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Check out this link to verify if they have been wrongly accused..
I do agree with you on one point - that their motive is not to impose moral superiority but the fear that their children are "taught" to accept homosexuality. .
I however disagree with your claim that Thio "meant well" and was not "falsely accusing"
Serious allegations have been made. People's reputation have been affected. The takeover was planned and executed surreptiously. The actual agenda was denied until the Thio's email surfaced and an urgent press conference was held at RTC. Thio categorically stated that it was planned, in direct contradiction to what Josie and Maureen had stated publicly. If you read Thio's email, she clearly asked those who were responding to her call to join AWARE, not list her as an introducer and to leave it blank. There is clear and consistent pattern of lies and misrepresentation. In any context, this would qualify as reprehensible conduct. Don't you think so?
Always had time for your views but in this instance, you seem to be glossly over the harm done to a group of women who fought to bring a series of changes over time for the benefit of the female gender. .
When the AWARE episode first erupted, I had made a comment about the failure of the old guards to build membership in one of my posts. I received an email from one of them who told me that many feared taking on strong stand on policies that irked the govt and therefore tended to leave. I was told to speak to a particular academic who had done reseach on the organisation and found that AWARE had to be told on many occasions to toe the line by the government including Ministers. Only a few were brave enough to hold on.
There is a vast difference between good intentions and the harm it does to others. Lets be mindful of those that have been wrongly accused.
Even as I did not attend the meeting I can sense that the press is already taking side before the EGM. They kept playing the religious card by highlighting the COOS where some of the new guard attends. The media had painted a warped picture and made the old guards look like they were the agrieved party.
My contacts tell me that the old guards has connections with SPH and the media. It seems like the General Election where the credible opposition are portrayed in a bad light and have their worst photo angles published.
All I can say now is the old guard had brought in the gays and gangsters to hijack the EGM. I congratulate them for condoning homosexuals and AIDS.
Why did Pastor Hong apologise?
I do not trust the govt when they said that they will not interfere in the AWARE matters, most likely they sneaked behind all our backs to issue threat to Pastor Hong or use Reverend Chew to pressure COOS.
If they did it openly - it will look as they gone back on their words since TSM had openly attacked MOE in regards to CSE maters.
If walking with Jesus results in making arrogant deluded xtians like Darth Thio n her sneaky lying pussies, then I rather walk alone. Sorry jesus.
And the irony of it, they still believe they are following Jesus!%$$#^!@&
Would Jesus have done what Josie did? I think the answer is a clear "No". Would Jesus have falsely accused of someone without proof like what Thio Su Mien accused Aware of encouraging girls to experiment lesbian sex? I think the answer is "No".
Would Jesus have used homosexuals as a convenient scapegoat to impose moral superiority? The answer is "NO".
If you try to walk with Jesus, you would understand what empathy, sacrifice, love and kindliness are.
Have a look here http://voicethread.com/#q.b468061.i0.k0
But if you still don't get the point I am sorry. However Christians will still pray for you.
I agree with you, old guards are using PAP tactics to take control back from the new exco. First they use the MSM to paint a bad picture of new exco, using unethical methods in taking control of AWARE, anti-gay stand, playing the religion card.
After all the blogs and forums had picked up the vibe from MSM, the old guards got gay/lesbian activist to go hackle the EGM. As far as I concerned, the old guards launched an even more hostile takeover of the control back from Josie.
Josie and team even asked the audience to quiet down and hear them speak but no chance to speak, explain, introduce AWARE and their stand. They were jeered/boo at. Many of the old guards supporters were badly behaved in the EGM.
Not that I supported the Josie and her exco team (after writing all these), too bad that they let the cat out of the bag too early with this deluded FM Thio (whom happened to be a disgrace in the EGM). What troubled me was that this tactic is proven worked and the MIW will continue to use it to character assassinate the opposition in the next GE.
I agree with you, old guards are using PAP tactics to take control back from the new exco. First they use the MSM to paint a bad picture of new exco, using unethical methods in taking control of AWARE, anti-gay stand, playing the religion card.
Where in the world after you successfully takeover an organisation and then later you immediately invite the disposed party to participate in an election again?
Ah, it does not take a genius or the Prostitue Press to see that the takeover was unethical (in fact the earlier forum letters all pointed to this); that the new exco are anti-gay (witness how Josie stumbled over the simple question of lesbian members in her ill-fated interview on CNA); that they are playing the religion card (look at the religious nutcase of Thio Su Mien and the Pastor of COOS who said this is a line drawn by god).
These are all there for clear-eyed bystanders to see. If you like, I will concede that all the Prostitute Press did was to tighten the noose that Josie and gand put onto their collective necks.
Are you sure they invited?
Got hi-tea or not?![]()
if i need to choose between which side to run AWARE ( 1 side is anti-gay cum xtian fundamentalist, other side is pro-gay cum non-religious link) :
i will not hesitate and choose anti-gay, even though i dun like xtians in general,
gays are fucking disgustingfor those that think being gay is ok. pls ask all the gays that u know to declare openly lah since u think gay is ok..
How come dun have? Spent 90k no catering?
What is your proof that Aware is pro-gay? Are you one of those who think that if we do not condmen gays and their sexuality, we are being pro-gay or we are "encouraging" homosexuality?
Most people based decisions on sound facts and sound arguments. Some, like Thio Su Mien, believes that the tsunmai is caused by Singapore's abortion and contraceptive policies.
Pick the side you want.
Can anyone answer me this question?
Where in the world after you successfully takeover an organisation and then later you immediately invite the disposed party to participate in an election again?
Do this happen quite often in sgp or is it a bad case of lousy script writing?
If you are referring to Josie and gang as wanting to impose moral superiority, that is not their motive I think. ...
Good christians would not lie - it is simply abhoring to do so. I think Thio meant well just like the old Aware meaning well too. Personally I think it is far better to step away from value judgements on motives in this case.