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to solve this problem need to scale down fake constructions. Too much concrete and bricks constructions in Singapore.

time to train own Chinese people in constructions and pay them well.

Does this riot now make Spore a more dangerous place than JB:confused:

10 years ago I would often drive through Serangoon Road. Back then it was already very crowded. It must now be really bad with all those extra millions of indians.
The authorities can throw a few hundred indians into jail but will that improve anything when they plan to import more of them:confused:


Re: Riots in Singapore- some Million$ heads better roll for this!!

The blame will fall on the Corporal who first arrived on the scene and did not access the situation correctly in order for an appropriate response to be organised.

Assess, not access. Access is for allowing you entry into some location.


Should some major disaster befall SG, SG will never be able to pick up the pieces again if we are unable to pay the foreigners enough to return. No SGrean will know how to build, how to do electrical and plumbing work, how to nurse, how to cook, how to drive lorries and buses, and how to look after their children.


We specialize in leeching and we idolize the jews. That's why everyone tries to get into banking. Real Solid hard work? Thats "low" class. Thats the mindset of both hongkies and sinkies. Just see the way they treat chinese peasants/farmers.



Hi brother Sam,that 's a good sarcasm.
U don't need to go BKK to see a night of havoc,what a night of mayhem and boiling anger in Sinkeeland .:biggrin:


Should some major disaster befall SG, SG will never be able to pick up the pieces again if we are unable to pay the foreigners enough to return. No SGrean will know how to build, how to do electrical and plumbing work, how to nurse, how to cook, how to drive lorries and buses, and how to look after their children.

The PAP Govt in the last 30 years has succeeded in polarising singapore into capitalists and the working class.And don't forget,singapore is now a corporation,NOT a country anymore.


We specialize in leeching and we idolize the jews. That's why everyone tries to get into banking. Real Solid hard work? Thats "low" class. Thats the mindset of both hongkies and sinkies. Just see the way they treat chinese peasants/farmers.

Haha, I not in this profession but if you pay me a reasonable price i can do you u. email me for quote.


to solve this problem need to scale down fake constructions. Too much concrete and bricks constructions in Singapore.

time to train own Chinese people in constructions and pay them well.

The PAP Govt cannot scale down now,will affect the profits of the greedy developers and bankers and govt.The whole system is structured on corruption,collusion and nepotism.Rotten to the core.Just waiting to explode.BOOM ....!!!!!


Re: Riots in Singapore- some Million$ heads better roll for this!!

all is needed is foreigners to show how riot is like, Singaporeans has forgotten riot ever exist.

Watch out for their new Indian political party in 2016 GE. Their own kind are also feed up with too many of their kind in Singapore need an Indian party to take care of their kind.

The blame will fall on the Corporal who first arrived on the scene and did not access the situation correctly in order for an appropriate response to be organised.

He will be fired so the rest of us can move on.


Re: Riots in Singapore- some Million$ heads better roll for this!!

Hope our supreme leader is still conscious (not in zombie mode) and learns about this. Lol

I am sure for a person of his intellectual capacity, he is able to come up with a solution.
That zombie will tell you: No amount of engineering can prevent a riot by the Indians.


Re: CB, now you all support kelings?

they show Sinkies what riot is like which Sinkies has no experiences what it is like.

The Ah Nehs did what Sinkies dare not do. It shows that LKY is right in importing these people as they have more fire in their bellies. In fact, they succeeded in spreading the fires too.


Re: Riots in Singapore- some Million$ heads better roll for this!!

Oh dear, the nearby City Square condo will suffer a price drop soon.


Re: CB, now you all support kelings?

The Ah Nehs did what Sinkies dare not do. It shows that LKY is right in importing these people as they have more fire in their bellies. In fact, they succeeded in spreading the fires too.
I smell a tinge of sarcasm here.


Re: CB, now you all support kelings?

.............It shows that LKY is right in importing these people as they have more fire in their bellies..........

I totally agree with you on this point.

The Chief Justice, a Sinkie, is of Ah Neh descent.

He will shorten the sentences of the Ah Nehs involved in the "commotion".

Batok Seri

Re: Riots in Singapore- some Million$ heads better roll for this!!

A large group feeling aggrieved can easily turn into a riotous mob.
Not exclusive to Indians.
Historically happened to football fans, bus workers, students, to name a few.

That's why there are laws against illegal gathering.
Last edited:


Re: Riots in Singapore- some Million$ heads better roll for this!!

Hope our supreme leader is still conscious.............

