I was answering question posed in Post#92
so what is the solution to high divorce rates? say it boy. Why scared?
I was answering question posed in Post#92
Still never answer the question. Yes there many reason why dont want to have child.
But why why why want to married? No point.
so what is the solution to high divorce rates? say it boy. Why scared?
less stress in the marriage?
love more?
quit any addiction?
dont stray?
dont be overly ambitious at the expense of marriage?
dont listen to govt propaganda but do what's best for their marriage?
stay truthful?
communicate better?
spend more time together
be gentler to each other?
better understanding of eah other?
give more, take less?
sacrificial love?
look at each other's good points rather than pick on each other's bad points?
leave parents home and stay in own home?
stay loyal to each other?
dont be financially overstretched?
work less, enjoy each other more?
satisfy each other fully and totally
for love?
because their religious beliefs forbid co-habitation before marriage?
Wow! That sounds like a Godly life sir. You got the revelation sir. Good.
Dont tell me they never have sex b4 married. Even so very small % maybe 1% only those married without child dont have sex before married. If respect religious then should not had sex b4 ROM.
It just a reason.
I still dont understand why married but dont want child??? Really I have ask many. All give many reason buy not solid one.
Unless they said health problem. I do understand. Some of them really have problem they want to have child go thru many health screening spend money and time but just very unlucky.
If health no problem. Dont want to have child then dont married!
Dont married if dont want to have child!
common sense, boy!
u r free to disagree with me and come out with your own common sense
no concrete solution to increasing divorce rates.
couples dated each other more than 10 years can divorce within 3 years.
couples dated less than 10 years can divorce the next day.
couples already 50-60+ years of marriage also can divorce.
love and humans are the same. they are unpredictable and changes anytime. Expect the unexpected.
Divorce rate increasing due to the education which already mentioned. in the past, where not much education received, we seldom see divorces.
in the past, divorces seem to be a shame shame issue. so no one dares to mention divorce.
I witnessed 3 divorces.
In case of divorces, usually leads the woman to heaven and leads the man to hell.
they dont need you to understand them. they marry for themselves whether u understand them or not
I fully agree with you sir, it maps what the Bible teaches.
dont anyhow say that it's from the Bible!
which part of the Bible says what I said?
I think u one of them married dont want child.
Do I hit the bull eye?
Dont be angry.
Fault lies nearly always with women. Even Shakespeare opined it centuries ago.
Ephesians 5 sir. Read.