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Wuhan Virus - Sinkies are soooooooo dumb, people fuck them also they don't know


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
As I cower inside my semi-D somewhere in East Coast, i have not gone out now for a couple of days and have no intention to do so for fear of contracting the corona virus. thanks to fucking cocking PAP assholes who voted the Pigs Are Pigs into power, we are all fucked. No one bothers to ask the following questions:

1) how come a small country, one of the smallest in the world, has the world's second most infections outside of China? We are 3400km away from Wuhan for fuck's sake. Even next door to China, Hong Kong has less cases then us!

2) The reason why we have so many infections here is because of the 750,000 PRC that the PAP has allowed to live, study, and work here.

3) The blame of infection on chinese tourist does not answer the question of why the fuck the tourists are coming here. Its not like we have cheap shopping, cheap food, beaches, etc. They go to Malaysia and Thailand for that. The reason so many chinese visit singapore is to meet up with their fucking friends and relatives already living here. This is why the infection has spread to sinkies in the heartland. These so call tourist are not staying in Orchard Road or tourist area, they are staying in HDB flats with their friends and relatives, and that is how sinkies catch it.

4) Singapore is now confirmed Chinese Vassal state as evidenced by the slowness of the PAP to adopt measures against the China citizens to bar them from Singapore. This so called 14 days LOA instead of mandatory quarantine or outright deportation or refusal of entry is just bullshit. They even let in 2 large transport planes and 6 fighters from the PLAAF on Wednesday for the Singapore Airshow. Of course, no quarantine for these fuckers. Unbelievable. The vassal puppet Lee Gay Loong don't dare to tell the Chinese to fuck off and not come.

5) The fact that Hong Kong has closed all schools for the month of February, and many countries have ban large public gathering, while the PAP has not, speaks to the recklessness of the govt. These fuckers don't give a shit. Their main priority is to continue to make money and to continue to please China.

Why Sinkies cannot see all this evident truth is beyond me.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Let Trump teach SINKapore a lesson.

Stop all flights from US to SG and vice versa. All visitors who have being to SG are not allowed into US. The latter will kill Changi airport.

Look for our foreign minister rushing to fly to US to beg the US. Maybe Pinky will go.


Relax one corner, bro....

As I cower inside my sem-D somewhere in East Coast, i have not gone out now for a couple of days and have no intention to do so for fear of contracting the corona virus. thanks to fucking cocking PAP assholes who voted the Pigs Are Pigs into power, we are all fucked. No one bothers to ask the following questions:

1) how come a small country, one of the smallest in the world, has the world's second most infections outside of China? We are 3400km away from Wuhan for fuck's sake. Even next door to China, Hong Kong has less cases then us!

2) The reason why we have so many infections here is because of the 750,000 PRC that the PAP has allowed to live, study, and work here.

3) The blame of infection on chinese tourist does not answer the question of why the fuck the tourists are coming here. Its not like we have cheap shopping, cheap food, beaches, etc. They go to Malaysia and Thailand for that. The reason so many chinese visit singapore is to meet up with their fucking friends and relatives already living here. This is why the infection has spread to sinkies in the heartland. These so call tourist are not staying in Orchard Road or tourist area, they are staying in HDB flats with their friends and relatives, and that is how sinkies catch it.

4) Singapore is now confirmed Chinese Vassal state as evidenced by the slowness of the PAP to adopt measures against the China citizens to bar them from Singapore. This so called 14 days LOA instead of mandatory quarantine or outright deportation or refusal of entry is just bullshit. They even let in 2 large transport planes and 6 fighters from the PLAAF on Wednesday for the Singapore Airshow. Of course, no quarantine for these fuckers. Unbelievable. The vassal puppet Lee Gay Loong don't dare to tell the Chinese to fuck off and not come.

5) The fact that Hong Kong has closed all schools for the month of February, and many countries have ban large public gathering, while the PAP has not, speaks to the recklessness of the govt. These fuckers don't give a shit. Their main priority is to continue to make money and to continue to please China.

Why Sinkies cannot see all this evident truth is beyond me.
As I cower inside my sem-D somewhere in East Coast, i have not gone out now for a couple of days and have no intention to do so for fear of contracting the corona virus. thanks to fucking cocking PAP assholes who voted the Pigs Are Pigs into power, we are all fucked. No one bothers to ask the following questions:

1) how come a small country, one of the smallest in the world, has the world's second most infections outside of China? We are 3400km away from Wuhan for fuck's sake. Even next door to China, Hong Kong has less cases then us!

