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Guess??? - 'Very close shave': Teen detained under ISA could have rampaged through crowded Tampines area, says Shanmugam

syed putra

All these retard Muuds never learned their lessons and aspire to become toilet cleaners or suicide bombers again.

The Arab Muslims are wise enough to smell their Austronesian aboriginal Muuds genes from far away hence delegate them to do these special tasks when Muuds want to become volunteers in the extremist's Jihad...:

It's a hint to the Muuds that they are of Jumban species, LOL.


" KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians who went to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS felt deceived and disappointed as they were tasked to do menial jobs such as cleaning toilets.

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said these Malaysian recruits regretted their move as things in Syria were not what they imagined them to be.

"They were not involved in the battlefield. They regretted because they are given tasks to clean toilets or sweep rubbish or do other tasks that they do not consider to be for warriors," he said at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.

Dr Ahmad Zahid also said Malaysians who died while in Iraq and Syria were not directly involved in battle but were mere casualties due to the belief that they would become martyrs in the end. "
That's just PAP propaganda trying to stop malays from participating in middle east liberation movement.

syed putra

No comments from our Islamic snowflake?

You never read my comments?
The West for some reason are totally obsessed with the middle East.
Any capable emerging leader are either assassinated, executed or regime changed.
Infrastructures are destroyed every few decades. You don't see the West encouraging it's businesses to invest in the area. They will only sell weapons. That's it.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
You never read my comments?
The West for some reason are totally obsessed with the middle East.
Any capable emerging leader are either assassinated, executed or regime changed.
Infrastructures are destroyed every few decades. You don't see the West encouraging it's businesses to invest in the area. They will only sell weapons. That's it.
You're not the Islamic snowflake I was referring to. You're my main mamah.

Now go to the Andre Jumabhoy thread. You may be helpful there


Accordng to the article yes a very close shave indeed and good that it was detected early and arrested the teen before he can inflict harm on the innocent. On the other hand, how can I verify if this story is indeed real and not stories manufactured by the garhmen? Any hard and compelling evidence besides a picture of a knife and a pair of scissors?


Accordng to the article yes a very close shave indeed and good that it was detected early and arrested the teen before he can inflict harm on the innocent. On the other hand, how can I verify if this story is indeed real and not stories manufactured by the garhmen? Any hard and compelling evidence besides a picture of a knife and a pair of scissors?
Pre-GE warning. Without MIW, these kids with scissors will rampage Tampines. Residents of Tampines GRC, vote wisely, vote for your safety.


Rampage through a crowd? You mean a crowd of people can't even pin down a 17 year old teenager?


Rampage through a crowd? You mean a crowd of people can't even pin down a 17 year old teenager?
Not easy if he is a Malay boy. Malays are natural footballers and dribblers. They can do body feigns that can throw the opponents off balance, just like Fandi and Mohd Noor.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Shan is scaremonger
Think of doing say want to do and actually doing it are different things. I want to cull all the mozzies too I want to rape chiobus do…..anyone can think or say they want to do this or that.


lol usual kok article by puppie mouthpiece

nvr say how they actually detected the case

but article says:

"It really would be good if family members and friends reported to the authorities quickly if they suspect that someone they know is being radicalised.

"This helps us to stop them from killing themselves, because they will die in the process. It allows us to try and rehabilitate them."

He added that the cases picked up by authorities are often reported by parents, family members and teachers, and "quite often" when they are alerted, the "person will not even be detained".

so there is in fact no way for them to "detect" such cases but tok until got dragon got phoenix



Islam is a dangerous religion. It's a fact. It breaks down societal harmony.

The kid wants to be a martyr.

The koran has many dangerous doctrines, one of them is martydom.

The koran promotes martydom using the promise of virgins in heaven. @Likemeat right?


In the event of a COWARDLY Terrorist attack upon innocents, SGSecure had created awareness posters for the public on what they should do - run, hide & tell. It is good information on how the public should react & not live in fear, more so from cowards.

However, not many may know the difference between a terrorist attack or just some armed insane man running amok on the streets. Thus should such an event happens:-

1. When one witness such a situation - women, kids & the aged must get away as far & safely as possible in different directions in an open area.

2. Abled bodied men, like me, whom almost all Singaporean males are & had gone thru Basic Military Training to be ready & prepared for situations & eventualities, MUST stay behind, not be stunned into dumbness & inactivity, & THROW any object nearby such as chairs, bottles, glass mugs, dustbin, stones, mops, brooms, etc, from a SAFE DISTANCE to DISTRACT & DELAY the armed man from his single minded aim - to kill as many as possible, as he would be running after the biggest crowd.

This will enable others to get away safely thru such delays.

3. Do not, EVER, attempt to play hero personally for a 1 to 1, even if one is an MMA champion to confront the armed assailant, as you will not know WHAT ELSE he may be carrying. Never, ever, under-estimate the terrorist or the insane...

4. In the event should one run out of objects to throw, even one's bag, & he comes after you, then run AND lead him AWAY from crowds, to save lives. You would have a crucial few seconds or minutes of head-start as you will be at a distance away. Singapore is a built up area with vehicular traffic & many streets/lanes...& hope that others whom still have objects to throw will distract, delay & foil the terrorist or the insane horrific diabolical plans..

Just every male in the area throw objects FROM DIFFERENT directions to delay him, & in the end, he will have to stop to defend himself from every direction, which will give women, kids & the aged MORE TIME to get away, as well for armed police officers to arrive, usually within minutes of an event, to put a bullet into the head of the armed & dangerous assailant to stop him with finality.
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It is often said & sadly acknowledged by most, that authorities may only be 99% right & successful to stop the slaughter of innocents by radicalized terrorists, but all it takes for the terrorists is just to work on that 1% chance, to instill FEAR & COWARDICE to make Free Humankind kneel to terrorists objectives....

HOWEVER, based upon that 1% chance used by Terrorists, they DO NOT call the shots to be successful. Hideous organizations such as theirs will STILL rely on support systems such as family, peers, religion, the naive, etc, even for that 1% mere chance to kill innocents - to bluntly put-kill the chicken to frighten the monkeys.

Did anyone bothered to question WHERE the Billion$ from Humanity Worldwide, even from muslim hated USA, & even Zakats from pious Muslims went to, meant to uplift Muslim lives, more so in Palestine & elsewhere BUT ended up into the pockets of so called leaders & their descendants, & worse such as in Iran to WIPE OUT a country & wage war upon other Sunni Muslims over a 1400yrs old religious supremacy feud?

The REALITY, based upon calculations of probabilities, even by AI from the best Quantum computer from IBM, lays within society & family-the building blocks of Civilization.

Thus, it is society - each with ALL hands on the deck TOGETHER, that CAN DENY the 1% chance by barbaric animals posing as Humans whom are hell bent on stopping Humanity from progress, prosperity, peace & evolution, & much more uplifting virtues for each & innocent generations to come....just as our courageous ancient ancestors from ALL parts of our World on planet Earth, our home, had done for our todays,......If any would be able to comprehend this post....:frown:
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