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98. Repeat and repeat lies that I got no evidence when my photo shows the whistling dog mouth and mrt cctv definitely captured his whistling is 小人 @LaoHongBiscuit
98. Repeat and repeat lies that I got no evidence when my photo shows the whistling dog mouth and mrt cctv definitely captured his whistling is 小人@laohongbiscuit
You still telling lies that I have no evidence when every mrt carriage has cctv that captured his whistling and you Cantonese dog son of prostitute pretend don’t know his photo show his ccb whistling mouth. Why I know mrt got cctv? Because I reported police on one bully dog beforeyou still have no evidence. u better prepared yourself to be sued by him. and BTW, your act of publishing someone's photo and accusing him without evidence constitute harassment under the law. good luck. all the best.
99. 不知廉耻的小人 @JurongEast @NanoSpeed @LaoHongBiscuit @sbfuncle etc ownselves criminal doing defamation crimes to me without an ounce of evidence got the cheek to demand victim of crimes provide evidence and scrutinize the evidence like an upright judge yikes!
Why Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes CRIMINAL BULLIES @LaoHongBiscuit@NanoSpeed @JurongEast @sbfuncle@Balls2Uetc are entitled to make false accusations without an ounce of evidence while other people victim of crimes got to provide evidence and they got the cheek to scrutinize your evidence huh? 颠倒黑白不知廉耻小人 indeed. Excuse me evidence is for police to search not for victim of crimes to provide okay?Oh so kind of you to confirm the obvious that he is whistling and I have evidence and not making false accusations of him whistling at me not once but twice. Now time for you to focus on yourself and provide evidence of Gansiokbin is chicken if not means you Cantonese dog son of prostitute make false accusations do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin
Whore is you, slut is you, money faced is you Cantonese SELF ADMITTED CBT THIEFAnd I believe ganshiokbin this mental illness has no cure to it.
It should be the result of her being a too money minded, and to make it worse she was already born it this way yet she took the accounting route.
This type of person see money as the number 1 materials in the world.
To summarise it - gansiokbin buy whore houses buy until kee siao.
The only thing I'm wishing for now is for her to meet the correct target and finish her off.
There you have it100. A SELF ADMITTED CBT THIEF ACCUSING OTHER PEOPLE TOO MONEY MINDED is so 虚伪小人 indeed @sbfuncle
Grand summary for number 1 to 25 signs of 小人is here100 signs that Cantonese dogs sons of CHICKENS @pig@NanoSpeed@sbfuncle@Balls2U@ultimareonline @lostvirginetc are 小人
1. Start CHICKEN threads around you to persecute you hokkien virgin as chicken and then say they are innocent
2. Start SLUT threads around you to persecute you hokkien virgin as slut and then say they are innocent.
3. Ownselves serial liar criminal bullies turned around to accuse you lying virgin.
4. Serial liar criminal bullies that dare not swear to die a violent death if I am a virgin that never suck a single cock in life.
5. Ownselves cheat money and go wedding dinner do not give angbao and turned around to accuse you cheat money. Sibeh 小人to the max!
6. Ownselves 心灵肮脏 accuse virgin as lying slut chicken and then turned around to accuse you 心灵肮脏。
7. Got good health got money etc not just won’t lift a finger to help less fortunate others but trample people song song SO PROUD not call despicable 小人then called what right?
8. So pretentious EVIL DESPICABLE people like Cantonese dog son of chicken @pig that do evil viciously bully me non stop and then create impression that they are victim not called despicable 小人then called what right?
9. Use other people photo to pass off as you to defame you hokkien virgin as chicken is not called despicable 小人then called what right?
10. Gang up to do evil to you then when you react to their criminal bully behaviour accuse you mad.
11. Create multiple clones to defame and viciously bully you non stop for years not called 小人then called what right?
12. Cantonese dog son of chicken @pig aka @NanoSpeed Suck boss cock or pay money to get privilege of changing nick to do defamation crimes to me and then cover up criminal tracks by changing nicks is not called despicable 小人 then called what right?