2) The reason why we have so many infections here is because of the 750,000 PRC that the PAP has allowed to live, study, and work here.

3) The blame of infection on chinese tourist does not answer the question of why the fuck the tourists are coming here. Its not like we have cheap shopping, cheap food, beaches, etc. They go to Malaysia and Thailand for that. The reason so many chinese visit singapore is to meet up with their fucking friends and relatives already living here. This is why the infection has spread to sinkies in the heartland. These so call tourist are not staying in Orchard Road or tourist area, they are staying in HDB flats with their friends and relatives, and that is how sinkies catch it.

4) Singapore is now confirmed Chinese Vassal state as evidenced by the slowness of the PAP to adopt measures against the China citizens to bar them from Singapore. This so called 14 days LOA instead of mandatory quarantine or outright deportation or refusal of entry is just bullshit. They even let in 2 large transport planes and 6 fighters from the PLAAF on Wednesday for the Singapore Airshow. Of course, no quarantine for these fuckers. Unbelievable. The vassal puppet Lee Gay Loong don't dare to tell the Chinese to fuck off and not come.

5) The fact that Hong Kong has closed all schools for the month of February, and many countries have ban large public gathering, while the PAP has not, speaks to the recklessness of the govt. These fuckers don't give a shit. Their main priority is to continue to make money and to continue to please China.

Why Sinkies cannot see all this evident truth is beyond me.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
My dear @Papsmearer I read your post I sensed you are very stressed. You know, you won't be so stressed if you'd listen to these assuring words.


How I wish where I live we can have such caring, far sighted and wise leadership that you have in your First World Swiss Standard city.

Anyway this is another wisdom slogan of assurance, you can't go wrong with this


A Singaporean

Let Trump teach SINKapore a lesson.

Stop all flights from US to SG and vice versa. All visitors who have being to SG are not allowed into US. The latter will kill Changi airport.

Look for our foreign minister rushing to fly to US to beg the US. Maybe Pinky will go.
Let start an appeal letter to Trump to declare Singapore an epic center.


Super Moderator
Staff member
As I cower inside my semi-D somewhere in East Coast, i have not gone out now for a couple of days and have no intention to do so for fear of contracting the corona virus. thanks to fucking cocking PAP assholes who voted the Pigs Are Pigs into power, we are all fucked. No one bothers to ask the following questions:

1) how come a small country, one of the smallest in the world, has the world's second most infections outside of China? We are 3400km away from Wuhan for fuck's sake. Even next door to China, Hong Kong has less cases then us!

2) The reason why we have so many infections here is because of the 750,000 PRC that the PAP has allowed to live, study, and work here.

3) The blame of infection on chinese tourist does not answer the question of why the fuck the tourists are coming here. Its not like we have cheap shopping, cheap food, beaches, etc. They go to Malaysia and Thailand for that. The reason so many chinese visit singapore is to meet up with their fucking friends and relatives already living here. This is why the infection has spread to sinkies in the heartland. These so call tourist are not staying in Orchard Road or tourist area, they are staying in HDB flats with their friends and relatives, and that is how sinkies catch it.

4) Singapore is now confirmed Chinese Vassal state as evidenced by the slowness of the PAP to adopt measures against the China citizens to bar them from Singapore. This so called 14 days LOA instead of mandatory quarantine or outright deportation or refusal of entry is just bullshit. They even let in 2 large transport planes and 6 fighters from the PLAAF on Wednesday for the Singapore Airshow. Of course, no quarantine for these fuckers. Unbelievable. The vassal puppet Lee Gay Loong don't dare to tell the Chinese to fuck off and not come.

5) The fact that Hong Kong has closed all schools for the month of February, and many countries have ban large public gathering, while the PAP has not, speaks to the recklessness of the govt. These fuckers don't give a shit. Their main priority is to continue to make money and to continue to please China.

Why Sinkies cannot see all this evident truth is beyond me.

They can see. They like it. They voted for it and will continue to vote for it.

It isnt that sinkies cannot see this truth. They do. It is the 30% who somehow refuse to believe that the 70% are wholeheartedly in support of this.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
They can see. They like it. They voted for it and will continue to vote for it.

