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Can you believe it? I changed to another mount Elizabeth doctor, did endoscopy and was told I have no intestinal metaplasia!!!


One thing is for sure. I will continue my new diet and juicing. Heaven is giving me a chance. Life is great while dogs like @meaninglesslife serial liar criminals hiding in rat hole doing defamation crimes to me can go rot in hell. Pui!
@meaninglesslife as usual you are so jealous that I am given good diagnosis and immediately do defamation crimes to bring me down. 真够贱! You Cantonese criminal dogs can never cancel the truth that I am hokkien virgin with annulled marriage that you dare not swear to die a violent death. Just tell lies of me non stop and declare winner and run off is your despicable Cantonese dog son of prostitute way to win. Pui!


I have also changed my diet to incorporate MUCH more fruits and vegetables and started taking all kinds of supplements. From no juicer to buying my first juicer to now upgraded to a slow juicer within the last six months. All thanks to my intestinal metaplasia diagnosis hahaha
I was already eating healthy last time but now I am eating much more vegetables and fruits via juicing. It can only bring me good. @meaninglesslife can go jealous to death. Evil ingrate Cantonese dog read my cancer threads and then do defamation crimes to me Knnbccb 真够贱!


I was already eating healthy last time but now I am eating much more vegetables and fruits via juicing. It can only bring me good. @meaninglesslife can go jealous to death. Evil ingrate Cantonese dog read my cancer threads and then do defamation crimes to me Knnbccb 真够贱!
Heaven has just given you a good slap @meaninglesslife for your failed murder attempts of me over one decade Pui!


Alfrescian (Inf)
And I always sleep well if not for evil dogs and bitches that persecute and target me at sleep. These dogs sure wish their evil doing get canceled by heaven while I did no evil and told ZERO lies to harm anyone unlike @meaninglesslife aka @NanoSpeed and @Balls2U and of course you @eatshitndie and @Leongsam all of which did evil to me.
water hammer noises from dusk till dawn. i hear that all the time in sg when someone goes to the toilet to flush and wash hands.


water hammer noises from dusk till dawn. i hear that all the time in sg when someone goes to the toilet to flush and wash hands.
Nope I am not stupid nor mad and can tell the difference between knocks from and on my windows from pipe noises.


Up up up serial liar criminal @meaninglesslife everyday tell lies to harm me and turned around to accuse me what he is. A Cantonese dog son of chicken serial liar vicious bully that made murder attempts to Gansiokbin busted by heaven. Pui!