13. 无中生有 tell lies say got prostitute take train from jurong east to tuas to harm Gansiokbin is of course 小人
14. Cantonese dog son of prostitute @sbfunclepretend don’t know the spore condos I bought at 400k or 500k are same price as hdb bto now and said hence I confirmed prostitute is of course serial liar criminal bully despicable 小人
15. Smear and insult hokkien virgin as 贱人 is of course 小人
16. 无中生有say you cheat your parents money and throw your parents to sister in law is of course called despicable serial liar criminal bully Cantonese dog son of chicken 小人@sbfuncle
17. In the first place hide in rat hole under asshole @Leongsam protection to do defamation crimes is called despicable evil coward criminal bully 小人
18. Do crimes to people then accuse and insult their victim of crimes as bitter and vulgar is of course despicable 小人
19. Do crimes to people then mock their victim of crimes as not pretty not happy not called despicable 小人then called what right?
20. Do evil to smear mock and harass people and then when exposed what they used to hao lian Cantonese youthful actress is not their own kind but hakka pretend like nothing happened and continue to make shit comments is of course despicable 小人
21. When evil toxic lies get exposed Cantonese dog son of prostitute @sbfuncle not just no human conscience but continue to spam MORE EVIL TOXIC LIES non stop is not called 没品没底线小人then called what right?
22. Evil ingrate that take benefits from people and then do evil to their benefactor with their dog pride is of course 小人
23. Evil ingrate that use seemingly innocent words like interesting or ask for seeming innocent things like strawberries in defamation threads full of evil toxic lies is Cantonese dog son of prostitute @pig aka latest nick @whistlingaka @NanoSpeed favorite dirty trick that is so typical 小人
24. Evil despicable criminals ganging up to do defamation crimes spew evil lies 颠倒是非黑白 whistling dogs harassing me with whistle to I harass them. As a matter of fact another whistling dog harassed me at hawker centre just now and I too tired to report
25. Evil criminal dogs that pretend don’t know everything I did for my mother is well documented from buy her vitamins to bring her for tours to visit her regularly to check on her to fight with my brother to hire her maid is well documented and repeat evil filthy lies of me said I send my mother to old folks home, cheat her money when I never take a cent from my mother and accused me evil daughter etc are definitely evil evil deeds of despicable 小人
To be continued
Grand summary for number 1 to 25 signs of 小人is here
100 signs that Cantonese dogs sons of CHICKENS @pig@NanoSpeed@sbfuncle@Balls2U@ultimareonline @lostvirginetc are 小人
Continued from number 1 to 25:
26. Ownself self admitted 小三 @whistling with self admitted use married mistress for easy exit cheap dao Tao strategy persecuting hokkien virgin as 小三 is most despicable 小人indeed
27. @sbfuncle Cantonese dog son of prostitute Lie exposed already still repeat again and again called evil shameless despicable 小人 indeed
28. ALWAYS accusing others what they and their cheap women are themselves from 小三 to dirty slut prostitute to manipulative is another obvious sign aka trait of 小人
29. They dare not take up your virginity test challenge but twist it to you are unproven virgin and they are legit to abuse you is certainly despicable 小人 manipulative character.
30. Mixed breed dog that think he got right to do crimes to you and then curse you get cancer is obviously a despicable 小人
31. Any challenge from virginity test challenge to investment return challenge all dare not take up and yet insist and keep repeating evil filthy lies that I must be prostitute. Ownselves no capability to retire buy condo whatever so others cannot and entitled to trample as prostitute is then called 贱中之贱小人 Pui!
32. @whistling Tell lies and do manipulation in relationship by using married mistress for easy exit is of course evil manipulative despicable 小人。
33. @whistling self admitted his mother is DIRTY SLUT but denied his mother met any of the 25 signs of slut while hokkien virgin he insist is slut and chicken when don’t meet any of the 25 signs and 10 signs of slut and prostitute, respectively, is so despicable 小人hypocrite behavior.
34. @sbfuncle @lostvirgin own cheap women sell nude turned around to accuse their victim of crimes being stolen night gown photos by them as selling nude and prostitute are definitely thieves criminal bullies 小人
35. @NanoSpeed Own women sell nude sell cb no problem but persecute other people for sell nude sell cb when people don’t sell is called 小人hypocrite criminal bully.
36. 野蛮人杂种狗Cantonese dog son of prostitute doing defamation crimes to Gansiokbin smearing hokkien virgin as public toilet non stop is lowest lowlife 小人
37. @NanoSpeed Act innocent by pretending to delete name in reply when posting reply to defamation post is so disgusting hypocrite 小人behaviour isn’t it?
