GMS finds this funny.
11 hrs ·
This is funny. Instead of using data and scientific proof to rebuke the scientists involved in the research, now it is all about character assassination of the researchers? Is this really "follow the science" is all about?
Is it some crime to hold different perspective and views on the V? Yes, their established views and narratives may run against the official establishment narratives but it has proven in history, Truth doesn't always lie with some big establishment or Gov. Anyone could be proven wrong in time to come.
Science has progressed and developed throughout human history because there is constant questioning, not because of "authority". Sometimes, authority became the hindrance to scientific progress.
Truth can withstand the test of time and if we start to see people keep shifting their narratives and positions on the issue when reality sets in, it is obvious that they don't have any Truth on their side right from the start.
In Science, it's not the authority or Tzar experts who determine what's the Truth, it is the Data which reflects the outcome of Truth.
Well, same SPH newspapers POFMA itself right after the next day!