Thread '[Video] - CHICKENS get hypnotized by a line drawn in front of it'1. Start CHICKEN threads around you to persecute you hokkien virgin as chicken and then say they are innocent
Thread 'On The Grapevine: Was Ex-PAP MP Cheng Li Hui Previously Involved With Another PAP MP too?'2. Start SLUT threads around you to persecute you hokkien virgin as slut and then say they are innocent.
1. Start CHICKEN threads around you to persecute you hokkien virgin as chicken and then say they are innocent
And as if that’s not 小人enough, these Cantonese Hakka dogs also turned around to accuse you mad. Sibeh 小人,no wonder no philanthropist.2. Start SLUT threads around you to persecute you hokkien virgin as slut and then say they are innocent.
3. Ownselves serial liar criminal bullies turned around to accuse you lying virgin.
Liar Cantonese dog son of CHICKEN is you calling others lying virgin. PUI!if due young, then cannot come here to fuck that lying virgin anymore. that will be a sad day for me.
4. Serial liar criminal bullies that dare not swear to die a violent death if I am a virgin that never suck a single cock in life.
Cock sucking is you and your Cantonese chicken mother. When are you going to swear if I am a virgin that never suck a single cock in life you die a violent death? PUI!Better go cock sucking like gansiokbin
5. Ownselves cheat money and go wedding dinner do not give angbao and turned around to accuse you cheat money. Sibeh 小人to the max!
Cheat money is you SELF ADMITTED CBT THIEF CANTONESE DOG SON OF CHICKEN. PUI!Knn these 不要脸 whores and sluts can think of is money and money.
The fact that she lamented on social medias means she is prepared for all the colleagues to know about her complaints.
Same as gansiokbin 不要脸 贱货 cheated wedding money to go honeymoon.
6. Ownselves 心灵肮脏 accuse virgin as lying slut chicken and then turned around to accuse you 心灵肮脏。
Tell that to yourself and your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT MOTHER 心灵肮脏 CANTONESE DOG SON OF CHICKEN PUI!又问一个 还是我来回答吧 哪些自私 见利忘义 眼里只有钱的女人都可以被称为心灵肮脏.
她们为了能攀附上某个有钱人能毫不犹豫的献出自己身体 嫌贫爱富是她们的通病 我甚至听说过有些女人为了几百块的手提包就让人破处的 在她们眼里那层膜一文不值 只是交换财富的工具
这样的女人才是医院的常客 而且在下次换男友的时候又会补上一层新的膜 并且娇滴滴的对你说要负责 你觉得这样的处女才值得你珍惜的话 那我真的无话可说.
Proof right in quote of Cantonese dog son of chicken @pig own words in my post number 7 here that if he can’t abuse me is sad day for him woh. Pui!7. Got good health got money etc not just won’t lift a finger to help less fortunate others but trample people song song SO PROUD not call despicable 小人then called what right?
Tell lies can win is your inferior race way of life. Whatever you accused me is your own cheap women and chicken mother Pui!I miss seeing photo of your huge huge nipple.
Will some kind soul with that photo please refresh my memory of Gin dua dua liap nee
8. So pretentious people like Cantonese dog son of chicken @pig that do evil viciously bully me non stop and then create impression that they are victim not called despicable 小人then called what right?
So pretentious Cantonese dog son of chicken wait till I up threads now to up this thread to create the impression that you are victim when you are the vicious bully that was starting and creating MANY chicken prostitute threads around my cancer thread this morning to insult and harass me non stop. That’s how evil and despicable serial liar criminal bully 小人you are. Pui!up up up