Simple solution lah;
1. Install sliding gates and doors. Call it an upgrading program. Say it is heavily subsidized by hbd, and collect sgd1,000 from each household. Applaud the ingenious sliding door solution and promote civil serpents, and give them national day award.
2. Interview some RCee dogs, and have them say that they have no issues with the width of the corridors, and in fact they hope it would be narrower so that they are closer to thy neighbor. Print big big in prostitute times.
3. show on TV, wooden houses burning, and praise concrete housing...
4. Expound the fact that sg is a small inland and land scarce, top it up with some GST rebate and vouchers.
Sliding gates and doors?
Their freaking furniture cannot even go past the corridor let alone talk about reaching the front gate!
Disassmble go in then re-assemble? hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA