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Boy arrested for Slamming Chair @ MP Off


A tontine is a scheme for raising capital which combines features of a group annuity, and a lottery.
[edit] History
The scheme is named after Neapolitan banker Lorenzo de Tonti, who is generally credited with inventing it in France in 1653. Some sources claim that similar schemes already existed in Italy, but there is no dispute that the popularity of the form was due to Tonti.
The basic concept is simple. Each investor pays a sum into the tontine. Each investor then receives annual dividends on his capital. As each investor dies, his or her share is reallocated amongst the surviving investors. This process continues until only one investor survives. Each subscriber receives only dividends; the capital is never paid back. The proceeds of the subscription were used to fund various private or public works projects. These sometimes contained the word "tontine" in their name, as did the Tontine Coffee House on Wall Street in New York City. Built in 1792, it was the first home of the New York Stock Exchange. In a later variation, the capital would devolve upon the last survivor, effectively dissolving the trust and usually making the survivor very wealthy; it is this version that has often been the plot device for mysteries and detective stories.
Louis XIV first made use of Tontines in 1689 (after Tonti's death) to fund military operations when he could not otherwise raise the money. The initial suscribers each put in 300 livres, and, unlike most later schemes, this one was run honestly; the last survivor, the widow, Charlotte Barbier, who died in 1726 at the age of 96, received 73,000 livres in her last payment. The British government first issued tontines in 1693 to fund a war against France. However, tontines soon caused problems for their issuing governments, as they would increasingly underestimate the longevity of the population. At first, tontine holders included men and women of all ages. However, by the mid-18th century, investors had caught on how to play the system, and it became increasingly common to buy tontines for young children, especially for girls around the age of 5 (since girls lived longer than boys, and by which age they were less at risk of infant mortality). This created the possibility to produce great returns for the holders, but it proved to be quite costly for the governments (not unlike modern day "pay-as-you-go" pension schemes). As a result, the tontine scheme was eventually abandoned, and as of the mid-1850s, the tontines had been replaced by other investment vehicles such as "penny policies", a predecessor to the 20th century invention of the pension scheme.
Tontines became associated with life-insurance in the United States in 1868 when Henry Baldwin Hyde of the Equitable Life Assurance Society introduced tontines as a means to sell more life insurance, and meet the demands of competition.
While once very popular in France, Britain, and the United States, tontines have been banned in Britain and the United States, because many of these schemes were little more than swindles. Geneva, in Switzerland, was known for its active market in tontines in the 17th and 18th centuries. Nevertheless, there are underground organizations in the US that still use the tontine.

FAST FORWARD to some place near the Equator.

Runner: Sir, I need money to invest overseas.
Boss: Can make how much in returns?
Runner: ROI of at least 200% sir.
Boss: Can. I give you the money but I want 20% interests on the sum.
Runner: Ok Sir. No problem on that 20%
Runner: Sir! I also have fellow brilliant mates looking for money for expansion.
Boss: Also 20% can? Then bring them to see me.
Boss (to himself): Now I have to find money to give to my runners. I got it. I indirectly tax my workers and set up a CENTRAL fund for me and my runners. Of course I WILL be fair. I give them low interests. So I still pocket the difference.
Boss (again to himself): But what if the workers want to withdraw their money when the money is out with my runners. Ah! Don’t worry, I attach conditions like TONTINE scheme.


Actually, she's quite 'famous' in the grassroot for being a difficult person to work with. So not surprised she kanna such things.



By Ng Tze Yong

May 07, 2009


PROBLEMS: The mother hasn't worked since she broke her wrsit after falling while cleaning a fan. Her son suffers from thalassemia, a blood disorder that leaves him weak and sickly. TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG

A YOUTH with low IQ has been arrested by police after flying into a rage at a Meet-the-People Session (MPS), upset at what he felt was his MP's cold-shoulder treatment of his mother's financial plight.

The 17-year-old boy hoisted an aluminium foldable chair over his head and slammed it against a glass door seconds after walking out of MP Cynthia Phua's Serangoon North office with his mother.

The boy, who has been released on bail, has been told to report back to the police on 12 May, where he may be charged with committing a rash act.

The offence carries a jail term of up to six months and a fine of up to $2,500.

The youth cannot be named because of impending court proceedings.

This is the third incident in recent months involving MPs and their constituents.

The boy and his mother, 53, are familiar faces to the grassroots volunteers at the MPS.

