.
Before I conclude, I just hope that one day i can master the art of mental calmness like what you do, not necessary for gambling but also in real life situations. I look forward to read more of your postings in the near future.