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Wuhan Virus - Sinkies are soooooooo dumb, people fuck them also they don't know


Alfrescian (Inf)
Whatever. Point is why are the 30% still die hard remaining and only know how to kpkb?
Because God wanted them to remain to save the life of 70% ignorant sinkies. 30% presence will still bring some hope of survival for this cuntry. You will know what I meant when CoV spread like hotcake here.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Because God wanted them to remain to save the life of 70% ignorant sinkies. 30% presence will still bring some hope of survival for this cuntry.

Then dont complain since you play the role of savior and hero. Lol!


Whatever. Point is why are the 30% still die hard remaining and only know how to kpkb?
My uncle say KNN everyone in the 30% have their own different reasons KNN maybe is
1. They don't know how to migrate I.e the stoopid group but still can see pap lies KNN
2. They wanted to but their spouse (pap supporter) doesn't want to KNN
3. They are the fighters KNN
4. Many other reasons KNN
As for my uncle is becas his pleasure is to beat people of higher status (tam chia ter nao successful group) to a pulp KNN so he still enjoy carrying out his duty while pap is in charge KNN same time he strive to overcome pap policies to his best and find all the loopholes to counter attack for personal gains KNN if he migrate then gone his pleasures KNN


Old Fart
My uncle say KNN everyone in the 30% have their own different reasons KNN maybe is
1. They don't know how to migrate I.e the stoopid group but still can see pap lies KNN
2. They wanted to but their spouse (pap supporter) doesn't want to KNN
3. They are the fighters KNN
4. Many other reasons KNN
As for my uncle is becas his pleasure is to beat people of higher status (tam chia ter nao successful group) to a pulp KNN so he still enjoy carrying out his duty while pap is in charge KNN same time he strive to overcome pap policies to his best and find all the loopholes to counter attack for personal gains KNN if he migrate then gone his pleasures KNN
KNN, for me I am too old liao KNN.


That, and the reluctance to stop all inbound flights from China until WHO made its announcement. Who knows how many infected Tiongs had made it inside Sinkieland?


The Wuhan mayor himself had admitted in late January that about 5 million Wuhan natives had fled the city before the city's quarantine announcement. And this was before the lockdown of the entire Hubei province. Where did all those Wuhan folks escape to? :wink:
You need to look at the timeline-discovery, investigation and announcement. Methinks it's alot more than the most conservative estimates. Nevermine what those mutherfuckers at WHO says. The critical point is when the first human to human transmission was made known and it's asymptomatic nature. That's when they discovered thermal scanning just wouldn't cut it .....Oops!


Most sinkies are impressionable and easily manipulated, while some suffer from delusions of grandeur. :wink:

syed putra

Its simple really. PAP wants singapura to retain its chinese dominance, plus to retain the population balance of multiculturism, some cecas must be added in as well.
Malays as usual are not welcome. Replaced by philippinos.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Its simple really. PAP wants singapura to retain its chinese dominance, plus to retain the population balance of multiculturism, some cecas must be added in as well.
Malays as usual are not welcome. Replaced by philippinos.
Mats easily reproduce to keep their numbers up.
So much so Govt need send a good % inside prison to keep down their numbers outside


Alfrescian (Inf)
As I cower inside my semi-D somewhere in East Coast, i have not gone out now for a couple of days and have no intention to do so for fear of contracting the corona virus. thanks to fucking cocking PAP assholes who voted the Pigs Are Pigs into power, we are all fucked. No one bothers to ask the following questions:

1) how come a small country, one of the smallest in the world, has the world's second most infections outside of China? We are 3400km away from Wuhan for fuck's sake. Even next door to China, Hong Kong has less cases then us!

2) The reason why we have so many infections here is because of the 750,000 PRC that the PAP has allowed to live, study, and work here.

3) The blame of infection on chinese tourist does not answer the question of why the fuck the tourists are coming here. Its not like we have cheap shopping, cheap food, beaches, etc. They go to Malaysia and Thailand for that. The reason so many chinese visit singapore is to meet up with their fucking friends and relatives already living here. This is why the infection has spread to sinkies in the heartland. These so call tourist are not staying in Orchard Road or tourist area, they are staying in HDB flats with their friends and relatives, and that is how sinkies catch it.

4) Singapore is now confirmed Chinese Vassal state as evidenced by the slowness of the PAP to adopt measures against the China citizens to bar them from Singapore. This so called 14 days LOA instead of mandatory quarantine or outright deportation or refusal of entry is just bullshit. They even let in 2 large transport planes and 6 fighters from the PLAAF on Wednesday for the Singapore Airshow. Of course, no quarantine for these fuckers. Unbelievable. The vassal puppet Lee Gay Loong don't dare to tell the Chinese to fuck off and not come.

5) The fact that Hong Kong has closed all schools for the month of February, and many countries have ban large public gathering, while the PAP has not, speaks to the recklessness of the govt. These fuckers don't give a shit. Their main priority is to continue to make money and to continue to please China.

Why Sinkies cannot see all this evident truth is beyond me.

I can see the truth and I am sure many have thought hard about the issues raised. However as a poor ah pek I cannot relac one corner in my humble 2- roomed HDB flat as I have to go and earn a living. Also cannot let my guard now as many Chinese newly-minted citizens live in my neighbourhood. HK evidently has more capable and thinking leaders despite acting under the shadow of Xi Jinping.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its simple really. PAP wants singapura to retain its chinese dominance, plus to retain the population balance of multiculturism, some cecas must be added in as well.
Malays as usual are not welcome. Replaced by philippinos.

I'm sure the cameras just coincidentally panned towards her, and the presstitutes had an interview with her afterwards on a whim. :wink:



Its simple really. PAP wants singapura to retain its chinese dominance, plus to retain the population balance of multiculturism, some cecas must be added in as well.
Malays as usual are not welcome. Replaced by philippinos.
Better than increasing the mudslime popn,,don't need more halal crap


Super Moderator
Staff member
told you to emigrate you don’t want. die die must live in sg. diehard sinkies now kena screwed big time by pappies.
Most sinkies will want to migrate if you gave them PR and a job on a platter with moving costs and arrangements all thrown in.

They are just fucking lazy and NATO.


Absolutely agree and I am with you on this. :thumbsup:

Most sinkies will want to migrate if you gave them PR and a job on a platter with moving costs and arrangements all thrown in.

They are just fucking lazy and NATO.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
KNS, even I did not send my Indon maid to the market the last few days. What if she goes out and then kena infected and bring it back to my house. Sway like fuck. My aircon electricity bill going to be sky high this month. But have to send her soon to do marketing. Can tar pau also, but still exposing myself. Its times like this that I wish I had big titted blonde maid, then I don't mind getting self quarantined with her. sigh.