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WTF. One teenager wants to run around with a pair of scissor or kitchen knife is called a terrorist.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I ran around with a pair of scissors back in the day, why wasn't I arrested? :o-o:



wtf...17 year old boy...cock hair still not fully grown, a terrorist with a pair of scissors?
i would say hole ching's buy high sell low tactic is much more frightening....

on a serious note, if this boy try it on you, and you managed to grab the scissors and stabbed him in the eye, how?
who goes to jail?


Alfrescian (Inf)
wtf...17 year old boy...cock hair still not grown, a terrorist with a pair of scissors?
i would say hole ching's buy high sell low tactic is much more frightening....

on a serious note, if this boy try it on you, and you managed to grab the scissors and stabbed him in the eye, how?
who goes to jail?

I'm quite sure I had a forest of cock hair when I was 17.


wtf...17 year old boy...cock hair still not fully grown, a terrorist with a pair of scissors?
i would say hole ching's buy high sell low tactic is much more frightening....

on a serious note, if this boy try it on you, and you managed to grab the scissors and stabbed him in the eye, how?
who goes to jail?
My serious thinking about your serious note.
It depends whether the boy you stabbed the eye has been ear marked by isd for being a terrorist at that point of your stab.
If he already has been marked, then you will be a hero and given a good citizen award.
If not you will be charged for hurting a innocent child.


Make NO mistake or cast aspersions upon ANY race please.

Any kid who runs along the streets with a knife with INTENTIONS to kill innocent others is a criminal & becomes a murderer when a killing or attempted killing is committed. BUT

ANY kid, of ANY race, who swears allegiance to a terrorist org, radicalized & found with intentions to kill innocent others IS A TERRORIST. More so after ISD had conducted investigations & surveillance WITH EVIDENCES upon him, which even his concerned parents had informed authorities of his suspicious activities & behavior prior to his arrest.


So is a car. I'd rather use a car to create mayhem.

ANY thing can be a weapon - even a mere piece of rock - in the hands of a RADICALIZED teenager hell bent on killing innocents.

Sadly, YOU are ENCOURAGING more, especially the young & naive, & the bitter elderlies, to be terrorists, to kill innocents.

True Believer

No, but I also ran around with a magnifying glass and with the help of the sun god, committed genocide on ants. :biggrin:
I know a guy who paid $200 on eBay for a male organ enlarger which promised instant results. When he opened the parcel, all he found was a magnifying glass.