The unwed mother with Primary 6 education gets by on a $400 monthly salary as a part-time cleaner.

He attended a special school and suffers from thalassemia, a blood disorder that renders him weak and sickly.

The mother said that things went from bad to worse in November 2004 when the boy's father disappeared and stopped paying the $300 monthly maintenance due to her.

As a result, she visited the MPS about once a month for the past few years to request for various kinds of financial aid.

Broke her wrist


FORGIVE ME: Two days ago, the mother returned to the MPS alone and with a handwritten letter of apology from her son.

January this year saw a crisis unfold in their lives, when the mother broke her wrist after falling off a chair while cleaning a fan. She hasn't worked since.

She said the HDB was then in the middle of repossessing her flat and giving her a rental unit, but she was unable to pay the $138 in rental deposit and stamp duty.

So last Monday, she went to the office at Block 125, Serangoon North Ave 1, where MP Lim Hwee Hua holds her MPS, hoping to have her sign an appeal letter for HDB.

But that day, Mrs Lim, who is also a minister in the Prime Minister's Office, was abroad. Fellow Aljunied GRC MP Cynthia Phua stood in for her.

The mother's request was granted - Madam Phua signed the letter - but mother and son left fuming, claiming that Madam Phua had put them down.

She claimed that shortly after they had entered the office, Madam Phua asked her son a series of questions:

'She asked him, 'Who are you? What are you doing? Why aren't you working?' she claimed.

The mother said she wanted to explain her son's condition, but wasn't given a chance.

'I felt like we were being scolded,' she said.

The meeting ended after two or three minutes, she said.

As they were walking out, the son snapped.

His outburst with the chair - two blows against the glass door, which didn't break - was 'strong enough to get someone killed', said the Serangoon PAP branch secretary, Mr Poon Mun Wai.

As grassroots volunteers scrambled to calm down the teenager, his mother begged a neighbour to whisk him home immediately.

Later that night, the police arrived at their flat and arrested him. He was released on bail at about 1am.

When contacted, Madam Phua contradicted the mother's version of events, saying she felt that their conversation 'went well'.

She said: 'Like any normal case at MPS, I have to try to understand the case first of all...

'I had to ask some pointed questions about his employment status to understand the root cause of the problem, so that I can be more effective in helping them.'

During the one week after the incident, the mother pondered what to do.

She got her son to shave off his shoulder-length orange-dyed hair to get rid of bad luck.

For days, she said, he couldn't find the courage to face himself in the mirror. He also decided to put on hold a long-time dream to audition for Singapore Idol.

Two days ago, she returned to the MPS again alone and clutching a handwritten letter of apology from her son.

'Please fodgive me for what I dad I am sinelely truely I'm sorry (sic),' the teenager had written in big, neat handwriting.

The apology, however, was not acceptable to Mrs Lim, who was back chairing the MPS after returning from abroad.

'I made it very clear to (the mother) that this is unacceptable behaviour. It is not justifiable in any circumstance. There's no excuse to be violent,' Mrs Lim told The New Paper.

She also explained that she was not in a position to excuse or forgive the boy.

'I was not present and the police are investigating into the matter. I believe the police will take into consideration the mitigating factors,' said Mrs Lim.

'From what I understand, Madam Phua was being very motherly and very helpful inside the room with them.'

Mrs Lim's response surprised the mother, who had spoken fondly of her throughout the interview with The New Paper just a day before.

She said: 'I know what my son did was wrong. But how can I not defend him? He is my son, he is not well and he has a problem with his temper.

'I don't want him to go to jail and have his future ruined.'


Welfare should be scrapped totally.

Australia is big and can survive without reserves. Singapore is small and without reserves can be wiped out. The reserves must be used to keep the economy going not feeding people who can't live within their means.

It seems that our reserve is not to keep our economy going but to keep foreign companies and foreign banks going, in the likes of ABC Learning and Citibank.

I second you on the point that Singapore is small and without reserves can be wiped out. So, what are you going to do with those people who made rash investment decisions, putting the country in high risk by wiping out billions of its reserves? Vote them in again?


It is a joke, when CPF funds can go down the drain with bad decision.
Either u have been brainwashed &/or poor economics of weighing social costs.

If they had gone that route, Singapore would be in debt rather than being up $300 billion in CASH AND GOLD alone.