38. @whistling Start a thread with people name and say people is prostitute based on nothing but their vile and offensive 野蛮人狗杂种mouth is a despicable 小人criminal. Pui!
39. @sbfuncle Smear people name as prostitute twist it to verified prostitute is so 野蛮人狗杂种小人!
40. You post investment return big big showing positive overall returns and of course 野蛮人杂种狗小人 @whistling can 无中生有say you lose money.
41. Put your name and say Cantonese woman that drunken have sex is following your footstep is of course 小人 @whistling
42. @sbfuncle Cantonese dog son of prostitute Hide in rat hole viciously smear and abuse hokkien woman in full name as prostitute everyday his Cantonese dog 小人pride. 没底线没品的野蛮人呸!
43. @GUDANGARAM 野蛮人狗杂种自己小人do defamation crimes to you smear you hokkien virgin as prostitute with no evidence no nothing and when you challenge them to take up virginity test challenge they dare not and then ask you go sue them and then you say okay and ask them to provide name and nric number they dare not provide and then 死不要脸say you 敢卖身不敢承认。真够贱广东狗婊子是你妈呸!
44. Actually 野蛮人狗杂种 use Gansiokbin say Gansiokbin is prostitute is not called insinuating insult but brazen defamation crimes and obviously Jeremy Quek clones @GUDANGARAM @sbfuncle@lostvirgin@Balls2U and other self admitted Cantonese dog son of prostitutes @NanoSpeedaka @whistling etc all know this fact and that’s why hiding in rat hole under asshole protection and yet so fake ask me go sue them 真够假 不叫小人叫什么?Pui!
45. 野蛮人 = 小人 in summary. 野蛮人是什么样子的?无中生有,颠倒是非黑白,睁着眼睛说瞎话,阴险狡猾没有道义,恩将仇报,人多欺负人少,欺负老弱妇孺。这就是野蛮人!
46. @GUDANGARAM 自己敢做爱敢交配不敢承认血统却叫没做爱的人承认卖身Knnbccb 野蛮人小人
47. @lostvirgin 作假害人的下贱货当然是小人
48. REPEATEDLY 做假害人的@sbfuncle 当然是野蛮人狗杂种小人
49 missed out (will be added)
Grand summary
50. @k1976 hakka Cantonese dog son of prostitute evil jealos sore loser that defamed Born in Singapore women that are more successful than him as part timer prostitute and not true blue sinkie when his fellow Hakka agent c are confirmed the part timer prostitute. 100% 野蛮人小人
51. 野蛮人小人do defamation crimes rape you trample woman then you scold them Knnbccb they will call you 没教养.
52. 野蛮人狗杂种小人自己见钱眼开CBT THIEF CHEAT MONEY and use company expenses to pay for shanghai mistress lunch aka @sbfuncleand @whistling , respectively, turn around to accuse you that did so many things for free for so called family friends work for no money as 见钱眼开。
53. @balks2u Got photo evidence of whistling mouth can twist it to no whistle is typical 小人
54. @GUDANGARAM After trampling you persecute hokkien virgin as 敢卖身不敢承认act kind show fake concern say for your own health you must sleep early not called 不要脸的小人called what?
55. @whistling take salary don’t work but steal company time spamming lies do defamation crimes is of course 小人behavior
56. @lostvirgin aka @GUDANGARAM and @whistling aka @NanoSpeed both show 小人trait of acting kind in one clone while very vicious in another clone and turn around to accuse people cb seller act virgin and chicken act phoenix. 野蛮人狗杂种小人就是这样的
57. After smearing raping murdering woman can act sheepish or talk about love as if nothing happened is of course no conscience 野蛮人小人
58. @NanoSpeed Use words like consummation before and/or after marriage to link you to every woman having sex is of course despicable 小人
59. Use one clone @NanoSpeed to use your particulars to link you to every woman having sex to insult you fake virgin having sex and then use another clone @whistling to insult you 犯贱for scolding him for insulting you is of course manipulative 小人。
60. @sbfuncle Cantonese dog son of prostitute everyday hide in rat hole spamming lies of hokkien virgin sell cb not called 伪君子真小人called what?
