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samping :
This did not happen to me.
I saw this post at facebook group call United Singaporean
i just copy and paste here.
Sharing my horrific experience seeing sgh urologist on 18 February. I decide to give sgh face by removing the doctor name.
Everything that i experience can be read in the email that i send to sgh feedback but i will just write it here again.
I told him my symptoms are i feel pain when i urine and i need to use strength and take about 10 to 20 seconds than i can urine out. I show him the ultrasound scan of the prostate report in 2022 which shows the size of the prostate is 26mm which is slightly large and in 2024 it increased to 34mm.
I believe that its the enlarge prostate that is causing this difficulty to urine so i told him i want to consider surgery to reduce the size of the prostate. He just say don't need to do surgery because there are many people who have enlarge prostate but there is no need to do operation.
I show him the letter written by gp doctor to the urologist. The go doctor say he has given me tamsuolin and alfuzodin but it didn't work. 1 month ago the gp doctor let me try dutasteride. This urologist claim that there is no need to take dutasteride because it will only work for people whose prostate is bigger than 40mm, while my prostate is 34mm. I remind him that my prostate increased from 26mm to 34mm in 2 years time. He just ignore it.
He say he wanted me to do a urine flow test. I told him i already did a urine flow test in sgh in 2023 and the result was normal. He look at the result in the system and than agree that the result was normal.
But he claim that the only thing i need to do a urine flow test which will be arranged 6 months later. So i ask him what is next if the urine flow test result is normal. He just say that if the test result is normal, there is nothing that needs to be done, i just have to accept that some people including me may need to use strength for 10 to 20 seconds to urine.
Don't you think that what he says sounds like rubbish?
So i email to sgh feedback to tell them about what happen. I told them my appointment is 3.50pm. By the time i see this urologist it was about 4.20pm. Since he insist on doing urine flow test, i ask him why not do it now instead of wait 6 months later. He says not now because the clinic is going to close soon.
I inform sgh feedback that he does not seem interested to see his patients. He didn't bother to read the letter written by gp doctor which i pass to him. He seems like just want to faster see finish all his patients than he can go home.
I requested to have another urologist or the head of the urologist department to review my case. When their doctor screw up, i believe that my request for another urologist or the head of urologist department to review my case is a very reasonable request.
After i email to sgh feedback on 18 February, they simply ignore me. On 25 February i email them again to check on the outcome. They ignore me again. I call them to check. They claim that they are checking with the clinic and will get back to me soon.
Until today 5 march, sgh feedback department sill ignore me. Today i forward the email to frontline, shin min and straits times and also cc sgh feedback and a few ministers such as Lawrence Wong, ong ye kung, kenneth mak, masagos and also cc to [email protected]. I ask the news vendor if they will be interested to publish my story.
Than i call sgh feedback again asking them what is the outcome. They say they receive my email and will check the clinic.
I than forward the email to workers party MP such as pritam, sylvia, faisal, dennis, tingru, kheng wee, jamus to see if they will be interested to raise this issue in parliament.
Because i believe that there are many patients in sgh who have experience the same issue as me. Its just that they choose to keep quiet or maybe they just switch to go other hospital to see other doctors.
I have yet to receive any reply from the news vendors on whether they want to publish my story. WP and sgh feedback also didn't get back to me yet. I decide to post my story to warn you all about sgh. I didn't expect sgh to be this type of rubbish hospital.