The social problem will be going to get worse.....Now the press is playing up that those "useless asshole" who are potentially killers slamming the chair - are of LOW IQ & potential IMH candidate...Social stigma on Meet the peasant session..

My own thoughts on this latest expression of rage against an MP- long time ago, there was a man who went up to Dr Ahmad Mattar and punched him in the face. Then the Seng Han Thong incident and then the Phua Chee Bye incident. This time another Pua Chee Bye saga. The list goes on.

Going by official reports, these people are ungrateful, criminally violent mentally disturbed etc etc.No prizes for guessing the outcome that awaits them.
But going by common sense and logic, these are genuine cases of desperate troubled souls crying out for financial help and other forms of assistance. It doesn't help that these people are lowly educated and non-elites. Pride and dignity no longer jold any meaning for them. They need food shelter and healthcare from a cold hard system of pay-for-everything. Nothing is for free! To make things worse, many goods and services are unafforadble for these non-elites. Some have gone on to commit suicides. The rest commit crimes.
A few took it out on their MPs who think too highly of themselves! A big 0 for EQ!:(


Alfrescian (Inf)
>>>The apology, however, was not acceptable to Mrs Lim, who was back chairing the MPS after returning from abroad.

'I made it very clear to (the mother) that this is unacceptable behaviour. It is not justifiable in any circumstance. There's no excuse to be violent,' Mrs Lim told The New Paper.<<<

See how fcuking vindictive and unrependant the Papabyes are! Expect more of such "violent" incidents to happen? Those who voted her in, slap yourselves for having eyes but totally BLIND!

>>>She also explained that she was not in a position to excuse or forgive the boy.<<<

Ah, push blame to poodles when she's the one who wants the teen DEAD!

>>>>'From what I understand, Madam Phua was being very motherly and very helpful inside the room with them.'

Mrs Lim's response surprised the mother, who had spoken fondly of her throughout the interview with The New Paper just a day before.<<<

The way to deal with the Papayas is not to por their lumpar, but to stand up to them! When will Sporns realize how cowardly the the Papayas actually are and are only good at bullying the weak?


Hope some kind hearted lawyer will assist to take up the case for this POOR YOUNG CHAP....17 YEAR BOY & THE poor AUNTIE.....

>>>The apology, however, was not acceptable to Mrs Lim, who was back chairing the MPS after returning from abroad.

'I made it very clear to (the mother) that this is unacceptable behaviour. It is not justifiable in any circumstance. There's no excuse to be violent,' Mrs Lim told The New Paper.<<<

See how fcuking vindictive and unrependant the Papabyes are! Expect more of such "violent" incidents to happen? Those who voted her in, slap yourselves for having eyes but totally BLIND!

>>>She also explained that she was not in a position to excuse or forgive the boy.<<<

Ah, push blame to poodles when she's the one who wants the teen DEAD!

>>>>'From what I understand, Madam Phua was being very motherly and very helpful inside the room with them.'

Mrs Lim's response surprised the mother, who had spoken fondly of her throughout the interview with The New Paper just a day before.<<<

The way to deal with the Papayas is not to por their lumpar, but to stand up to them! When will Sporns realize how cowardly the the Papayas actually are and are only good at bullying the weak?


>>>The apology, however, was not acceptable to Mrs Lim, who was back chairing the MPS after returning from abroad.

'I made it very clear to (the mother) that this is unacceptable behaviour. It is not justifiable in any circumstance. There's no excuse to be violent,' Mrs Lim told The New Paper.<<<

See how fcuking vindictive and unrependant the Papabyes are! Expect more of such "violent" incidents to happen? Those who voted her in, slap yourselves for having eyes but totally BLIND!

<style></style>Like the shoes thrown at Bush incident.I was curious when ah nehs too threw shoes at their ministers lately.Apparently the Indian ministers forgave them and pressed no charges...Gosh,our first world PAP has something to learn from third world countries eh.



Wow, so vulgar. You think the real world is like AWARE EGM? Please join the SDP, they need more people like you to weaken thenm.

If not for the minimum sum, there'll be more horny Ah Peks queuing up to demand money from the MP - after they spend their CPF money on PRC prostitutes.

Please don't talk cock lah!

Our CPF monies belong to who? Please answer.

What is this adjustment of minimum sum over the years from $40K to $120K? Inflation? S'pore salaries got adjust for inflation like that or not?

