Don't believe in both. It's not a situation you need to believe in any of the choices.
You are right
I beg to differ. All these listings of so-called Bible contradictions are hardly new. Many Bible teachers and apologists have already addressed them. Christians do not need to panic upon seeing such lists.
I beg to differ. All these listings of so-called Bible contradictions are hardly new. Many Bible teachers and apologists have already addressed them. Christians do not need to panic upon seeing such lists.
Very lame again
Matthew 27:52-53 When Jesus died by crucifixion, tombs were opened and the bodies of many dead saints raised forth from their tombs, entered the city and appeared to many.
Job 7:9 He that goes down to the grave comes up no more.
Who to believe?
Isnt the Bible supposed to be the inerrant and inspired Word of the Living God?
Matthew 11:12-14 Jesus said: John the Baptist is Elijah
John 1:21 John the Baptist said he was not Elijah
Who to believe? Matthew 11:12-14 or John 1:21?
For a religion book which such a highly acclaimation by their reward-thirsty believers, what is the level of tolerance for error?
Agreed. I don't think the way to look at scripture is to compare fine details. Different methods of expression will appear to make 2 different authors "contradictory".
In context, the scripture is trying to tell us something, which is the Jesus story.
Agreed. I don't think the way to look at scripture is to compare fine details. Different methods of expression will appear to make 2 different authors "contradictory".
In context, the scripture is trying to tell us something, which is the Jesus story.
No much suprise to atheists because the bible is a story book compiled and copycatted out of human imagination
Get your confused mind sorted out about what a contradiction really is before claiming there is a contradiction.
Indeed, don't be fooled by village atheists who distort the Bible out of fear that there is a God who judges them.