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Guess??? - 'Very close shave': Teen detained under ISA could have rampaged through crowded Tampines area, says Shanmugam


What is “self radicalisation” ?

Liddat say then if I watch porno and then PCC is considered “self pleasuring” ?

True Believer

The Arab Muslims are wise enough to smell their Austronesian aboriginal Muuds genes from far away hence delegate them to do these special tasks when Muuds want to become volunteers in the extremist's Jihad.
" KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians who went to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS felt deceived and disappointed as they were tasked to do menial jobs such as cleaning toilets.Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said these Malaysian recruits regretted their move as things in Syria were not what they imagined them to be."They were not involved in the battlefield. They regretted because they are given tasks to clean toilets or sweep rubbish or do other tasks that they do not consider to be for warriors," he said at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.Dr Ahmad Zahid also said Malaysians who died while in Iraq and Syria were not directly involved in battle but were mere casualties due to the belief that they would become martyrs in the end. "
I read various articles about how Muslims in the Middle East have no regard for Muslims from Southeast Asia who worship their Arab counterparts.

Scrooball (clone)

Was he carrying a pair of scissors or a bazooka?
