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You only need to do two simple task to show your gratitude and love to Singapore now

Bad New Brown

Nowadays many SP graduates drive grab and heng they told me that Singapore got many expats who pay them good tips. Without pap foreign talent policy , no people will use grab and they will be jobless even thought some of them got nus degree

I never listen to any of my secondary teachers :thumbsdown: luckily, I graduated with an honours degree and earning a decent wage now.

If I tell them I had been voting for the oppositions, they will :mad: to death


I never listen to any of my secondary teachers :thumbsdown: luckily, I graduated with an honours degree and earning a decent wage now.

If I tell them I had been voting for the oppositions, they will :mad: to death
I am a graduate from NUS, I also jobless and I went to RC to seek for help and RC got huge connections and they recommend me a Cisco security guard job

Bad New Brown

I am a graduate from NUS, I also jobless and I went to RC to seek for help and RC got huge connections and they recommend me a Cisco security guard job

bro I suggest you continue to send out your resume and make friends with pretty recruitment agents. These are people that can help you.


Just before the General Election in 2011, then-National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan told Singaporeans: “We’re proud of the asset enhancement policy. (It) has given almost all Singaporeans a home of their own… that grows in value over time.”

In 2013, Mr Lee Kuan Yew promised again, “We intend to keep the value of these homes up, it will never go down. Because it will be renewed, the surroundings will improve, and as Singapore prospers, GDP goes up, the value of homes will go up.”
This thing about housing values "should go up" is nonsensical economics. Xi Jinping is correct to insist "a house is for living and not for speculation". You sell your house and take profit, then stay where - Istana! Lee Kuan Yew too talks falsehood sometimes.

Say the world is on Gold standard, then there may be gentle deflation over times because no money supply artificially inflated. All prices go down decades by decades, but no harm done. Everyone is on equal ground and adapts to it. Fiat money system will always be inflationary.

Latest article:"Basic Electricity And Photon Energy Current".

Abstract:"There is great misconceptions and confusion about how energy is transmit-
ted by electric currents.The electric current carries no energy. It is the photon
energy current within current-carrying conductors that transmits electrical en-
ergy. The magnetic fields surrounding current-carrying conductors play no part
in electrical energy transmission. A simple classical derivation of Ohm’s law is
given. The working of the Zn/Cu Galvanic cell is examined; it is shown to be a
photon generator"

Chan Rasjid