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WTF. One teenager wants to run around with a pair of scissor or kitchen knife is called a terrorist.


nothing more dangerous than a woman....this one famous, cut off hubby's penis and threw it away......


the guilty knife


Lorena Bobbitt severed her husband John's penis on June 23, 1993 at their home in Manassas, Virginia. Lorena stated in a court hearing that, after coming home that evening, her husband had raped her. After he then went to sleep, she got out of bed and went to the kitchen for a drink of water. She then grabbed an eight-inch Ginsu carving knife on the kitchen counter, returned to their bedroom, pulled back the bed sheets, and cut off his penis.[6][7]

After this, Lorena left the apartment with the severed appendage and drove away in her car. After a length of time driving and struggling to steer with one hand due to holding the penis, she threw the penis out a window into a roadside field on Maplewood Drive.[8] She eventually stopped and called 9-1-1, telling them what she had done and where the penis could be found.

John's penis was found after an exhaustive search, and after being washed with antiseptic and packed in saline ice, it was reattached in the hospital where he was treated. The operation took nine and a half hours.[9] John went on to star in two pornographic films in the 1990s,[10] and stated in 2018 that his penis is "back to normal".[11] John also went on to accumulate a record of serious abuse allegations and some criminal convictions.[12]

syed putra

ANY thing can be a weapon - even a mere piece of rock - in the hands of a RADICALIZED teenager hell bent on killing innocents.

Sadly, YOU are ENCOURAGING more, especially the young & naive, & the bitter elderlies, to be terrorists, to kill innocents.
I used to be decent until I joined this forum. I am now among fellow radicals.