61. @Liquigas aka @NanoSpeed do manipulation to focus on victim of crime reactions instead of their own criminal behavior persecution of hokkien virgin as prostitute and accuse victim mad is of course manipulative 小人
62. Two evil despicable coward Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes see you busy only intensify attacks of you non stop all their clones also come out from @nightsafari to @Liquigas is definitely a trait of 小人 isn’t it?
63. @whistling Hide in rat hole use your surname to defame Gansiokbin as 小三when he is self admitted 小三with cheap dao tao strategy is definitely 小人
64. @whistling Cantonese dog son of prostitute linked you to every bad woman or bad behavior abusing maid whatever when you never acold or abuse maid or staff is definitely 小人
65. 助纣为虐 一手遮天 is definitely 小人
66. Got photo proof got video got cctv got witness on so many occasions they just cancel it say no whistle AND ACCUSE YOU MAD is 小人or not? Of course it is
67 So manipulative so shameless 小人 indeed do evil can tell lies act innocent and do manipulation accuse victim mad and no proof with ease like breathing air.
68. What do you call criminals that call their victim of crimes mad while they keep upping defamation thread of Gansiokbin with their Cantonese entitlement and call it advertisement time with their Cantonese pride? 小人
69. @Houri Hide in rat hole defame you hokkien virgin as dirty cb with infectious diseases is of course 小人
70. @Houri tell lies like breathing air say you sit there eat meals and dogs whistle at you from behind is called you are dirty woman seeking attention is of course Cantonese 小人
71 Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes crooked people can spam lies while persecute me for spamming facts of their crimes not called 小人then called what?
72. What do you call people that do defamation crimes to you smear and insult you chicken AND yet got the cheek to repeatedly ask you how to make money from stocks AND get angry when you refused to tell him? 不要脸的小人广东狗 @GUDANGARAM
73. Link every adultery case to hokkien virgin with annulled marriage that suffered office bullying and did nkt have adultery is called 小人
74. Everyday spent time 说三道四do evil to people is of course 小人 Seriously these Cantonese dogs @NanoSpeed @Houri @GUDANGARAM@sbfuncle etc got LJ for what? Everyday 说三道四like some 八婆like slut in bed calling others slut kt latha indeed spent time gossiping in office can win liao so proud
真的很恐怖做人可以这么阴险这么贱。Grand summary
75 @NanoSpeed aka @nightsafari do evil and then act innocent stir shit to persecute me his victim of crimes is of course 小人behavior
76. Lies busted just change topic come up with more lies to cover up lies is called what? 小人
77. I say don’t attend funeral of course means other people funeral also can twist to I don’t attend my father funeral by 小人广东狗 @Houri
78. Just to attack me @Houri serial liar can come up with all kinds of lies and give people advice 4 is good number that he don’t believe in - no moral no principle - is 100% 小人
80. Ownself Sibei cheap chicken and son of chicken @GUDANGARAM act holy persecute me what he and his sell nude sell cb women are as chicken say I chicken act holy
81 keep upping same slut whore mistress thread me when I post my cancer thread is of course bad hearted 小人
82. 小人作恶多端trampling hokkien virgin as slut prostitute 被指责怒火中烧颠倒黑白说victim fighting bullies 是妖风 Pui!
