If anyone dares to grab our land in Singapore through illegally means, GMS would do whatever he can to chase them out of his country, make no mistake about it.

7 h ·
Did Hamas "attack Israel"?
UN Resolution in 1947 for formation of the Israelis state should be THE ONLY RECOGNIZED borders and land acceded to Israel.
However after the several wars, Israel has permanently occupied a massive parts of Palestinian land ILLEGALLY, against the UN 1967 Resolution.
The recent Hamas attack happened in such land which is ILLEGALLY occupied by Israel. They have not "attack Israel state" technically speaking but those who have illegally occupied their land.
Unfortunately and regrettably, they have attacked and killed innocent civilians which is against international law which regards this as War Crime. They should be condemned for commiting such acts.
Put it this way, do we as a Nation regards UN Resolution as the final determination of County's borders and rights? Our survival as a small Nation depended very much on the United Nation recognition and we should not deviate from that.
If one day, someone has conquered and illegally occupied parts of Singapore and send their civilians to resettle in these land, should we as the people of Singapore not fight back?
This is the fundamental crux of the matter.
Do not be manipulated by the Main Stream Media which is basically controlled by a few big nations or corporations. There are manipulations of public opinion in such reports. They have avoided and ignored the fundamental question of legitimacy but focused on certain brutal aspects to swing international support for the Israelis who are the ones have illegally occupied huge parts of Palestinian land.
They have even avoided reporting on the atrocities and breaches of human rights by the Israelis occupation forces throughout the several decades and never once we hear the Western world or Singapore condemn such breaches.
I would call out to the Israelis civilians residing on illegally occupied Palestinian land to leave these land for your own safety. Don't expect the Palestinians not to despise you or even harm you when you just grab their land and properties forcefully and illegally.
If anyone dares to grab our land in Singapore through illegally means, I would do whatever I can to chase them out of my country, make no mistake about it.