Rising of withdrawal age for whose benefit?

If not for peoples' monies in CPF, you think they can boast got $300B reserves?

Even that, till today, still NOBODY knows what our $300B consists of.

Go back and look after your MPs masters in MTP sessions lah. Later babies also want to shit in their faces.


It is a joke, when CPF funds can go down the drain with bad decision.
Either u have been brainwashed &/or poor economics of weighing social costs.

Most people with any real CPF money to talk about have already given most of their CPF money to Hong Leong or Capitaland.


They should send the boy not to prison but to a mental institution with a strict treatment regime in temper control.

Poor young chap indeed. You people have o sense of right or wrong.

Hope some kind hearted lawyer will assist to take up the case for this POOR YOUNG CHAP....17 YEAR BOY & THE poor AUNTIE.....



By Ng Tze Yong

Two days ago, she returned to the MPS again alone and clutching a handwritten letter of apology from her son.

'Please fodgive me for what I dad I am sinelely truely I'm sorry (sic),' the teenager had written in big, neat handwriting.

The apology, however, was not acceptable to Mrs Lim, who was back chairing the MPS after returning from abroad.

'I made it very clear to (the mother) that this is unacceptable behaviour. It is not justifiable in any circumstance. There's no excuse to be violent,' Mrs Lim told The New Paper.

She also explained that she was not in a position to excuse or forgive the boy.

'I was not present and the police are investigating into the matter. I believe the police will take into consideration the mitigating factors,' said Mrs Lim.

Who is this Mrs Lim? Isnt she displaying AN un-gracious & an aloof attitude befitting of an elite?

Why are all MPs so freaking unforgiving & lack of empathy? Have they been poor before?

If the apology letter is directed to another elite, Mrs Phua, will she display the same forgivesness that Jesus Christ displayed? (Mrs Phua wears a cross)

Will the 66.6% idiots who voted these same elites open their eyes & see what have they gotten themselves into?


The case of Elitist....have NO Heart.....& No Soul....
Slam the chair...nobody is injured or death...no property damage??

The siao young boy - LOW IQ, No Job, Family broken with auntie earning SGD 400....

Labell by the press....kena bully by the educated....& who know the framework of the LAW!!!wHAT SOCIETY IS THIS

Who is this Mrs Lim? Isnt she displaying AN un-gracious & an aloof attitude befitting of an elite?

Why are all MPs so freaking unforgiving & lack of empathy? Have they been poor before?

If the apology letter is directed to another elite, Mrs Phua, will she display the same forgivesness that Jesus Christ displayed? (Mrs Phua wears a cross)

Will the 66.6% idiots who voted these same elites open their eyes & see what have they gotten themselves into?

Lee Hsien Tau

MPS is a very frustrating and infuriating experience. It might be created to help people at first, but all the MPs and dogs are just going through the motions now.

Once I went to complain about something. My MP Gan Kim Yong wasn't even there - his dogs were doing the work. They were bloody discourteous to me, as if a young big sized man has no right to complain. There were 3 of them in the office, one was even lying on the sofa and making snide remarks. Their tone was "it's not even worth complaining so shut up." One year later I was shocked to read about Gan's PROMOTION.

Yes, peasants are made to beg and grovel before their MP would help them. So what's the real problem here? Automatic welfare systems and standards are not in place. In a 1st world cuntry, benefits and welfare are automatic, no one needs to see the MP unless it's a serious matter.

I had housing problem, so an agent suggested that I go to IRAS and file a claim of income so I could borrow money from the bank and buy a pigeon hole.

Then of course I couldn't pay the conservancy charges. So when I faced a jail sentence, I went to the MP Loh Meng See on 3 occasions.

The first 2 times, it's not that Loh was not around. It's just that his dogs were doing his work for him whilst Loh bought durians for his dogs as reward.

The 3rd time, the 'doctor' was in to personally interview almost everybody who came.

Why? Erection was around the corner. That's the last erection.

The conversation went as follows:

Since I couldn't pay the conservancy charges, how could I afford the flat? Time to own up.

Me: I have ACCA.

Loh: You have ACCA.

Me: I have ACCA, and I went to IRAS to fake an income so I could borrow money from bank to buy flat.

Loh: You have ACCA, and you went to IRAS to fake an income so you could borrow money from bank to buy flat.

Me: The government like that cannot, like that cannot, like that cannot...... (as I used my hand to chop the table) so I had no choice.