83. Who will do evil when victim fight back get angry? Entitled 小人 @nansospeed
84. @NanoSpeed twist I curse him get gangrape to I went gangrape and use fatal attraction to insult me mistress is of course 小人
85. @NanoSpeed In threads with Gansiokbin name act kind 说反话 while in other threads say 妖风 鸡etc is of course 小人
86. @NanoSpeed aka @nightsafari clone accused me stir shit but ownself is caught everyday stir shit to harm me is of course 小人
87. Everyday 说三道四 污蔑骚扰 is of course 小人
88. Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes @GUDANGARAM @NanoSpeed@LaoHongBiscuit @sbfuncle etc everyday 唱双簧作恶多端 are of course 小人
89. Do defamation crimes with no remorse no repentance no human conscience animals @LaoHongBiscuit @sbfuncle @NanoSpeed@GUDANGARAM etc are of course 小人
90. Do sexual harassment Ask private sex lewd questions and accused their victim of crime shy and don’t tell truth is Cantonese criminal dog 小人
91. When fellow criminal dog that harassed me got his karma business close down blame it on me the victim of their sexual harassment crimes is usual 颠倒黑白stinky dirty tricks of 小人
92. 欺善怕恶dare not ask powerful women that they hate lewd questions while repeatedly sexually assault powerless hokkien virgin with such lewd question @laobiscuit is of course 小人standard behavior
93. Pretend to be blind can’t see what I already wrote clearly and accused me I don’t take video falsely accusing people is obviously 小人 @LaoHongBiscuit dirty tricks
94. When Kena exposed just tell lies make false accusations is of course 小人 @sbfuncle
95. Sexually abused you 叫春 when you sit there do nothing then 颠倒黑白 accuse you rude is sure 小人 @Les grossman
96. @sbfuncle make false accusations of me non stop 无中生有say I don’t wear panties that’s why Kena whistled is of course 小人
97. @LaoHongBiscuit pretend don’t know I report police many times to no avail and accuse me coward for not reporting police when he is the proven evil coward criminal bully 欺善怕恶
98. Repeat and repeat lies that I got no evidence when my photo shows the whistling dog mouth and mrt cctv definitely captured his whistling is 小人 @LaoHongBiscuit
99. 不知廉耻的小人 @JurongEast @NanoSpeed@LaoHongBiscuit @sbfuncle etc ownselves criminal doing defamation crimes to me without an ounce of evidence got the cheek to demand victim of crimes provide evidence and scrutinize the evidence like an upright judge yikes!
So fast fill up no.49 that was missed out:100 signs that Cantonese dogs sons of CHICKENS @pig@NanoSpeed@sbfuncle@Balls2U@ultimareonline @lostvirginetc are 小人
Continued from number 1 to 25:
26. Ownself self admitted 小三 @whistling with self admitted use married mistress for easy exit cheap dao Tao strategy persecuting hokkien virgin as 小三 is most despicable 小人indeed
27. @sbfuncle Cantonese dog son of prostitute Lie exposed already still repeat again and again called evil shameless despicable 小人 indeed
28. ALWAYS accusing others what they and their cheap women are themselves from 小三 to dirty slut prostitute to manipulative is another obvious sign aka trait of 小人
29. They dare not take up your virginity test challenge but twist it to you are unproven virgin and they are legit to abuse you is certainly despicable 小人 manipulative character.
30. Mixed breed dog that think he got right to do crimes to you and then curse you get cancer is obviously a despicable 小人
31. Any challenge from virginity test challenge to investment return challenge all dare not take up and yet insist and keep repeating evil filthy lies that I must be prostitute. Ownselves no capability to retire buy condo whatever so others cannot and entitled to trample as prostitute is then called 贱中之贱小人 Pui!
32. @whistling Tell lies and do manipulation in relationship by using married mistress for easy exit is of course evil manipulative despicable 小人。
33. @whistling self admitted his mother is DIRTY SLUT but denied his mother met any of the 25 signs of slut while hokkien virgin he insist is slut and chicken when don’t meet any of the 25 signs and 10 signs of slut and prostitute, respectively, is so despicable 小人hypocrite behavior.
34. @sbfuncle @lostvirgin own cheap women sell nude turned around to accuse their victim of crimes being stolen night gown photos by them as selling nude and prostitute are definitely thieves criminal bullies 小人
35. @NanoSpeed Own women sell nude sell cb no problem but persecute other people for sell nude sell cb when people don’t sell is called 小人hypocrite criminal bully.
36. 野蛮人杂种狗Cantonese dog son of prostitute doing defamation crimes to Gansiokbin smearing hokkien virgin as public toilet non stop is lowest lowlife 小人
37. @NanoSpeed Act innocent by pretending to delete name in reply when posting reply to defamation post is so disgusting hypocrite 小人behaviour isn’t it?
38. @whistling Start a thread with people name and say people is prostitute based on nothing but their vile and offensive 野蛮人狗杂种mouth is a despicable 小人criminal. Pui!
39. @sbfuncle Smear people name as prostitute twist it to verified prostitute is so 野蛮人狗杂种小人!
40. You post investment return big big showing positive overall returns and of course 野蛮人杂种狗小人 @whistling can 无中生有say you lose money.