It isnt that sinkies cannot see this truth. They do. It is the 30% who somehow refuse to believe that the 70% are wholeheartedly in support of this.

this makes absolutely no fucking sense. Its evident that the PAP brought the Wuhan virus to singapore via the welcoming of large numbers of filthy China citizens. You cannot believe that 70% knowingly wanted this to happen.


As I cower inside my semi-D somewhere in East Coast, i have not gone out now for a couple of days and have no intention to do so for fear of contracting the corona virus. thanks to fucking cocking PAP assholes who voted the Pigs Are Pigs into power, we are all fucked. No one bothers to ask the following questions:

1) how come a small country, one of the smallest in the world, has the world's second most infections outside of China? We are 3400km away from Wuhan for fuck's sake. Even next door to China, Hong Kong has less cases then us!

2) The reason why we have so many infections here is because of the 750,000 PRC that the PAP has allowed to live, study, and work here.

3) The blame of infection on chinese tourist does not answer the question of why the fuck the tourists are coming here. Its not like we have cheap shopping, cheap food, beaches, etc. They go to Malaysia and Thailand for that. The reason so many chinese visit singapore is to meet up with their fucking friends and relatives already living here. This is why the infection has spread to sinkies in the heartland. These so call tourist are not staying in Orchard Road or tourist area, they are staying in HDB flats with their friends and relatives, and that is how sinkies catch it.

4) Singapore is now confirmed Chinese Vassal state as evidenced by the slowness of the PAP to adopt measures against the China citizens to bar them from Singapore. This so called 14 days LOA instead of mandatory quarantine or outright deportation or refusal of entry is just bullshit. They even let in 2 large transport planes and 6 fighters from the PLAAF on Wednesday for the Singapore Airshow. Of course, no quarantine for these fuckers. Unbelievable. The vassal puppet Lee Gay Loong don't dare to tell the Chinese to fuck off and not come.

5) The fact that Hong Kong has closed all schools for the month of February, and many countries have ban large public gathering, while the PAP has not, speaks to the recklessness of the govt. These fuckers don't give a shit. Their main priority is to continue to make money and to continue to please China.

Why Sinkies cannot see all this evident truth is beyond me.
We are a victim of our success. You don't want to success? :o-o:


Super Moderator
Staff member
this makes absolutely no fucking sense. Its evident that the PAP brought the Wuhan virus to singapore via the welcoming of large numbers of filthy China citizens. You cannot believe that 70% knowingly wanted this to happen.
This influx of china PRC has been going on for 2 decades and over many election cycles.

Yet the PAP won an overwhelming majority each time.

So how can you say the sinkies DO NOT WANT PRC? Or even Indian?

Sinkies 70% not smart enough to see the implications of influx of PRC? Loss of jobs to foreigners? Spread of disease?

I find it hard to believe people are so stupid. Maybe they are so stupid lah. Lol!


Super Moderator
Staff member
If indeed the 70% of sinkies are soooooooo fucking stooooooopid..........

You all can tahan living and breathing and working next to these dumb ass 70% sinkies ar?

I cannot. That's why I left already.

Also remember in sinkieland is high population density crowded like hell you cannot escape being in the presence of dumb sinkies. Die die will meet them everywhere. So really vomit blood.

So who is the more stupid? The 70% majority who choose the clowns to fuck them voluntarily? Or the 30% who oppose the clowns but still kena fuck by the clowns because the 70% ask the clowns to fuck everybody?

At least the 70% kena fuck is willingly. The 30% dont want but still stick around to get fucked.


Alfrescian (Inf)
2) The reason why we have so many infections here is because of the 750,000 PRC that the PAP has allowed to live, study, and work here.

That, and the reluctance to stop all inbound flights from China until WHO made its announcement. Who knows how many infected Tiongs had made it inside Sinkieland?


The Wuhan mayor himself had admitted in late January that about 5 million Wuhan natives had fled the city before the city's quarantine announcement. And this was before the lockdown of the entire Hubei province. Where did all those Wuhan folks escape to? :wink:


Fucking jibye tam chia ter nao sinkie nus grad can give bank account number to strangers KNN anything can happen also KNN


Super Moderator
Staff member
Bro, 70% is no longer native sinkies. Out of 70%, you probably find half of it as new sinkies, which PAP anointed every year for the past decades.

Whatever. Point is why are the 30% still die hard remaining and only know how to kpkb?