Loh: Who's above the Government?

Me: Lee Kuan Yew.

Loh: No, God.

Me: Don't talk to me about God. The queue behind me (I was the 3rd interviewed that night) is so long, if you talk God to everyone, morning also cannot finish.

Loh: Are you on medication?

If MP cannot debate with peasant, accuse peasant of being crazy?

Loh Meng See never stood for re-erection. He was replaced by Denise Phua.

Save to say I also saw her once, but still ended up in prison for not having money to satisfy the PAP.

Not only that, when I was evicted from my flat, just for bolting myself in the flat, and causing WKS's goons to have to break into the flat to evict me, I was sent to IMH.

It ended up as a one and a half year's stay.


It's never a good idea to see your PAP MP.

If you've made up your mind to bash them, douse them with kerosene and set them alight or knife them, go ahead. You cannot otherwise vote them out. That's rubbish. Old Fart has made it impossible.

Otherwise it's better to jump MRT.

Don't end up in IMH or Pelangi village. It's VB's version of a prison.

I'm also waiting for the first murder of PAP MP, but I'm planning to leave this world already. Something's wrong with my legs, or I would like to buy some kerosene, and become famous.

After all, already branded mad, no more harm could be done to my reputation.


I read with sadness on this case..

Wish this boy & the mother be well & happy...
Buddha will bless his family well & feel from trouble


Happy Vesak Day..


If not for the minimum sum, there'll be more horny Ah Peks queuing up to demand money from the MP - after they spend their CPF money on PRC prostitutes.

Who allowed the free flow of all these prcs & foreign prostitutes in the first place? Are u going to give us textbook replies again?


You are the one spewing out the textbook rhetoric of the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDHAILER chee soon juan. If not for the PRCs & foreign prostitutes, the Ah Pek would have spent all their CPF money on local and Malaysian prostitutes.

Who allowed the free flow of all these prcs & foreign prostitutes in the first place? Are u going to give us textbook replies again?


You are a bloody criminal who cheated the bank. Loh Meng See was indeed derelict as he should have gotten you sent to jail on the spot for what you did.

I had housing problem, so an agent suggested that I go to IRAS and file a claim of income so I could borrow money from the bank and buy a pigeon hole.

Then of course I couldn't pay the conservancy charges. So when I faced a jail sentence, I went to the MP Loh Meng See on 3 occasions.

The first 2 times, it's not that Loh was not around. It's just that his dogs were doing his work for him whilst Loh bought durians for his dogs as reward.

The 3rd time, the 'doctor' was in to personally interview almost everybody who came.

Why? Erection was around the corner. That's the last erection.

The conversation went as follows:

Since I couldn't pay the conservancy charges, how could I afford the flat? Time to own up.

Me: I have ACCA.

Loh: You have ACCA.

Me: I have ACCA, and I went to IRAS to fake an income so I could borrow money from bank to buy flat.

Loh: You have ACCA, and you went to IRAS to fake an income so you could borrow money from bank to buy flat.

Me: The government like that cannot, like that cannot, like that cannot...... (as I used my hand to chop the table) so I had no choice.

Loh: Who's above the Government?

Me: Lee Kuan Yew.

Loh: No, God.

Me: Don't talk to me about God. The queue behind me (I was the 3rd interviewed that night) is so long, if you talk God to everyone, morning also cannot finish.

Loh: Are you on medication?

If MP cannot debate with peasant, accuse peasant of being crazy?

Loh Meng See never stood for re-erection. He was replaced by Denise Phua.

Save to say I also saw her once, but still ended up in prison for not having money to satisfy the PAP.

Not only that, when I was evicted from my flat, just for bolting myself in the flat, and causing WKS's goons to have to break into the flat to evict me, I was sent to IMH.

It ended up as a one and a half year's stay.


It's never a good idea to see your PAP MP.

If you've made up your mind to bash them, douse them with kerosene and set them alight or knife them, go ahead. You cannot otherwise vote them out. That's rubbish. Old Fart has made it impossible.

Otherwise it's better to jump MRT.

Don't end up in IMH or Pelangi village. It's VB's version of a prison.

I'm also waiting for the first murder of PAP MP, but I'm planning to leave this world already. Something's wrong with my legs, or I would like to buy some kerosene, and become famous.

After all, already branded mad, no more harm could be done to my reputation.