41. Put your name and say Cantonese woman that drunken have sex is following your footstep is of course 小人 @whistling
42. @sbfuncle Cantonese dog son of prostitute Hide in rat hole viciously smear and abuse hokkien woman in full name as prostitute everyday his Cantonese dog 小人pride. 没底线没品的野蛮人呸!
43. @GUDANGARAM 野蛮人狗杂种自己小人do defamation crimes to you smear you hokkien virgin as prostitute with no evidence no nothing and when you challenge them to take up virginity test challenge they dare not and then ask you go sue them and then you say okay and ask them to provide name and nric number they dare not provide and then 死不要脸say you 敢卖身不敢承认。真够贱广东狗婊子是你妈呸!
44. Actually 野蛮人狗杂种 use Gansiokbin say Gansiokbin is prostitute is not called insinuating insult but brazen defamation crimes and obviously Jeremy Quek clones @GUDANGARAM @sbfuncle@lostvirgin@Balls2U and other self admitted Cantonese dog son of prostitutes @NanoSpeedaka @whistling etc all know this fact and that’s why hiding in rat hole under asshole protection and yet so fake ask me go sue them 真够假 不叫小人叫什么?Pui!
45. 野蛮人 = 小人 in summary. 野蛮人是什么样子的?无中生有,颠倒是非黑白,睁着眼睛说瞎话,阴险狡猾没有道义,恩将仇报,人多欺负人少,欺负老弱妇孺。这就是野蛮人!
46. @GUDANGARAM 自己敢做爱敢交配不敢承认血统却叫没做爱的人承认卖身Knnbccb 野蛮人小人
47. @lostvirgin 作假害人的下贱货当然是小人
48. REPEATEDLY 做假害人的@sbfuncle 当然是野蛮人狗杂种小人
49 missed out (will be added)
So fast fill up no.49 that was missed out:
@LaoHongBiscuit think I am his domestic maid that he can anyhow abuse. That’s what wicked people aka 小人do: abuse alone weak vulnerable people
As usual you are accusing me what you are SELF ENTITLED CANTONESE BULLY THAT THINK I AM YOUR DOMESTIC MAID THAT YOU CAN ABUSE AS SLUT WHORE MISTRESS EVERYDAY FOR YEARS. WHY SO KIND DONT DO THAT IN THIS THREAD? BECAUSE YOU ARE EVIL COWARD CRIMINAL BULLY SON OF CANTONESE SELF ADMITTED ADULTERER AND SON OF DIRTY SLUT PERSECUTING ME AS ONE PUI!you think shammugam and singapore police force is your domestic maid ah. every day anyhow snap photo of men you dislike then expect spf to investigate them for wolf whistling at you. typical self entitled sinkie behavior![]()
AND @LaoHongBiscuit anyhow making false accusations of people that you don’t like - AND 无权无势unlike powerful ho Ching with good husband that you also dislike but dare not bully or insult her - IS PROVEN YOU SO SHAMELESS TO COPYCAT ME ANYHOW ACCUSE ME WHAT YOU ARE PUI!You don’t like me only you have no conscience to accuse me mad but your ccb Cantonese dog son of prostitute mouth Pui!
This is number 101 sign of 小人Liao shameless copycat me and anyhow accuse me what he is proven to beAND @LaoHongBiscuit anyhow making false accusations of people that you don’t like - AND 无权无势unlike powerful ho Ching with good husband that you also dislike but dare not bully or insult her - IS PROVEN YOU SO SHAMELESS TO COPYCAT ME ANYHOW ACCUSE ME WHAT YOU ARE PUI!
So fast fill up no.49 that was missed out:
@LaoHongBiscuit think I am his domestic maid that he can anyhow abuse. That’s what wicked people aka 小人do: abuse alone weak vulnerable people
101. Jealous of people stating fact got English A1. 小人 @LaoHongBiscuit attack people stating facts while he is so entitled to tell lies to harm people.
That’s a fact unlike your evil shameless lies to harm Gansiokbin non stop. See how jealous you SELF ADMITTED CANTONESE SON OF DIRTY SLUT THAT VISIT LASUP MASSAGE JOINT ADULTERER ENTITLED CRIMINAL BULLY DOG ARE. Pui!why u insult @NanoSpeed Mentor. Gansiokbin says she A1 English you know.