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Can you believe it? I changed to another mount Elizabeth doctor, did endoscopy and was told I have no intestinal metaplasia!!!


What a good perfect day if not for an evil whistling dog that just whistled at me at shopping centre. May his descendants be gangraped Pui!


Just gastritis.
I believe you.

These specialist doctors have a good scam going there. They will pass you to another specialist (a friend), saying you have to go see him. Then that specialist will make you go to another specialist. Round and round it goes.

The other doctors will return the favour with another new victim. Round and round it goes again.

The whole idea is to drain your insurance money.


I believe you.

These specialist doctors have a good scam going there. They will pass you to another specialist (a friend), saying you have to go see him. Then that specialist will make you go to another specialist. Round and round it goes.

The other doctors will return the favour with another new victim. Round and round it goes again.

The whole idea is to drain your insurance money.
You are so nice and objective. Unlike some evil pretentious criminal bully dogs that insist you are telling lies just because it is weird.


I believe you.

These specialist doctors have a good scam going there. They will pass you to another specialist (a friend), saying you have to go see him. Then that specialist will make you go to another specialist. Round and round it goes.

The other doctors will return the favour with another new victim. Round and round it goes again.

The whole idea is to drain your insurance money.
Oh ya but no they didn’t pass me to another specialist. It’s I changed the specialist and standard report from different lab pathologist with different findings for the two endoscopy done at 1.5 year apart. Who knows? Maybe my intestinal metaplasia had spontaneously reversed or what and not that the first report was wrong.


Does that mean you won't be dying so soon? So we can continue with our abuses and harassments for a long time more? Yahoo!!!
You Cantonese dog son of chicken will be dying soon and crushed into a million pieces for the evil you done and doing to me Pui!


Oh ya but no they didn’t pass me to another specialist. It’s I changed the specialist and standard report from different lab pathologist with different findings for the two endoscopy done at 1.5 year apart. Who knows? Maybe my intestinal metaplasia had spontaneously reversed or what and not that the first report was wrong.
Probably the first specialist saw you as an ahlian, blur sotong, ready to be chopped carrot.
You should bring these two different reports and complain to SMC.


Probably the first specialist saw you as an ahlian, blur sotong, ready to be chopped carrot.
You should bring these two different reports and complain to SMC.
The intestinal metaplasia diagnosis had certainly freaked me out and caused me much distress indeed. However the good thing is it has made me read up deeply on cancer and become a cancer expert.


allahu akbar! hallelujah! praise the lord! amen! amitābha!!!
Look at how evil and mean you Cantonese dog son of chicken are to pretend don’t understand my thread that I just knew the super good news today that I have no intestinal metaplasia and accused me tell lies and so proud to join your fellow dogs to do evil with your Cantonese pride. You will and should get cancer and die and that’s called justice. Pui!


Look at how evil and mean you Cantonese dog son of chicken are to pretend don’t understand my thread that I just knew the super good news today that I have no intestinal metaplasia and accused me tell lies and so proud to join your fellow dogs to do evil with your Cantonese pride. You will and should get cancer and die and that’s called justice. Pui!
@Balls2U @meaninglesslife don’t act blur pretend don’t understand this is a case of misdiagnosis and not that I tell lies. So shameless you evil Cantonese dogs caused stress to me is to cause me cancer is a fact proven by science and that’s no lie at all. Pui!


The intestinal metaplasia diagnosis had certainly freaked me out and caused me much distress indeed. However the good thing is it has made me read up deeply on cancer and become a cancer expert.
I have also changed my diet to incorporate MUCH more fruits and vegetables and started taking all kinds of supplements. From no juicer to buying my first juicer to now upgraded to a slow juicer within the last six months. All thanks to my intestinal metaplasia diagnosis hahaha


I have also changed my diet to incorporate MUCH more fruits and vegetables and started taking all kinds of supplements. From no juicer to buying my first juicer to now upgraded to a slow juicer within the last six months. All thanks to my intestinal metaplasia diagnosis hahaha
I am so proud of myself!