Where got chinese surname? Some of my indon chinese frien told they alrdy lost the surnames and they change the name to ang mo for some rich indon chinese migrate to sg! Some indon chinese told me he go china and trace back his surname but is also have to estimate!
There are still muslim practising islam in xinjiang! The ang mo media can be exaggerated! Those got detained is suspected or have involvement with terrorism! So those who got suspected if they are innocent then suck thumb, they might involve indirect case or they can be pretender!
Moreover, the indon chinese's rape and massacre is much more worse than xinjiang! The ughur really murder chinese and steal things and want to have separation then of cuz, as a governor wont you take action against them? Let's say is the other way, the chinese murder the m&d and steal things from m&ds and want to have separation in msia! Then u as a governor, you wont take action ah? Dont always have prejudice on non muslim bro!
I know u are a smart guy. But if wish to discuss, would appreciate u dont act naive
Old Indonesian spelling eg. Tjang (Chang), Tjhoea (Chua), Tanuwijaya/Tanuwidjaja (Tan) Wongsosaputro (Wong), Halim (Lim). You might also see various
surnames ending in 'i' eg. Stefani, Gunadi, Kodri, Oktriani, Noviandi and
some of them end in 'o' eg. Muljoto, Febriyanto. Some surnames also happen to be
variations of first names eg. Tiffany, Henry, Claudia.
Why do u like to assume? No where did i mention teres no Muslims practising in China.Our discussion was on those 1 million Uyghur Muslims. China poured in the Hans. Tat doesnt augers well for the local residents. Jobs were stolen from them. Does it ring a bell?

I can understand where u are coming from. We dont have to argue whos right or wrong. U can called someone a terrorist. But tom he may be called a hero eg Mandela. So to the Cheena regime, anyone oppose them consider as terrorist. So there are 1 million terrorists according to u. Tell me honestly, is it cruel if the garment take away your daughters/sons to a concentration camp. Forced them to renounce their religion and tradition/culture/mother tongue?
I already mentioned it was the financial crisis. Everywhere havoc. Political in nature cos the armies and thugs were involved. During riot, teres no time for thugs to differentiate which race/religion the victims were. U just need to google. And u should know how notorious those armies were. Killing/raping is definitely against humanity. Anyway not just cheena but non muslim shops were not spared too. It was a chaotic time.