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Lee Kuan Yew: The Father of Modern China?​

Lee Kuan Yew’s influence helped shape the China we know today.
Shannon Tiezzi

By Shannon Tiezzi
March 24, 2015

With the passing of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister and one of the most influential Asian politicians, leaders and media outlets all over the world have put in their two cents on his legacy.

In the Western world, analysis of his influence is generally mixed; the Washington Post, for example, led off its piece by calling Lee “the democratic world’s favorite dictator.” But in China, where Lee’s mix of authoritarian governance and economic reform proved hugely influential, reflections are far more glowing.

China’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on March 23 saying that “the Chinese side deeply mourns the loss of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.” The statement praised Lee as “a uniquely influential statesman in Asia and a strategist embodying oriental values and international vision.”

For China, that high praise might actually be underestimating Lee’s importance. After the death of Mao Zedong, Beijing’s leaders knew that Maoist philosophy was not the way forward for China – but they were loath to adopt Western alternatives such as democracy and a free market economy.

In Lee’s Singapore, Chinese leaders found an alternative path, a path they could sell as being uniquely suited for Asian (or “oriental,” as China’s FM put it) values. That choice, to combine economic reforms with authoritarianism, shaped China as we know it today.



Indon Jakatra Post

Singapore's Lee seen as an inspiration for modern China Chinese leaders admired modern Singapore's founder Lee Kuan Yew for his toughness, economic pragmatism and insistence on respect for authority Christopher Bodeen (The Jakarta Post) Beijing Mon, March 23, 2015

This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title "". Click to read: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/03/23/singapores-lee-seen-inspiration-modern-china.html.

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Alfrescian (Inf)

How Lee Kuan Yew crafted Singapore into a role model for China​

Statesman’s influence was felt and appreciated on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and the Pacific
Cary Huang

Cary Huang
Published: 1:15pm, 24 Mar, 2015

Of course, LKY was the disciple of a trashy globalist Jew.

And it was the globalist Jews who gave the CCP regime assistance in the early days.

Kids in MOE schools don't learn real history now? Or is it still the 好公民 brainwashing? :rolleyes:






A Jew in Mao's China

Until I saw the documentary “The Revolutionary” at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.


My retired teachers do not understand why last time she and her family were instructed to vacate their landed house in Punggol and forced to move into HDB.

Now her hdb has no value because it is 60years old.


My retired teachers do not understand why last time she and her family were instructed to vacate their landed house in Punggol and forced to move into HDB.

Now her hdb has no value because it is 60years old.
I told her that if she and her family never leave Punggol, Singapore has no land and without land, we cannot have so many foreigners from China, India and Burma


My retired teachers do not understand why last time she and her family were instructed to vacate their landed house in Punggol and forced to move into HDB.

Now her hdb has no value because it is 60years old.
Then my retired teacher asked me why people like Goh Chok Tong does not need to vacate their property in Bukit Timah.
why Bukit Timah is different from Punggol


Of course, LKY was the disciple of a trashy globalist Jew.

And it was the globalist Jews who gave the CCP regime assistance in the early days.

Kids in MOE schools don't learn real history now? Or is it still the 好公民 brainwashing? :rolleyes:





No lah...BFF + blood Bros


My retired teacher told me that she got to pay a hefty sum to vacate her Punggol house and in exchange, she moved to HDB.

How her HDB is old and she got to wipe out her remaining saving in CPF to upgrade her HDB.

She told me that at the end she felt that she paid for 2 property but actually she only has one hdb


My retired teacher told me that she got to pay a hefty sum to vacate her Punggol house and in exchange, she moved to HDB.

How her HDB is old and she got to wipe out her remaining saving in CPF to upgrade her HDB.

She told me that at the end she felt that she paid for 2 property but actually she only has one hdb
LAA to take possession of people's property at cheap price.


My retired teacher told me that she got to pay a hefty sum to vacate her Punggol house and in exchange, she moved to HDB.

How her HDB is old and she got to wipe out her remaining saving in CPF to upgrade her HDB.

She told me that at the end she felt that she paid for 2 property but actually she only has one hdb
you teacher sounds vaccinated. I suggest you stay away from him or her to maintain your sanity.


Pls help me to comfort my retired history teacher. I don’t know how to explain to her about her housing and cpf woes.


Pls help me to comfort my retired history teacher. I don’t know how to explain to her about her housing and cpf woes.
i also know a retired teacher. He got pension till now. He accepted a relatively lower pay during his teaching job in school in exchange for a pension after retirement. His peer never opt for that and instead choose instant gratification and now complaining to him.