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Breaking : Prince Charles test positive for Covid19


Charles and Camilla joined by adorable pet dogs as they mark 15 years of marriage

EMBARGOED until 2200 Wednesday April 8, 2020. Conditions of use: Please credit: Clarence House. Not for use after 16/4/2020 and has to be used in conjunction with TRHÃs 15th wedding anniversary. The photograph is free of charge and must not be sold on. Handout picture dated 8/4/2020 of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall (known as the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay when in Scotland), who celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary Thursday, at Birkhall, their home on the Balmoral Estate.


Queen's Easter Message. :cool:

“We will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again, Queen Elizabeth II said in a speech. (Photo: Getty Images)

“We will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again," Queen Elizabeth II said in a speech. (Photo: Getty Images)

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry also watched the speech and “were both moved” by it, Harper’s Bazaar reporter Omid Scobie said.

“They described it as not just a demonstration of experienced leadership, but also warmth, reassurance, and comfort,” an anonymous source told the publication.


From The Associated Press:

The Latest: British PM has now tested negative for COVID-19

LONDON — Boris Johnson’s spokesman says the British prime minister is continuing his recovery from COVID-19 and, on the advice of his doctors, is “not immediately returning to work.”

Johnson was discharged from St. Thomas’ Hospital in London on Sunday and then went to Chequers, the prime minister’s country residence, around 40 miles (65 kilometers) northwest of the capital.

James Slack confirmed that Johnson has now tested negative for the coronavirus and denied that the government had downplayed the seriousness of Johnson’s condition.

Johnson was admitted to St. Thomas’ on April 5 after his condition worsened and he was transferred the following day to its intensive care unit, where he received oxygen but was not put onto a ventilator. He spent three nights there before moving back to a regular hospital ward. After leaving the hospital, Johnson expressed his gratitude to the staff of the National Health Service for saving his life when it could have “gone either way.”

Slack said Johnson spoke over the weekend to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who has been deputizing for the prime minister during his illness.