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Breaking : Prince Charles test positive for Covid19

syed putra

Wuhan virus is helping to rid the UK of its useless, money sucking monarchy. Such a great leveler this wuhan virus.:biggrin:
UK monarchy makes money for the country in terms of tourism, heritage and represents businesses when they go on international tours. Sells weapons to arabs too.


Old Fart
UK monarchy makes money for the country in terms of tourism, heritage and represents businesses when they go on international tours. Sells weapons to arabs too.
Assuming what you mentioned is true, I am sure they suck up more money than they make.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
"Tested positive but remains in good health."

That old crock is 71 and virus has done nothing so far. If he wasn't a member of royalty he would not have even been tested.

If this does not prove that the virus is much ado about nothing I don't know what does.


Alfrescian (Inf)
After William, next in line is this moron. :cool:


Wtf! This guy got blue blood? :roflmao:


He is royalty leh, how to die so easily. Even if suay suay passed away also will have grand send off with live telecast.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I get to see the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana in my lifetime.
I might get to see a royal funeral or two as well, seeing how things are going


Alfrescian (Inf)
I get to see the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana in my lifetime.
I might get to see a royal funeral or two as well, seeing how things are going
if there were to be any royal funeral it would be a virtual funeral with mourners watching it online. tanwahtiu would be wanking to high heaven with revenge for b.e. opium "crimes" in mind. wait a minute, he's wanking furiously now with 6.9 new posts every 69 seconds.