GMS has plenty of comments about PAP and WP.

42 m ·
I really don't know what Sylvia Lim is trying to achieve out of this .... What exactly is she unhappy about? Just because Shanmugam said that US and its allies are not totally without fault?
Or that she is unhappy that a minister says something different from his own party? I know WP would ban all its MPs or even its members from expressing themselves freely in public, all must be "approved" by WP CEC but has she mistaken PAP as WP? She is really behaving more PAP than PAP!
Each Minister may express his own views and in this case, Shanmugam has already qualified that he was expressing his own view ("In my view...") I am actually impressed by Shanmugam when he shows that he understood the complexity of the Ukraine war and that at least he is fully aware that US and NATO are not without fault.
I am definitely NOT a fan of Shanmugam and I disagree with PAP's stance in putting "sanctions" on Russia as we are really just a tiny little red dot. On top of that, Ukraine War is the result of a lot of complex issues, not as simplistic as a big bully waging a war out of no reason.
It's regrettable that PAP gov has chosen side in spite of knowing and understanding the complexity of the issue but at the very least, they understood it.
In my view, as a small country, we should maintain neutrality in view of such complexity.
It is even more regrettable that Sylvia Lim, as a senior opposition MP, seems to lack the capacity to respect the diversity of views in her way of questioning.
This is not the kind of democracy I envisage for Singapore. The Singapore Gov has its official stance but it doesn't mean all other MPs or Ministers can't have their own mind and views.
Worse, is to suggest that all scripts of Ministers (well maybe even MPs or party members!) must be vetted by the Cabinet! Hey, we don't pay millions for school boys and girls to run the country!