Pleaze lah....the title "supreme leader" is only used in communist/Marxist regimes like North Korea.

Since when Sinkapore has become a communist or Marxist state?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Riots in Singapore- some Million$ heads better roll for this!!

First, the highest ranking first police responder was likely to have been at least a sergeant - you're probably unaware of the serious rank inflation that's been going on in the SPF.

Next, he probably gave the right assessment from his perspective, and would have asked for back up. But that request was then tied up with the sticky issue of whether to call it a riot (no cars overturned or burned yet, and calling it a 'riot' would have resulted in loss of face.)

Third, reports suggest that adequate force (SOC and Gurkhas) only arrived at least 90 minutes later (by when there was NO doubt there was a riot and several vehicles were burning.)

Even so, the rioting continued and the riot police did not (as far as reports go) use teargas or water cannon to disperse the crowd. This suggests that they were more keen to contain and arrest culprits in the area rather than disperse them and arrest them when they are away from the scene and in smaller groups. This strategy is fine if you have 20 people rioting (a la fights at malls) but when you are dealing with over 400 people, it's dangerous for both sides. But then, arresting people after they have dispersed requires more effort and prosecutorial skills than is commonly exercised.

So, Mr Leong, think again whether it was that 'corporal' who was at fault.

The blame will fall on the Corporal who first arrived on the scene and did not access the situation correctly in order for an appropriate response to be organised.

He will be fired so the rest of us can move on.


Christmas present to LKY

for those who wonder what Christmas present to give to LKY this year, you got one now. Riot in Little India, 送山门。


Al Jazeera reported on TV and FT also leeport

First I saw it on Al Jazeera a report on the RIOT in Sinkapore.

Next a leeport by FT.com as reproduced below.
Riot tarnishes Singapore’s image as place of ethnic harmony

By Jeremy Grant, Financial Times, in Singapore

At least one person was killed and 10 police officers were injured in Singapore after an accidental road death triggered the worst outbreak of civil unrest for years in the island nation, tarnishing its long-held reputation as one of the region’s safest cities.

The incident, on Sunday night, comes as Singapore’s ruling party, the People’s Action party (PAP), has for months been appealing for greater social harmony in the wake of rising unease among Singaporeans over a recent influx of foreign workers, many of them immigrants from South Asia.

It came only hours after the PAP was wrapping up a one-day annual political convention at which its leaders launched a “new resolution outlining its goals and aspirations for Singapore”.

Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore’s prime minister – and PAP leader – told delegates: “We must always keep Singapore a home where all races can live in peace and harmony.”

The city-state, which has long prided itself in maintaining harmony between its majority Chinese and minority Malay, Indian and Tamil populations, has a population of 5.3m. More than 1m of that is a community of mostly Indian, Bangladeshi and mainland Chinese foreign workers.

The incident occurred in the Little India district, home to a majority of Indians and Bangladeshis, after a bus driver accidentally ran over a man, police and witnesses said.

An angry crowd of about 400 – many of them foreign workers, local media reported – swarmed the bus, chasing the driver, a Singaporean, and setting alight to police vehicles. Police said five of its vehicles and one ambulance were damaged.

Mr Lee, in a post on his Facebook page, said the Little India riot was “a very grave incident”. He added: “Whatever events may have sparked the rioting, there is no excuse for such violent, destructive and criminal behaviour. We will spare no effort to identify the culprits and deal with them with the full force of the law. I urge all Singaporeans to stay calm.”

Teo Chee Hean, deputy prime minister and minister of home affairs, said: “This is a serious incident which has resulted in injuries and damage to public property. The situation is now under control. Police will spare no efforts to apprehend the subjects involved in the riot.”

Large red “special operations command” vehicles could be seen parked near the area, which had been cordoned off. Little India is a popular destination for foreign tourists, with dozens of restaurants offering south Asian cuisine and cheap textiles stores.

One Indian man, sweeping up debris outside a restaurant not far from two overturned police cars, said people in the area were very angry that the man had been run over. “Many Indian people here, and they are upset,” he said.

Singapore’s police urged people to stay indoors while police operations were under way. While the streets appeared quiet, riot police with shields could still be seen patrolling some areas.

“Members of the public are also advised to stay calm and not to speculate on this incident,” a police statement, posted on the force’s Facebook page, said.

Last year Singapore was hit with the first industrial strike action in 26 years after 171 foreign workers – all bus drivers from mainland China – went on a two-day strike at a public bus company in a protest over pay and living conditions.

Source: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9266db8a-602e-11e3-b36